Welcome my Brothers to this 1973 Section 4-B Conclave. This weekend ahead offers you the most exciting possibilities of any weekend of your Scouting experience! United together with hundreds of your fellow Arrowmen from several Lodges, we have a common goal and purpose.
This weekend we have the opportunity to learn, share and grow from our mutual experiences in the “Arrow”; to improve our Section, Lodges, and ourselves.
Your Chiefs’ have worked hard and cautiously to create a conclave program that will be the best ever! Be sure to share and learn in the conclave by sampling each of the many “tastes” it has to offer you.
It is my hope to greet as many of you as possible, to discuss your feelings and concerns about the Order. Please feel free to stop me and say – Hello!
“Weld Tightly Every Link”, the theme of this year’s conclave is the key to fulfilling the many opportunities and possibilities that the conclave holds for us; we must each and everyone, endeavor to share in a personal commitment to the conclave theme and goals – so that we may broaden the degree of service that we as Arrowmen perform for the Scouts of our home councils and units. Let each of us do our full share!
As you participate in the conclave this weekend don’t hesitate to pause and do at least two things: to meet a new friend – and to think about the conclave them: “Weld Tightly Every Link” – …..How strong is the link that you are building!
“Mindful of our high traditions”
Dan R. Reaser
Chief, Section B
Western Region-Area IV
Order of the Arrow W.W.W.