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Master Data



My Area Order of the Arrow history project was started in 1980 when I saw a list of past host lodges, chiefs, and advisers in the W4A Section Conclave program.  I started out preparing a similar list for Section W4B and as a result become interested in trying to collect more detailed data for Area W4.  When I ran out of responsive sources for data, I decided to publish the data I had in the hope that it would stimulate additional input.  This was in March 1983.  With additional data gathered and the first books mostly sold, I put out a revised book in December 1986.  With the recent assignment of Section W5A to Area W4 as Section W4C, I decided to start to put together their data for this revision.  The data is incomplete at this time, but I hope in time it will be complete.  IF ANYONE CAN PROVIDE ME WITH OLD PROGRAMS, NEWSLETTERS, OTHER COMMUNICATIONS OR MEMORIES FROM W4C, W5A, OR AREA XIIF DATING BACK TO 1955, I WOULD APPRECIATE IT. 



I still require substantiating data and information as follows:


1)             Copies of programs as follows:

Area U Section A 1946 & 1950

Area XIIA 1958 & 1962

Area XIIE 1959 & 1969

Area XIIF All except 1970, 1971 & 1972.

Section W4C 1974, 1975, 1977 & 1978

Section W5A  1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1986, & 1987


2)             Names of all officers and advisers for Area U Section A for 1947.


3)             The location of any of the following past chiefs:


NAME                                                                            LODGE          YEAR             AREA/SECTION


Jack Nicolson                                                               252                  1949                UA

Loren Tarvin                                                                 225                  1951                XIIA

Chuck Pierce                                                                 127                  1955                XIIA

Al Robinson                                                                 298                  1957                XIIA

Greg Richards                                                               430                  1966                XIIA

John Yancy                                                                   436                  1968                XIIA

Larry Abernathy                                                          436                  1970                XIIA

Pat Smith                                                                       228                  1957                XIIE

All Chiefs                                                                                              All                   XIIF

Most Chiefs                                                                                          All                   W5A

Most Chiefs                                                                                          All                   W4C


4)             Names of Vice Chiefs (Deputy Chief) and secretaries or other officers at the time for many of the years.


I hope the data included herein is of interest to you.  I also would appreciate any corrections or additional data you can provide.  It is hard to come by at best and is frequently inaccurate.  Please help if you can.  Enjoy the Order of the Arrow as I have and it will provide you with many friends, fellowship, fun, and satisfaction.


Yours in the WWW,

Tom Tabb

Tom Tabb

Region Order of the Arrow Committee






I wish to thank all who have contributed to the completion of this history.  Following is a list of most of the contributors:



John B. Adams
Carl N. Helmick
Bob Pattison
Vaughan Armstrong
Ken Hody
Walt Pearson
Alden G. Barber
Al Hoogeveen
Dan Reaser
Phil Brigandi
Ernie Houston
Art Remley (deceased)
Dave Brown
Howard Houston
Harry Smith
Gary Christiansen
John Hoy
Jerry Smith
Larry Eberstein
Dick Lamb
Hollis Spindle (deceased)
Ron Ellis
Dr. Bob MacFarlane
Jim Stainer
Leonard Fry
Dick Martin
John Sterrett
Marv Goffman
Terry Meier
Walt Whidden
Tom Gould
Bruce Miller
Walt White
George Gunderman
Dave Minnehan
Chuck Williams
Hurley Hagood
Bruce Moore
Ken Harlan
Mike Nathan



I wish to express a special thanks to John B. Adams, Carl N. Helmick, Dr. Bob MacFarlane, Bruce Moore, Dan Reaser, and Walt White.




DESCRIPTION                                                                                    PAGE


HISTORY SUMMARY                                                                       a

AREA U                                                                                                1

AREA U SECTION A                                                                          1

AREA XIIA                                                                                          3

SECTION W4B                                                                                     9

AREA XIIE                                                                                           24

SECTION W4A                                                                                    30

AREA XIIF                                                                                           46

SECTION W4C                                                                                     51

SECTION W5A                                                                                    53

SECTION W4C                                                                                     58

OFFICER SUMMARY                                                                        Back of book







AREA U                        Site * Camp Drake, San Ynez Mountains & Santa Barbara, CA.

MARCH 26-29              Host * Canalino 90

1945                                Chief * Ernie Houston 249

Treasurer * Ron Calonico 282

Secretary * Glen Mahoney 252

Lay Adviser * none

Region Adviser * A. R. (Andy) Groenink 90 (deceased)


Comments:            The program indicates that this is the first AREA U fellowship meeting.  representatives of the following lodges were present: 90, 102, 207, 225, 249, 252, 278, 282, and 304.  The total attendance was 68 persons.  Member lodges not represented were as follows: 98, 127, 177, 228, 262, 263, 291, 298, 303, and 312.  The officers were honorary.  The July 1945 National Bulletin doesn’t list lodge 312 in AREA U.  The Region Adviser was know as the Area Leader at this time.  A. R. (Andy) Groenink was appointed to the National Committee.





AREA U                        Site * Camp Bill Lane, Sunland, CA.

SECTION A                  Host * SPE LE YAI 249

1946                                Chief * Henry Use 90

Lay Adviser * Wynn Fairchild 228 (deceased)

Region Adviser * A. R. (Andy) Groenink 90 (deceased)


Comments:            reference was made to the site in the 1945 program and again in the 1954 XIIA program.  The fourteenth meeting of the National Lodge was held August 27-29 at Chanute Field, IL. per the July 1946 National Bulletin.  It listed Carl Helmick as the new Area Leader of XIIA.  This raises the question of designation since area records indicate 1951 as the first year with this designation.  A. R. (Andy) Groenink was appointed to the National Executive Committee.



AREA U                        Site * Camp Josepho, Pacific Palisades, CA.

SECTION A                  Host * Tamet 225

MARCH 28-30              Chief *

1947                                Lay Adviser * Wynn Fairchild 228 (deceased)

Professional Adviser * Carl N. Helmick 127

Region Adviser * A. R. (Andy) Groenink 90 (deceased)


Comments:            The program says Section A Area U third annual fellowship conference.  Jack Davies was the Camp Josepho Camp Director.  The following lodges are members of the section: 90, 98, 127, 225, 249, 252, 298, and 304.  No numbers were listed, but Boulder Dam and Cochise were listed.  The host Lodge Chief was Arthur C. Slinde.



AREA U                        Site * Camp Arther Letts, CA.

SECTION A                  Host * Siwinis 252 (Unverified)

MARCH 19-21              Chief * Jack Davies 225

1948                                Lay Adviser * George Aunger 252 (deceased)

Professional Adviser * Carl N. Helmick 127

Region Adviser * A. R. (Andy) Groenink 90 (deceased)


Comments:            The program called this the second annual Section A conference.  All indications are that this was the third.  There were 12 lodges.



AREA U                        Site * Camp Drake, San Ynez Mountains, CA.

SECTION A                  Host * Canalino 90

APRIL 8-10                    Chief * Jack Nicholson 252

1949                                Lay Adviser * George Aunger 252 (deceased)

Professional Adviser * Carl N. Helmick 127

Region Adviser * A. R. (Andy) Groenink 90 (deceased)


Comments:            The program says this is the fifth annual conference.  If the first conference in 1945 had been Section A only, this would be true; however, the 1945 conference has been verified as all of Area U.  There were 12 lodges.



AREA U                        Site * Camp Emerson, Idyllwild, CA.

SECTION A                  Host * Tahquitz 127

MARCH 24-26              Chief * Andy Bissaccia 90

1950                                Lay Adviser * George Aunger 252 (deceased)

Professional Adviser * Carl N. Helmick 127

Region Adviser * A. R. (Andy) Groenink 90 (deceased)


Comments:            They had 10 inches of snow at this conference.




AREA XIIA                  Site * Camp RO KI LI, San Bernardino Mountains, CA.

MARCH 16-18              Host * San Gorgonio 298

1951                                Chief * Loren Tarvin 225

Vice Chief * Jim Lang 252

Lay Adviser * George Aunger 252 (deceased)

Professional Adviser * Carl N. Helmick 127

Region Adviser * A. R. (Andy) Groenink 90 (deceased)


Comments:            The area was redesignated during this year.  Names in the program without titles were as follows:  Kirby Hester 127, Dan ____ker 249, John Dryden 90, Bob Brier 291.  A Vigil ceremony was run for five arrowmen including Tubby Houston.  It was very cold.  There were 16 lodges.



AREA XIIA                  Site * Camp Emerald Bay, Catalina Island, CA.

APRIL 4-6                      Host * Tamet 225

1952                                Chief * Bob Brier 298

Lay Adviser * George Aunger 252 (deceased)

Professional Adviser * Cecil (Skip) Fife 298 (deceased)

Region Adviser * A. R. (Andy) Groenink 90 (deceased)


Comments:            The fee was $3.00.  A. R. (Andy) Groenink received the Distinguished Service Award.



AREA XIIA                  Site * Balboa Park Camp, CA.

APRIL 10-12                  Host * Ashie 436

1953                                Chief * Harry V. Smith 228

Lay Adviser * George Aunger 252 (deceased)

Professional Adviser * Cecil (Skip) Fife 298 (deceased)

Region Adviser * A. R. (Andy) Groenink 90 (deceased)


Comments:            The program says this is the ninth annual conference.  It also notes Bob Brier 298 as the assistant to the Area Adviser.  Harry Smith told me he was unable to attend.  The host Lodge Chief was Dick Stanford.  Lodges in attendance were 90, 98, 127, 225, 228, 249, 252, 298, 304, 312, 391, 432, and 436.



AREA XIIA                  Site * Camp Bill Lane, Sunland, CA.

APRIL 23-25                  Host * SPE LE YAI 249

1954                                Chief * Bill Marumoto 298

Lay Adviser * Sid Frantz 436

Professional Adviser * Cecil (Skip) Fife 298 (deceased)

Region Adviser * Roland Dye (deceased)


Comments:            The program says this is the tenth annual conference.  The December 4, 1954 minutes thanked Skip Fife for his 3 1/2 years as adviser.  There was a newsletter called the “Quiver”.  The program referenced SPE LE YAI as host in 1946.  Lodges in the area are as follows: 90, 98, 127, 225, 228, 249, 252, 291, 298, 304, 312, 391, 432, 436 488, and 494.



AREA XIIA                  Site * Camp Emerson, Idyllwild, CA.

APRIL 15-17                  Host * Tahquitz 127

1955                                Chief * Chuck Pierce 127

Lay Adviser * Sid Frantz 436

Professional Adviser * Howard (Tubby) Houston 249 (deceased)

Region Adviser * Roland Dye (deceased)


Comments:            Last year before XIIE was formed.  Elections were held for both areas.  Lots of snow.  Lodges in the area are as follows: 90, 98, 127, 225, 228, 249, 252, 291, 298, 304, 319, 430, 432, 436 and 488.



AREA XIIA                  Site * El Toro Marine Air Station, El Toro, CA.

APRIL 6-8                      Host * Ahwahnee 430

1956                                Chief * John B. Adams 298

Secretary * Larry Grace 478

Lay Adviser * Sid Frantz 436

Professional Adviser * John Sterrett 298

Region XIIA Adviser * John Triplett (deceased)

Region XII Adviser * Victor D. Sharp


Comments:            First year after XIIA split.  First year for Indian dance competition, and brotherhood chorus.  Winners of solo dance competition in three categories were Ernie Wakham 298, Larry Francis 298, and Chuck Williams 127.  The team winner was Ashie 436.  Tom Watrous 127 lead the brotherhood chorus.  Paul Keely 436 headed the area flag committee.  The following lodges were in the new area: 98, 127, 298, 380, 430, 436, and 478.  Attendance was 185.  National committee members attending were Ed Dike and Bob Gerhart.  There was a special tour of El Toro.  Carl Montgomery was the host lodge chief.  The facilities were for 300 and the cost was $6.00.  Sid Frantz brought up the idea of a perpetual chief metal in a letter to John Adams.  Apparently it was never acted on.



AREA XIIA                  Site * Camp Arataba, Barton Flats, San Bernardino Mountains, CA.

APRIL 26-28                  Host * Wisumahi 478

1957                                Chief * Al Robinson 298

Lay Adviser * Sid Frantz 436

Professional Adviser * John Sterrett 298

Region XII Adviser * John Triplett (deceased)


Comments:            Host lodge chief was Vernon Evans.  Lodges present were 98, 127, 298, 380, 430, 436, and 478.



AREA XIIA                  Site * Balboa Park Camp, San Diego, CA.

APRIL 11-13                  Host * Ashie 436

1958                                Chief * Paul Kelly 436 (deceased)

Lay Adviser * Sid Frantz 436

Professional Adviser * John Sterrett 298

Region XII Adviser * Hurley Haygood


Comments:            The area newsletter was called the “Quiver”.  Philip W. Robins was the National Executive Secretary.  Paul Kelly was killed in Vietnam.  30 members of Ahwahnee attended.


AREA XIIA                  Site * Camp RO KI LI, San Bernardino Mountains, CA.

APRIL 3-5                      Host * San Gorgonio 298

1959                                Chief * Bob MacFarlane 298

Lay Adviser * Tom Pierce 127

Professional Adviser * Bob Ashley 430

Region XII Adviser * Hurley Haygood


Comments:            The host lodge chief was Chuck Remley.  ATSA 380 was trying to become more active.  Tom Pierce couldn’t attend the conference.  Lodges present were 98, 127, 298, 380, 430, 436, and 488.


AREA XIIA                  Site * Camp Emerson, Idyllwild, CA.

APRIL 1-3                      Host * Tahquitz 127

1960                                Chief * Lee Ellis 436

Lay Adviser * Tom Pierce 127

Professional Adviser * Bob Ashley 430

Region XII Adviser * Hurley Haygood


Comments:            Lodges present were 98, 127, 298, 380, 430, 436, and 488.  San Gorgonio won 1st place in indian dancing.


AREA XIIA                  Site * San Bernardino Valley JR. College, San Bernardino, CA.

APRIL 7-9                      Host * Wisumahi 478

1961                                Chief *       William C. Hopkins 98 (Resigned)

Bruce Moore 430 (appointed)

Deputy Area Chief *   Bruce Moore 430 (resigned)

Ted Tudor 478 (appointed)

Lay Adviser * Dr. Jim Weston 436

Professional Adviser * Hollis Spindle (deceased) 298

Region XII Adviser * Hurley Haygood


Comments:  Attendance 220


AREA XIIA                  Site * Palomar College, San Marcos, CA.

APRIL 27-29                  Host * Ashie 436

1962                                Chief * Bruce Moore 430

Deputy Chief * Steve Fossett 298

Lay Adviser * John Hoy 298

Professional Adviser * Walt Pearson 430

Region XII Adviser * David R. Martin


Comments:  Ahwahnee won .  Ahwahnee had the responsibility for publishing the       Conference newspaper: there were 2 editions.1st place in Ordeal and camp craft.                Ahwahnee had 25 in attendance.


AREA XIIA                  Site * Fullerton J. C., Fullerton, CA.

APRIL 19-21                  Host * Ahwahnee 430

1963                                Chief * Craig Reide 98

Deputy Area Chief * Bill Oliver

Lay Adviser * John Hoy 298

Professional Adviser * Walt Pearson 430

Region XII Adviser * David R. Martin


Comments:  Jim Heimer was the Conference Coordinator for Ahwahnee Lodge.


AREA XIIA                  Site * Chaffey College, Alta Loma, CA.

APRIL 19-21                  Host * Navajo 98

1964                                Chief * Ted Patrick 127

Deputy Area Chief * Larry Rupp Jr. 298

Lay Adviser * John Hoy 298

Professional Adviser * Walt Pearson 430

Region XII Adviser * David R. Martin


Comments:    Member lodges were 98, 127, 198, 380, 430, 436, and 478.  The cost was $5.50 per person.


AREA XIIA                  Site * Redlands High School, Redlands, CA.

APRIL 23-25                  Host * ATSA 380

1965                                Chief * Scott Anders 98

Deputy Area Chief * Skip Park 436

Lay Adviser * John Hoy 298

Professional Adviser * Walt Pearson 430

Region XII Adviser * David R. Martin


Comments:    The theme was “IN BROTHERHOOD WE SERVE”. Fee $6.00.  Larry Fowler was Host Lodge Chief.  Ahwahnee placed first in the Brotherhood ceremony and second in swimming, potlatch, and the Ordeal ceremony.  A Conference newspaper was published.  San Gorgonio won awards for costuming and dancing.  They also place high in swimming and potlatch.  48 San Gorgonio members attended.


AREA XIIA                  Site * Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, CA.

APRIL 15-17                  Host * Ashie 436

1966                                Chief * Greg Richards 430

Deputy Area Chief * Bob Lindboe 98

Lay Adviser * Maury Clancy 436 (Deceased)

Professional Adviser * Robert Nicholson

Region XII Adviser * David R. Martin


Comments:    The theme was “STRAIGHT THE PATH TO OUR GOAL”. Maury Clancy was a member of the National Committee.  His term is unknown.  The fee was $5.00.  Basketball, baseball, and swimming competitions were held.


AREA XIIA                  Site * George AFB, Victorville, CA.

MARCH 31                   Host * Wisumahi 478

APRIL 1-2                      Chief * Bob Lindboe 98

1967                                Lay Adviser * Maury Clancy 436 (deceased)

Professional Adviser * Bill Gruber 127

Region XII Adviser * David R. Martin

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:    The theme was “MEN TO MATCH OUR MTS.”. The fee was $5.00.  The attendance was 600 from seven (7) lodges.  Special guests included Col. Carol Edson, Robert Gilrath the Deputy Director of NASA, and LTG. Barry Goldwater.  San Gorgonio took  every prize but one in costuming.  They won most of the dancing awards and paced first in both Ordeal and Brotherhood ceremonies.  It was very cold.


AREA XIIA                  Site * Corona Del Mar High School, Newport Beach, CA.

APRIL 19-21                  Host * San Gorgonio 298

1968                                Chief * John Yancy 436

Deputy Area Chief * Mo Gotcher 127

Lay Adviser * Larry Rupp Sr. 298

Professional Adviser * Ken Harlan 298

Region XII Adviser * Richard Bentley

Region XII Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:    The theme was “ONWARD IN BROTHERHOOD”. The fee was $6.50.  According to the records I can find, there was a change in how the OA was handled in the region at this time.  Each area had a separate region adviser and the overall region had a coordinator.  There were two versions of the patch.  The one issued at the Conference had a rolled border.  It is my understanding that the cut edge version was a prototype and that 24 each were made.  The change was made because the officers didn’t like the cut edge.


AREA XIIA                  Site * Ontario High School, Ontario, CA.

APRIL 10-12                  Host * Navajo 98

1969                                Chief * Mo Gotcher 127

Deputy Area Chief * Rich Collier 380

Lay Adviser * Larry Rupp Sr. 298

Professional Adviser * Ken Harlan 298

Region XII Adviser * Richard Bentley

Region XII Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:    The fee was $6.50.  The guest speaker was Don Fritzloff.  The theme was “SERVICE ABOVE SELF“.  The new Lodge Excellence Award was to be presented.  The Adventure Award was a neckerchief slide.  An old photo showed that this was the first year of the Niganit and it was won by Tahquitz 127.  Winners of the other awards are unknown.


AREA XIIA                  Site * Palm Springs High School, Palm Springs, CA.

APRIL 3-5                      Host * Tahquitz 127

1970                                Chief * Larry Abernathy 436

Deputy Area Chief * Ted Syddon 298

Lay Adviser * Larry Rupp Sr. 298

Professional Adviser * Jim Stainer 298

Region XII Adviser * Richard Bentley

Region XII Coordinator * David R. Martin


The theme was “SERVE TODAY – LEAD TOMORROW”. Comments:          Eight (8) lodges attended.  The Niganit was won by Tahquitz 127.



AREA XIIA                  Site * Los Alamitos High School, Los Alamitos, CA.

APRIL 16-18                  Host * Ahwahnee 430

1971                                Chief * Ted Lyddon 298

Deputy Area Chief * Kim Wilkinson 127

Lay Adviser * Wayne Fowlie 478

Professional Adviser * Al Gaudio 430

Region XII Adviser * Richard Bentley

Region XII Coordinator * Dick Rice


Comments:    The theme was “BUILD FOR THOSE WHO FOLLOW”. The guest speaker was Dick Rice.  Attendance was 850 plus from 8 lodges.  The cost was $6.50.  The Niganit was won by Navajo 98


AREA XIIA                  Site * Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, CA.

APRIL 7-9                      Host * Ashie 436

1972                                Chief * Chuck Howard 430

Deputy Area Chief * Terry Tyson

Deputy Conference Chief * Ray Hagan

Lay Adviser * Wayne Fowlie 478

Professional Adviser * Chief Owen Walker 436 (deceased)

Region XII Adviser * Richard Bentley

Region XII Coordinator * Dick Rice


Comments:    The theme was “THE SPIRIT OF THE ARROW”. This was the last year before the redesignation of the area and implementation of the new section rules.  Dave Boshea, the National Executive Secretary was the guest.  Attendance was 829.  Navajo won the Niganit.  Jim Widmaier, the National Vice Chief, was a special guest.  The Lodge Excellence Award was started this year.  The winner is unknown.





(Plenty of Bears)



SECTION W4B             Site * Redlands High School, Redlands, CA.

APRIL 27-29                  Host * ATSA 380

1973                                Chief * Dan Reaser 98

Vice Chief * Mike Cheley 127

Secretary * David G. Sears 98

Deputy Chief * Stephen Miller 127

Administrative Directors * Chuck Williams 298 & Dan Grant 98

Lay Adviser * Bruce Moore 13

Professional Adviser * Chief Owen Walker 436 (deceased)

Region Chairman * Sam Hathaway 252

Region Adviser * Richard Bentley

Region Coordinator * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was “WELD EVERY LINK TIGHTLY”.  This is the first year following the designation of areas to sections and establishment of new national section rules.  The officer other than chief, vice chief, and secretary were not listed in the new rules as official offices.  The fee was $7.50.  Wiatava lodge 13 won the “Niganit” for the top lodge in the section in the conclave competition and the “Lodge Excellence Award” for the best lodge in the section for the year.



SECTION W4B             Site * Golden West College, Westminster, CA.

APRIL 19-21                  Host * Wiatava 13

1974                                Chief * Mike Cheley 127

Vice Chief * Charlie Wisdom 13

Secretary * Bert Leithold, JR. 127

Lay Adviser * Bruce Moore 13

Professional Adviser * Chief Owen Walker 436 (deceased)

Region Chairman * Sam Hathaway 252

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was “CHALLENGE TO SERVE”.  Ashie 436 won the Niganit and Wiatava 13 won the Lodge Excellence Award



SECTION W4B             Site * Ontario High School, Ontario, CA.

APRIL 4-6                      Host * Navajo 98

1975                                Chief * Charlie Wisdom 13

Vice Chief * Dave Stephens 13

Secretary * Bert Leithold, Jr. 127

Lay Adviser * Don Steele 98

Professional Adviser * Howard Russell 98

Area Lay Adviser * Bruce Moore 13

Area Professional Adviser * Jim Fuller

Region Chief * Kerry Cheesman 90

Region Chairman * Sam Hathaway 252

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was “MINDFUL OF OUR TRADITIONS”.  Wiatava 13 won the Niganit and Ashie 436 won the Lodge Excellence Award.



SECTION W4B             Site * Palm Springs High School, Palm Springs, CA.

APRIL 2-4                      Host * Cahuilla 127

1976                                Chief * Eli Goffman 127

Vice Chief * Wendell Miyaji 436

Secretary * Bert Leithold, Jr. 127

Lay Adviser * Hank Schmel 127

Professional Adviser * Murry Kruse 127

Area Lay Adviser * Bruce Moore 13

Area Professional Adviser * Jim Fuller

Region Chief * Kerry Cheesman 90

Region Chairman * Sam Hathaway 252

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            Wiatava 13 won the Niganit and Ashie 436 won the Lodge Excellence Award.  The opening show was called “The Great American Dream Machine”.  A neckerchief was sold.



SECTION W4B             Site * Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, CA.

APRIL 15-17                  Host * Ashie 436

1977                                Chief * Eli Goffman 127

Vice Chief * Randy Graf 13

Secretary * Ken Hedrick 436

Lay Adviser * Leonard Fry 436

Assistant Adviser * Jim Stewart 436

Professional Adviser * Chief Owen Walker 436 (Deceased)

Area Lay Adviser * Don Hansen 249

Area Professional Adviser * Jim Fuller

Region Chief * Skip Breland 342

Region Chairman * George Flanagan (deceased) 421

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            Wiatava 13 won the Niganit and Cahuilla 127 won the Lodge Excellence Award.  The Tribe of Tahquitz was a guest.



SECTION W4B             Site * National Parachute Test Range, El Centro, CA.

APRIL 28-30                  Host * Pang 532

1978                                Chief * Randy Graf 13

Vice Chief * Larry Brown 13

Secretary * John Martin 13

Lay Adviser * Tom Tabb 13

Professional Adviser * Del Yantis 532

Area Lay Adviser * Steve Carter 303

Area Professional Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Skip Breland 342

Region Chairman * George Flanagan (deceased) 421

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            Wiatava 13 won the Niganit  and the Lodge Excellence Award.  This was the first year the Spirit Award was given and it went to both Wiatava 13 and Navajo 98.  The food  was provided by the Navy and was very good.  We ate at the officers club.  Most attendees stayed in dorms.  The weather was warm and clear.  Joe Lavendar of the Washington Redskins was a special guest.  He is a member of Pang Lodge.  Gene Moore of Pang Lodge started the year as Lay Adviser but resigned for personal reasons.  Tom Tabb, the Associate Adviser, was appointed to fill the term.  There was a neckerchief issued.  Attendance was 585 paid.



SECTION W4B             Site * Fountain Valley High School, Fountain Valley, CA.

APRIL 27-29                  Host * Wiatava 13

1979                                Chief *       Larry Brown 13 (resigned in January – see comments)

Phil Brigandi 13 (elected to finish term)

Vice Chief *           Phil Brigandi 13 (resigned to become chief))

Gary Good 98 (elected to take Phil’s place)

Secretary * Brian Cahill 127

Lay Adviser * Tom Tabb 13

Associate Adviser * John Ernsberger 98

Assistant Adviser * Dave Brown 13

Professional Adviser * John Labare 13 (deceased)

Area Lay Adviser * Leonard Fry 436

Area Professional Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Richard Good 305

Region Chairman * George Flanagan (deceased) 421

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was “STRAIGHT THE PATHWAY TO OUR GOAL”.  Ashie 13 won the Niganit and Cahuilla 127 won the Lodge Excellence Award.  No Spirit Award was given.  The participant award was leather with the theme printed on it.  Larry Brown was elected National Vice Chief at the December 1978 National Planning Conference and as a result was required to resign.  The Region Chief, Richard Good, and the National Executive Secretary, Bill Downs, were special guests along with Larry Brown.  The sprinklers came on in the camping area during the Saturday night program  Phil Brigandi and Tom Tabb caught a pie in the face during the same program.  A neckerchief was issued.



SECTION W4B             Site * El Roble School, Claremont, CA.

APRIL 25-27                  Host * Navajo 98

1980                                Chief * Gary Good 98

Vice Chief *           Sean Goffman 127

Secretary * Dan Dufrenne 98

Lay Adviser * Ted Tingesdahl 98

Associate Adviser * Al Hoogeveen 13

Professional Adviser * Jake Jacobs 98 (deceased) (he was the third adviser during the year)

Area Lay Adviser * Tom Tabb 13

Area Professional Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Richard Good 305

Region Chairman * George Flanagan (deceased) 421

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was “PONDER THAT WHICH IS OUR PURPOSE”.  The participation award was leather with the theme printed on it.  A neckerchief was issued.  Wiatava 13 won the Niganit and the Lodge Excellence Award.  Cahuilla 127 on the Spirit Award.  Mugs, pins, and patches sold for $2.00 each.  Attendance 351.



SECTION W4B             Site * Western Region Headquarters Of The Little League, San Bernardino, CA.

MAY 1-3                        Host * Cahuilla 127

1981                                Chief * Daniel Ginsborg 13

Vice Chief * Mark Schaeffer 436

Secretary * Mike Sachs 127

Lay Adviser * Al Hoogeveen 13

Associate Adviser * Bert Leithold Sr. 127

Professional Adviser * Ken Jeske 127

Area Lay Adviser * Tom Tabb 13

Area Professional Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Kurt Christiansen 566

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was “LET US CATCH THE HIGHER VISION”.  The participation award was leather with the theme printed on it.  A neckerchief was issued.  Wiatava 13 won the Niganit and the Lodge Excellence Award.  The Region Chief was a special guest.  Attendance was 478 and the Spirit Award was won by Pang 532.



SECTION W4B             Site * Imperial Valley College, El Centro, CA.

APRIL 30                       Host * Pang 532

MAY 1-2                        Chief * Nathan Criman 532

1982                                Vice Chief * Mike Sachs 127

Secretary * Howie Kern 127

Adviser * Al Hoogeveen 13

Associate Adviser * Bert Leithold Sr. 127

Staff Adviser * Del Yantis 532 (until 12/81)  Jim Robinson 532

Area Adviser * Tom Tabb 13

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Kurt Christiansen 566

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was “IT STARTED WITH A SPARK”.  The participation award was leather with the theme printed on it.  A neckerchief was issued.  Wiatava 13 won the Niganit and the Lodge Excellence Award.  The Spirit Award was won by Ashie 436.  The attendance was 495.  As of this year Lay advisers became Adviser and Professional Adviser became Staff Adviser.



AREA W4 (W4A & W4B)



AREA W4/W4B           Site * Birmingham High School, Van Nuys, CA.

APRIL 29-30                  Host * Area W4


1983                                W4B OFFICERS

Chief *         Mike Sachs 127 (resigned – see Comments)

Brent Schellhase 13 (elected to complete term)

Vice Chief * Steve Lang 13

Secretary * Rodney Ueno 13

Adviser * Bert Leithold Sr. 127

Associate Adviser * John Bowski 13

Staff Adviser * Ken Jeske 127



Adviser * Tom Tabb 13

Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock



Chief *         Kurt Christiansen 566 (term ended Dec. 1982)

Mike Sachs 127

Chairman * Del Loder 502

Staff Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was “THOSE WHO CHOSE YOU NEED YOU”.  The Participation Award was leather with the theme printed on it.  A neckerchief was issued.  Mike Sachs resigned after being elected Region Chief in Dec. 1982.  Special guests were the Region Chief, Region Chairman, and National Executive Secretary, Bill Downs.  This is the first combined Section W4A and W4B Conclave.  The thirteen (13) lodges from the two sections were in attendance.  Each section maintained its standard awards; however, awards were given to the top lodge in each category.  The attendance was over 1000.  Sixty eight (68) members went through their Brotherhood Ceremony.  Their were 168 sand paintings.  Siwinis Lodge won the overall Spirit Award.  Their was a special chief’s award (a hand carved northwest paddle given to Chumash for distance and % of attendance.  The food was outstanding.  A great time was had by all.  The rain caused no serious problems.  There were over forty (40) Indian dancers.  The patch was designed by David Pinard Sr. of 488.



Outstanding Lodge * Siwinis 252

Ordeal Trophy * Chumash 304

Brotherhood Trophy * Malibu 566



Niganit * Wiatava 13

Lodge Excellence * Wiatava 13







SECTION W4B             Site * Mataguay Scout Reservation, Warner Springs, CA.

MAY 4-6                        Host * Ashie 436

1984                                Chief * Mark Grinstaff 127

Vice Chief * Tim Green 532

Secretary * Max Kreston, Jr. 127

Adviser * Bert Leithold 127

Associate Adviser * John Bowski 13

Staff Adviser * Bruce Drake 436

Area Adviser * Tom Tabb 13 / Esten Grubb 252 (Co-Advisers Feb. / May)

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Mike Sachs 127

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was “IN SERVICE TO OTHERS WE STRIVE”.  The Participation Award was leather with the theme printed on it.    A neckerchief was issued.  There were two patch designs.  The bear on the surf board was a special.  Ashie 436 won the Niganit and Wiatava 13 won the Lodge Excellence Award.  Cahuilla 127 won the Spirit Award.  Special guests were Tom Tabb and Del Loder.  This was Tom Tabb’s last meeting as Area Adviser after a term of 5 years.



SECTION W4B             Site * Foothill High School, Santa Ana, CA.

MAY 3-5                        Host * Wiatava 13

1985                                Chief * Rodney Ueno 13

Vice Chief * Bill Malecki 13

Secretary * Tony Beyenhof 98

Adviser * John Bowski 13

Associate Adviser * Bobby Rainwater 13

Staff Adviser * Ron Brooks / Don York 13

Area Adviser * Esten Grubb 252

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Todd Brohaugh 468

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            Wiatava 13 won the Niganit and Cahuilla 127 won the Lodge Excellence and Spirit Awards.  Attendance was 560.  The theme was 70 YEARS OF BROTHERHOOD 75 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP.  The participation award was leather with  the year and 75 years.  A neckerchief was issued.  Special guests were Mike Hoffman the National Vice Chief and Del Loder the Region Chairman.  There were 32 sand paintings.



SECTION W4B             Site * Camp Pendelton, CA.

MAY 2-4                        Host * Navajo 98

1986                                Chief * Tony Beyenhof 98

Vice Chief * Michael Celano 127

Secretary * Cris Cox 98

Adviser * John Bowski 13

Associate Adviser * Bobby Rainwater 13

Staff Adviser * Don Marheine 98

Area Adviser * Esten Grubb 252

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Todd Brohaugh 468

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            Cahuilla 127 won the Niganit and Spirit Awards and Ashie 436 won the Lodge Excellence Award.  The special guest was Cary Roberts the National Vice Chief.  The theme was NEW FRONTIERS IN SERVICE.  Two patches were issued.  One was 4” and the other 3”.  A neckerchief was issued.  There was a rocker for the Participation Award which had “W4B Participant” on it.



SECTION W4B             Site * Western Region HQ of the Little League, San Bernardino  CA.

MAY 1-3                        Host * Cahuilla 127

1987                                Chief * Michael Celano 127

Vice Chief * Jim Scantlin 127

Secretary * Karl Shelton 98  Eric Hendrix 13 (finished term)

Adviser * Bobby Rainwater 13

Associate Adviser * Al Deweese Iii 436

Staff Adviser * Vi Amundson 127

Area Adviser * Esten Grubb 252

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Rob Patridge 421

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            Wiatava 13 won the Niganit and Spirit Awards and Ashie 436 won the Lodge Excellence Award.  The theme was”REKINDLE THE FIRE”. Two patches were issued.  One was 4” and the other 3”.  There was a rocker for the Participation Award which had “W4B Participant” on it  The special guests were Rob Patridge the Region Chief and Del Loder the Region Chairman.  Total Attendance was 559.  The preordeal and ordeal ceremonies were won by Cahuilla 127.  The Brotherhood Ceremony was won by Navajo 98.  The Regional Section Standard Award was earned.



SECTION W4B             Site * Mataquay Scout Reservation, Warner Springs, CA.

MAY 6-8                        Service Lodge * Pang 532

1988                                Chief * Michael Celano 127 (resigned – see comments)  Tony Martinez 98

Vice Chief * Tony Martinez 98 (moved up to chief)  Mike Southall 436

Secretary * Eric Hendrix 13

Adviser * Bobby Rainwater 13 Al Deweese III 436

Associate Adviser * Al Deweese III 436  Bill Davis 98

Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock (acting)

Area Adviser * Esten Grubb 252  (resigned – see comments)  Bobby Rainwater 13

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Michael Celano 127

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502 / Esten Grubb 252

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            Cahuilla 127 won the Niganit and Spirit Awards and Ashie 436 won the Lodge Excellence Award.  Attendance was 525.  Mike Celano resigned as chief after being elected Region Chief.  Esten Grubb resigned as Area Adviser after being appointed Region Chairman on May 20, 1988  .  Bobby Rainwater resigned after being appointed Area 4 Adviser.  The weather was dry and very very cold.  The theme was RETURN TO OUR HERITAGE. Two patches were issued.  One was 4” and the other 3”.



SECTION W4B             Site * Mataquay Scout Reservation, Warner Springs, CA.

MAY 5-7                        Service Lodge * Ashie 436

1989                                Chief * Mike Southall 436 (resigned – see comments)  Alex Phethean 13

Vice Chief * Aaron Bacon 13

Secretary * Joe Cannon 436

Adviser * Al Deweese III 436

Associate Adviser * Bill Davis 98

Staff Adviser * Len Lanzi

Area Adviser * Bobby Rainwater 13

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Mike Southall 436

Region Chairman * Esten Grubb 252

Region Adviser * Dick Rice / Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “ONWARD AND UPWARD INSPIRED BY THE ARROW”. Two patches were issued.  One was 4” and the other 3”. Cahuilla 127 won the Niganit and Spirit Awards and Ashie 436 won the Lodge Excellence Award.  Attendance was 396.  Esten Grubb was a special guest.  The weather was warm and clear.



AREA W4 (W4A, W4B, W4C)




AREA W4/W4B           Site * Palm Springs High School, Palm Springs, CA.

MARCH 30-31              Service Lodges * Swinis 252, Wiatava 13, & Chee Dodge 503


1990                                W4B OFFICERS

Chief *         Chris Hanson 127

Vice Chief * Paul Vajda 13

Secretary * Junior Kelley 127

Adviser * Bill Davis 98

Associate Adviser * Fred Sage III 13

Staff Adviser * Ron Schoenmehl 13



Adviser * Bobby Rainwater

Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock



Chief *         Mike Southall 436 (term ended dec. 1989)


Chairman * Esten Grubb 252

Staff Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            Attendance was 1628.  Special guests included National Chief John Meckley III, National Vice Chief Tony Steinhart III, and Region Chief Ryan Mecham.  The theme was “BLAZING A PATH TO THE FUTURE”.  The Area 4 Conclave Committee consisted of the current and previous Key 3 of the 17 member lodges, the officers and advisers of the three sections, the Area Adviser Bobby Rainwater, Tom Tabb the Finance Coordinator, Frederic H. Sage III the Public Relations Coordinator, and Dr. Craig Kliger the Public Relations Coordinator.  Conclave Vice Chiefs were Bob Blanck 127 for Indian Events, Arthur Banks 98 for Public Relations, Ralph Ulibarri 252 for Service, Tim Morgan 488 for Shows, Ivan Moore II 532 for Trading Post, and David Dandridge 249 for Training.


W4B Awards

Niganit                                           13

Lodge Excellence Award            13

Spirit Award                                  127





(Plenty of Bears)


SECTION W4B             Site * March Air Force Base, CA.

MAY 3-5                        Service Lodge * Cahuilla 127

1991                                Chief * Louis Monville III 436  (resigned – see comments)  Bobby Kurkjian 13

Vice Chief * Jason Jackson 532

Secretary * Gregg Capella 127

Adviser * Bill Davis 98

Associate Adviser * Fred Sage III 13

Associate Adviser * Dale Kincade 436

Staff Adviser * Steve Kelly 127

Area Adviser * Bobby Rainwater 13 (until 5/18/91)

Area Staff Adviser * Hart Bullock

Region Chief * Louis Monville III 436

Region Chairman * Esten Grubb 252

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “TOGETHER WE STAND”. Two patches were issued.  One was 4” and the other 3”.  There was a rocker for the Participation Award which had “TOGETHER WE STAND” on it Wiatava 13 won the Niganit and Lodge Excellence Award.  Cahuilla won the Spirit Award.  Attendance was       .  The weather was warm and clear.



SECTION W4B             Site * Holcomb Valley Scout Camp, Big Bear Lake, CA.

SEPT. 25-27                   Service Lodge * Navajo 98

1992                                Chief * Bobby Kurkjian 13

Vice Chief * Rick Correz 127

Secretary * Greg Capella 127

Adviser * Fred Sage III 13

Associate Adviser * Dale Kincade 436

Staff Adviser * Dan Trevarthen 98

Area Adviser * Al Naipo 252 (began 5/18/91)

Area Staff Adviser * Hart Bullock

Region Chief * Mark Wimmer 508

Region Chairman * Esten Grubb 252 / Ken Galloway 468 (changed in May)

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “WITHOUT A VISION THERE IS NO VICTORY”. Two patches were issued.  One was 4” and the other 3”. The Conclave was scheduled for May 1-3 at Mt. San Antonio College: however, due to the Los Angeles riots it had to be reshceduled.  Wiatava 13  won the Niganit, Lodge Excellence Award and Spirit Awards.  Attendance was 450.  Total off-sit attendance was 15.  The weather was warm and clear.  Mark Wimmer, Ken Galloway, Esten Grubb, and Tom Tabb were special guests.



SECTION W4B             Site * Mataquay Scout Reservation, Warner Springs, CA.

April 30, May 1-2         Service Lodge * Tiwahe 45

1993                                Chief * Martin Hambalek 98

Vice Chief * Sean Massar 98

Secretary * Harry Bakken 45

Adviser * Fred Sage III 13

Associate Adviser * Dale Kincade 45

Staff Adviser * Floyd Morstein  45

Area Adviser * Al Naipo 252

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief * Ron Mahabir 533

Region Chairman * Ken Galloway 468

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “FEEL THE POWER OF BROTHERHOOD”.  Navajo 98 won the Niganit.  Cahuilla 127 won the Spirit Award and  the Lodge Excellence Award.  Camp Promotion was won by Wiatava 13.  The overall sports award was won by Navajo 98.  Team Dance was won by Wiatava 13.  Pre-Ordeal was won by Navajo and the Ordeal and Brotherhood were won by Wiatava 13.  Attendance was 429.  The weather was warm and clear.  Ashie 436 and Pang 532 have merged during the year to form Tiwahe 45.


SECTION W4B             Site * Lost Valley Scout Reservation, Warner Springs, CA.

April 29-30,                    Service Lodge * Wiatava 13

May 1                             Chief * Cody Barnett 127

1994                                Vice Chief * Kyle Waltz 13

Secretary * Sean Morissey 13

Adviser * Dale Kincade 45

Associate Adviser * George Torbett 127

Staff Adviser * De Tan Nguyen 13

Area Adviser * Al Naipo 252 (thru Feb. 1994)

Area Coordinator * Jack Hess 312 (starting Feb. 1994)

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief * Jim Lewis 252

Region Chairman * Ken Galloway 468

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “WORTH THE TRIP”.   The National Order of the Arrow Committee issued the new Field Operations Guide in July 1993.  As a result, the position of Area Adviser was eliminated.  The Region Order of the Arrow Committee has now created the position of Area Coordinator.  This position carries most of the same responsibilities as the old Area Adviser position.  Special guests included Elizabeth Andre the 1994/95 Miss Teen Age America hailing from Aims, Iowa, National Order of the Arrow Committee Vice Chairman for Lodge Operations Del Loder, National Committee Members Esten Grubb and Bobby Rainwater, Region Committee Member Tom Tabb and Area Coordinator Jack Hess.. Also in attendance were past Region Chiefs Michael Celano (1988) and Louis Mounville III (1991).  Wiatava Lodge 13 won the Niganit and Cahuilla Lodge 127 won the Spirit and  Lodge Excellence Awards.  Wiatava Lodge 13 won Camp Promotion competition and the over-all India Affairs.  Cahuilla Lodge 127 won the overall sports. Attendance was 522 including 228 from Lodge 13, 130 from Lodge 45, 104 from Lodge 45, and 60 from Lodge 98.  The weather was warm and clear.  The shows were the best in several years and where highlighted by the emulation of the Pageant of the Masters using Norman Rockwell scout scenes.


SECTION W4B             Site * University of Calif. Riverside, CA.

May 05-07                     Service Lodge * Cahuilla 127

1995                                Chief * Cody Barnett 127

Vice Chief * Alen Kay 127

Secretary * James Minor 98

Adviser * Dale Kincade 45

Associate Adviser * George Torbett 127

Staff Adviser * Steve Kelly 127

Area Coordinator * Jack Hess 312

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief * Joe Scionti 494

Region Chairman * Ken Galloway 468

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “SEEK TO SERVE AND THUS BE FAITHFUL”.  The participant patch was a 3” square.  There was also a drum shaped patch approximately 2”. Rain was a guest. Attendance was 428.  Cahuilla won the Niganet and Lodge Excellence Awards and Wiatava won the Spirit Award.


SECTION W4B             Site * Riverside School for the Deaf, CA.

May 03-05                     Service Lodge * Navajo 98

1996                                Chief * Tony Fiori 13 / Alan Kay 127

Vice Chief * Shawn Mitchell 45

Secretary * Tracy Covington 127

Adviser * George Torbett 127

Associate Adviser * Mike Philbrook 45

Staff Adviser * David Tate 98

Area Adviser * Jack Hess 312

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief * Tony Fiori 13

Region Chairman * Dick Mills

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “UNITED IN SERVICE”.  A 4” patch was issued for participants.  There was also a small patch with a bear head in the middle.  Special guests included the National Vice Chief Ryan Miske, Western Region Chief Tony Fiori 13, Central Region Chief J. J. Arnold, Southern Region Chief John Berry, National Committeeman Esten Grubb, Region Committee member Tom Tabb, and Area Adviser Jack Hess.  Other guests were W3A Section Chief Josh Souza, W3B Section Chief Lane Kasselman, W3B Section Vice Chief Joey DeMate, W4C Section Chief Romy Brasher, Past National Chief Clint Takeshita, Steve Silbiger past W4A Adviser, &James Ariola W4C Associate Adviser.  This was a great group of guests and many of the participants were able to talk to them.  The Saturday night show was one of the best ever if not the best thanks to the efforts of John Westmyer 13 & Sean Morrissey 13 and support from John’s employer Show Pros..  Alan Kay was elected chief when Tony Fiori had to resign after he was elected Region Chief.  The weather was very warm.  The position of Area Adviser has been put back in the program as an optional position. The total attendance was 407 with 147 from Cahuilla, 26 from Navajo, 96 from Tiwaha, and 128 from Wiatava.  We had 10 out of section guests.  The fee was $22.00.



SECTION W4B             Site * Mataquay Scout Reservation, Warner Springs, CA.

May 02-04                     Service Lodge * Tiwahe 45

1997                                Chief * Tracy Covington 127

Vice Chief * Eric Underwood 127

Secretary * Mark Stickel 13

Adviser * George Torbett 127

Associate Adviser * Mike Philbrook 45

Staff Adviser * Floyd Morstein 45

Area Adviser * Jack Hess 312

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Josh Souza

Region Chairman * Dick Mills

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “MAY THE SASH BE WITH YOU”.  A 3” and a small arrow shaped patches were issued.  The program had a Star Wars slant.  Special guests included the National Director of the Order of the Arrow, Clyde Mayer, Region Chief Josh Souza, Tony Fiori National Committee and immediate past Region Chief, Esten Grubb National Committee, Bobby Rainwater National Committee, Area Adviser Jack Hess, in coming Area Adviser Steve Bradley Sr., Tom Tabb Region Committee, Matt Milleson W5A Chief, Russell Dzialo W4A Chief, Pat Gamble W4C Chief, and James Arriola W4C Associate Adviser.  The weather was warm and clear.  A great time was had by all.  Camp Promotion was won by Cahuilla, Pre-Ordeal by Wiatava, Ordeal by Tiwahe, Brotherhood by Tiwahe, Spirit by Cahuilla, Niganet by Wiatava, and Lodge Excellence by Tiwahe.  Tracy and George received their Silver Bears.  Attendance was


SECTION W4B             Site * Costa Mesa High School, Costa Mesa, CA.

May 01-02                     Service Lodge * Wiatava 13

1998                                Chief * Jared Lee 45 / Mark Stickle 13

Vice Chief * Mark Stickle 13

Secretary * Troy Martinez 13

Adviser * Mike Philbrook 45

Associate Adviser * Bob Westmyer 13

Staff Adviser * Steve Adams 13

Area Adviser * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief *  Brandon Fessler 520

Region Chairman * Jack Hess 312

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “BUILDING A FOUNDATION ON SERVICE”.  The Section Chief resigned in February 1998.  He was replaced by the Vice Chief Mark Stickel.  The Vice Chiefs position remained open until the Conclave   Special guests included Tony Fiori the past Western Region Chief, the Area 4 Adviser Steve Bradley, Sr. and  Tom Tabb from the Western Region Committee. Tyger Mattingly the W4C Secretary from Lodge 432 was the guest speaker at the Saturday night show and spoke on Service to America.  The Saturday night show featured OA Jeopardy and a review of the past 25 years.  It was well prepared and received.  A great time was had by all. Wiatava Lodge won the top sports, dance, and craft awards and did very well in ceremonies and sand painting.  The Spirit Award and Niganet were won by 127, the Lodge Excellence was won by 45.  Mark Stickle received his Silver Bear.  Paid attendance was 423.


SECTION W4B             Site * Calif. State Univ., San Bernardino, CA.

April 30                          Service Lodge * Cahuilla 127

May 02-03                     Chief * Hayato Nakawatase 13 / Steven Scott 127

1999                                Vice Chief * Mark Stickle 13

Secretary * Steve Scott 127 / Vincent Williams 127

Adviser * Mike Philbrook 45

Associate Adviser * Bob Westmyer 13

Staff Adviser * John Winston 127

Area Adviser * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Hayato Nakawatase 13

Region Chairman * Jack Hess 312

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was AN EXPLOSION OF SERVICE Special guests included Region Chief  Hayato Nakawatase, W1B Chief Brad Lowry and his Adviser David Carr, W4A Chief Justin Boren, W5B Chief Brian Barth, Area Adviser Steve Bradley, Region Chairman Jack Hess, National Committee member Esten Grubb, Region Committee member Tom Tabb.  Also present were Past W4B Section Chief Tracy Schulz, and Past Section Advisers Albert Hoogeveen, Dale Kincade, and George Torbett.  A great time was had by all. Wiatava Lodge won of the dance and craft awards. and did very well in ceremonies and sand painting.  The Newsletter competition was won by 45 and Camp Promotion by 13.  The Spirit Award was won by 127, the Niganet was won by 13, and the Lodge Excellence was won by 45.  Steve Scott, Hayato Nakawatase and Mike Philbrook received their Silver Bears in a very good ceremony Saturday night.  All past recipients present were part of that ceremony.  Paid ($29.00) attendance was     .


SECTION W4B             Site * Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, CA.

May 05-07                     Service Lodge * Navajo 98

2000                                Chief * Mark Stickle 13

Vice Chief * Vincent Williams 127

Secretary * Troy Martinez 13

Adviser * Bob Westmyer 13

Associate Adviser * Dave Ramos 98

Staff Adviser * Scott Barthclomew 98

Area Adviser * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Cameron Mulder

Region Chairman * Jack Hess 312

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote to 5/1/00

Gene Wadford


Comments:            The theme was FOLLOW THE ARROW.  Special guests included Region Chief Cameron Mulder, Area Adviser Steve Bradley, Region Committee member Tom Tabb, Darin Sorrels W4A Chief, Rob Wong W3A Chief, Past W2A Chief and NOAC CVC Dustin Thomas, Past W5B Chief Brian Barth, Past W4A Chief and NOAC CVC Justin Boren.  A great time was had by all. There were over 20 sand paintings. Saturday night’s program was high lighted by a Japanese Drum group KISHIN DAKIO. Cahuilla 127 won the Pre Ordeal and Brotherhood while they tied with Wiatava 13 for the Ordeal.  A Brotherhood Ceremony was held Saturday night.  Camp Promotion for presentation and also displays was won by Wiatava 13, the Spirit Award and the Niganet were won by Cahuilla 127 and the Lodge Excellence was won by Tiwahe 45.  Former recipients of the Silver Bears were recognized. Besides the patch there was a pin with the same design as the patch and the participation award was a round pin with a bear face and black background.  The Section issued a Section Flap set (one for each lodge)  Paid attendance was     .


SECTION W4B             Site * Youth Aquatic Center, Fiesta Island, San Diego, CA.

May 04-06                     Service Lodge * Tiwahe 45

2001                                Chief * Robert Brock 45

Vice Chief * Paul Olaso 45

Secretary * Garth Olson 127

Adviser * Bob Westmyer 13

Associate Adviser * Dave Ramos 98

Staff Adviser * Floyd Morstein 45 / Sarrell Watkins 45

Area Adviser * James Arriola 312

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Josh Gana

Region Chairman * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13

Region Adviser * Gene Wadford


Comments:            The theme was.” TO MAKE THE EMBERS GROW” Special guests included National Chief Don Cunningham, Region Chief Josh Gana, Region Chairman Steve Bradley, Area Adviser James Arriola, Region Committee member Tom Tabb, National Committeemen Esten Grubb, Past Region Chiefs Tony Fiori and Cameron Mulder and the current Section Chiefs from 1A, 1B, 1C, 3A,. A great time was had by all. There were over 18 sand paintings. Saturday nights program was high lighted by. a Japanese Drum group Tiako Drummers   Former recipients of the Silver Bears were recognized. Besides the patch there was a square pin and the participation award was a round pin with the a bear and arrow head on white. The Spirit Award and  Niganet were won by 13, the Lodge Excellence was won by 127. Ordeal and Pre-Ordeal  competition was won by 13.   Camp  Promotion was won by 13.  There was a set of four flaps representing the section and each lodge separately.  Paid attendance was approximately 500.


SECTION W4B             Site * Lost Valley Scout Reservation CA.

May 03-05                     Service Lodge *Wiatava 13

2002                                Chief * Robert Brock 45

Vice Chief * Jeremiah Prough 45

Secretary * Matthew Swan 13

Adviser * Dave Ramos 98

Associate Adviser * Dennis Underwood 127

Staff Adviser * Russell Etzenhouser 13

Area Adviser * James Arriola 312

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Josh Gana

Region Chairman * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13

Region Adviser * Gene Wadford


Comments:            The theme was.”” Special guests included National Chief, Region Chief, Region Chairman Steve Bradley, Area Adviser James Arriola, Region Committee member Tom Tabb, National Committeemen Esten Grubb, Past Region Chiefs and  and  the current Section Chiefs from A great time was had by all. There were over  sand paintings. Saturday nights program was high lighted by. won the Pre Ordeal and Brotherhood while they tied with for the Ordeal.  A Brotherhood Ceremony was held Saturday night.  Camp Promotion for presentation and also displays was won by and the Niganet were won by and the Lodge Excellence was won by.  Former recipients of the Silver Bears were recognized. Besides the patch there was a pin with the same design as the patch and the participation award was a round pin with the a        background. Paid attendance was























































AREA XIIE                   Site * Camp Josepho, Pacific Palisades, CA.

APRIL 20-22                  Host * Tamet 225

1956                                Chief * Doug Hart 249

Lay Adviser * Harry Green 488 (deceased)

Professional Adviser * Howard (Tubby) Houston 249

Region Adviser XIIE * Roland Dye (deceased)

Region Adviser XII * Victor D. SharpE


Comments:            Harry Green was a member of the National Order of the Arrow Committee.  His term is not known.  Host lodge chief was Paul Jordan.  Lodges present were 225, 228, 249, 252, 291, and 488.



AREA XIIE                   Site * Firestone Scout Reservation, Brea, CA.

MARCH 15-17              Host * Swinis 252

1957                                Chief * Pat Smith 228

Lay Adviser * Harry Green 488 (deceased)

Professional Adviser * Howard (Tubby) Houston 249

Region Adviser * John Triplett (deceased)


Comments:            Heavy rain.  Host lodge chief was Dave Brown.



AREA XIIE                   Site * Paramount Ranch, Agoura, CA.

APRIL 25-27                  Host * Walika 228

1958                                Chief * Carl Steincrebe 249

Lay Adviser * Harry Green 488 (Deceased)

Professional Adviser * Howard (Tubby) Houston 249

Region Adviser * Hurley Hagood


Comments:            Jim Bonelli was the host lodge chief.



AREA XIIE                   Site * Camp Josepho, Pacific Palisades, CA.

APRIL 3-5                      Host * SPE LE YAI 249

1959                                Chief * Bruce Briggs 228

Lay Adviser * Glen Gordeon 225

Professional Adviser * John Labare 252 (Deceased)

Region Adviser * Hurley Hagood


Comments:            Lodge 90 transferred into the area from XIID



AREA XIIE                   Site * San Marcos High School, Santa Barbara, CA.

APRIL 22-24                  Host * Canalino 90

1960                                Chief * Carroll Hood, Jr. 225

Deputy Area Chief *               Sterling Blanchard 249

Roy Horn 488

Ed Lewis 90

Norbert T. Schnabel 252

Secretary – Recording * Chandy Russell 228

Secretary – Corresponding * Jim Bonar 252

Lay Adviser * Glen Gordeon 225

Professional Adviser * John Labare 252 (deceased)

Region Adviser * David R. Martin


Comments:                LODGE                                      MEMBERSHIP

90                                                100

225                                              450

228                                              400

249                                              350

252                                              3000

291                                              50

488                                                                     700


It was called the 5TH ANNUAL ORDER OF THE ARROW AREA XIIE GOLDEN JUBILEE FELLOWSHIP CONFERENCE.  Special guests included Edward L. Abbott, Mayor of Santa Barbara, Harry Greene, National Committeeman and David Martin D.R.S.E.  The theme was “MISSIONS TO MISSILES”.



AREA XIIE                   Site * Rosemead High School, Rosemead, CA.

APRIL 21-23                  Host * Ta Tanka 488

1961                                Chief * Nobby Schnabel 252

Deputy Area Chief *       Tom Gerfen 488

Sonny Hayes 252

Pete Gordon

Lay Adviser * Ed Hansen 252

Professional Adviser * John Labare 252 (deceased)

Region Adviser * David R. Martin


Comments:                LODGE                                      MEMBERSHIP

90                                                175

225                                              400

228                                              800

249                                              350

252                                              3000

291                                              70

488                                              500


The theme was “WELD TIGHTLY EVERY LINK”. Special guests included Lee Harbottle Scout Executive San Gabriel Valley Council and A. B. Halverson, President of San Gabriel Valley Council.  The Keynote Speaker was Wendell Noble the Director of Radio and Communiity Relations, Glendale Federal Savings.  The closing Challenge was given by Wes Klusman, National Director of Camping


AREA XIIE                   Site * Matilija Jr. High School, Ojai, CA.

APRIL 27-29                  Host * Topa Topa 291

1962                                Chief * Chandy Russell 228

Deputy Area Chief *               Charles Davis 90

Jay Olin 249

Lay Adviser * Ed Hansen 252

Professional Adviser * Jack Hoag 488

Region Adviser *             David R. Martin (thru 1/62)

Jay W. Clements


Comments:                LODGE                                      MEMBERSHIP

90                                                200

225                                              400

228                                              828

249                                              250

252                                              3000

291                                              250

488                                              875



AREA XIIE                   Site * Loyola University, Los Angeles, CA.

APRIL 19-21                  Host * Tamet 225

1963                                Chief * Steve Sharbrough 225

Deputy Area Chief *               Jim Montgomery 228

Pat Novolanic 249

Terry Grimm

Lay Adviser * Jack Nakano 90

Professional Adviser * Jack Hoag 488

Region Adviser * Gerald Winslow


Comments:            The cost was $6.00.  The Conference was limited to 600.  Nine special activity sessions were planned.  A Bar-B-Q dinner was held Friday night along with fellowship and entertainment.  The guest speaker for dinner was William H. Parker, LA Chief of Police.  The closing Challenge was by Gerald Winslow, D. R. S. E.  There was also a patch with a white border and a white twill background.  I have only seen one and it is not clear what it was made for.



AREA XIIE                   Site * Firestone Scout Reservation, Brea, CA.

APRIL 10-12                  Host * Swinis 252

1964                                Chief * Paul Doose Jr. 225

Deputy Area Chief *               Dick Peter 228

Tom Cano 252

Secretary * Mike Aquino 90

Lay Adviser * Jack Nakano 90

Professional Adviser * Walter Nappa 90 (Deceased)

Region Adviser * Gerald Winslow


Comments:            Iron Eyes Cody was a special guest.



AREA XIIE                   Site * Jubilee Scout Ranch, Pinon Hills, CA.

APRIL 23-25                  Host * Walika 228

1965                                Chief * Tom Cano 252

Deputy Area Chief *               Dick Peter 228

Mike Aquino 90

John Burke 228

Secretary * Jerry Alcantary 225

Lay Adviser * Karl Stamm 252 (Deceased)

Professional Adviser * Walter Nappa 90 (Deceased)

Region Adviser * Gerald Winslow

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:                LODGE                                      MEMBERSHIP

90                                                250

225                                              350

228                                              1277

249                                              400

252                                              2000

291                                              275

488                                              1000




AREA XIIE                   Site * San Marcos High School, Santa Barbara, CA.

APRIL 15-17                  Host * Canalino 90

1966                                Chief * Keith Bair 488

Deputy Area Chief *               Mike Trout 488

Mike Aquino 90

Jim Hornback 249

Secretary * Jim Olsen 249

Lay Adviser * Karl Stamm 252 (Deceased)

Professional Adviser * Bob Mooney 252

Region Adviser *             Gerald Winslow

William Davis (deceased)

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:            Harry Green was still a National Committee member.



AREA XIIE                   Site * Glendale Civic Center, Glendale, CA.

MARCH 31                   Host * SPE LE YAI 249

APRIL 2                         Chief * Mike Trout 488

1967                                Deputy Area Chief *               Robert Peter 228

Gary Bowen 228

Jim Hornback 249

Secretary * Bill Rice 488

Lay Adviser * Walt White 228

Professional Adviser * Bob Mooney 252

Region Adviser * William Davis (Deceased)

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:            The theme was “WORLD BROTHERHOOD”. Col. Edson was a special guest.



Area XIIE                      Site * Cal State Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

APRIL 19-21                  Host * Ta Tanka 488

1968                                Chief * Gary Bowen 228

Deputy Area Chief *               Bill Sitz 488

Art Stevens 488

Brad Carter 291

Secretary * Tom Keithly 228

Lay Adviser * Walt White 228

Assistant Adviser *                Karl Stamm 252 (deceased)

Bob Pattison 252

Professional Adviser * Walt Figge 252

Region Adviser * William Davis (deceased)

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:                LODGE                                      MEMBERSHIP

90                                                252

225                                              320

228                                              1000

249                                              350

252                                              2000

291                                              220

488                                              1500


There where three patches.  The black border with the white buffalo was the participate patch.  There was a black border with a gold mylar buffalo and a white border with a white buffalo.



AREA XIIE                   Site * Nordhoff High School, Ojai, CA.

APRIL 11-13                  Host * Topa Topa 291

1969                                Chief * Art Stevens 488

Deputy Area Chief *               Doug Scott 90

Gale Winting

Warren Ungles 291

Secretary *

Lay Adviser * Bob Pattison 252

Assistant Adviser *                Walt White 228

Mel Trout 488

Professional Adviser * Walt Figge 252

Region Adviser * Dick Lamb

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:            The theme was “MINDFUL OF OUR HIGH TRADITIONS”.

There were three border colors.





AREA XIIE                   Site * Pacific Missile Range, Pt. Mugu, CA.

APRIL 3-5                      Host * Tamet 225

1970                                Chief * Tom Conrad 252

Deputy Area Chief *               Jon Wagner 252

Randy Hromandik 291

Secretary * Doug Scott 90 (appears to have resigned)

Lay Adviser * Bob Pattison 252

Assistant Adviser *                Walt White 228

Mel Trout 488

Professional Adviser * Walt Figge 252

Region Adviser * Dick Lamb


Comments:            59 chapters in 7 lodges with 5540 membership made up the area. There were two border colors for the patch.  The participant patch had a purple border.  There was also a red border.  There was also a rocker.



AREA XIIE                   Site * El Camino College, Torrance, CA.

APRIL 16-18                  Host * Swinis 252

1971                                Chief * Carlos Mejia 252

Deputy Area Chief *               Lee Hess 228

Rick Oakes 252

Secretary * Mike Presky 228

Lay Adviser * Ray Peter Sr. 228

Assistant Adviser *                Walt White 228

Bob Pattison 252

Professional Adviser * Walt Figge 252

Region Adviser * Dick Lamb


Comments:                Chuck Barber was a Deputy National Conference Chief.  The participant patch had a green border.  There was also a red border.


                                    LODGE                                      MEMBERSHIP

90                                                250

225                                              320

228                                              1000

249                                              510

252                                              2000

291                                              120

488                                              1500



AREA XIIE                   Site * Birmingham High School, Van Nuys, CA.

APRIL 7-9                      Host * Walika 228

1972                                Chief * Brad Quibell 249

Deputy Area Chief *               Chuck Barber 252 (program)

Bruce Miesse 249 (competition)

Mike Coussineua 488 (competition)

Secretary *

Treasurer * Guy Sanford 252

Lay Adviser * Ray Peter Sr. 228

Assistant Adviser *                Walt White 228

Don Hansen 249

Professional Adviser * Don Pittenger 228

Region Adviser * Dick Lamb


Comments:                This was the last year before the re-organization.  Dave Boshea the National Executive Secretary was a special guest.  Lodges 90 and 291 were transferred back to XIID.  The remaining lodges were 225, 228, 249, 252, and 488.  There several variations of the patch.








SECTION W4A            Site * Hoover High School, Glendale, CA.

APRIL 27-29                  Host * SPE LE YAI 249

1973                                Chief * Brad Quibell 249

Deputy Area Chief *               Rene Mejia 252

Rick Breithaupt 566

Fritz Ebbs 304

Secretary * Fred Nishpercy 252

Treasurer * Mike Wolf 566

Lay Adviser * Don Hansen 249

Assistant Adviser *                Al Hoogeveen 252

Bob Barnes 488

Professional Adviser * Don Pittenger 566

Region Chairman * Sam Hathaway 252

Region Adviser * Richard Bentley


Comments:                Section members were 90, 249, 252, 291, 303, 304, 488, and 566.  Lodges 225 and 228 merged to form 566.  Dave Boshea was the National Executive Secretary and a special guest.  This was the first year of the new organization.  The officers were not in accordance with the new section manual: however, it isn’t clear if one was available at this time.  The participants patch had a black border and there was also a gold border patch.


Outstanding Lodge * Malibu 566

Ordeal Trophy * Malibu 566

Brotherhood Trophy * Siwinis 252



SECTION W4A            Site * Nordhoff High School, Ojai, CA.

APRIL 19-21                  Host * Canalino 90

1974                                Chief * Rick Breithaupt 566

Vice Chief * John Alexander 90

Secretary * Jeff Becker 488

Lay Adviser * Don Hansen 249

Assistant Adviser *Les Luby 566

Professional Adviser * Ray Bates 249

Region Chairman * Sam Hathaway 252

Region Adviser * Dick Rice



The participants patch had a red border and there was also a gold border patch.


Section members were 90, 249, 252, 291, 303, 304, 488, and 566.

Outstanding Lodge * Malibu 566

Ordeal Trophy * Malibu 566

Brotherhood Trophy * Malibu 566



SECTION W4A            Site * Cal State University, Los Angeles, CA.

APRIL 4-6                      Host * Ta Tanka 488

1975                                Chief *       Kerry Cheesman 90 / Paul Mcnulty 252

Vice Chief * Kent Kuwata 566

Secretary * John Alexander 90

Lay Adviser * Don Hansen 249

Assistant Adviser *                Les Luby 566

Gene Hickle 488

Paul Weiss Jr. 566

Professional Adviser * Ray Bates 249

Area Professional Adviser * Jim Fuller

Region Chief * Kerry Cheesman 90

Region Chairman * Sam Hathaway 252

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                Kerry Cheesman 90 was elected the first Region Chief at the December 1974 National Order Of The Arrow Planning Conference.  As a result, he had to resign his position.  There were three border colors for the patch.  The red border was for the participants.  There was a white border used for the Council of Chiefs and also there was a blue border patch.


Outstanding Lodge * Malibu 566

Ordeal Trophy * Malibu 566

Brotherhood Trophy * Malibu 566



SECTION W4A            Site * Highland High School, Bakersfield, CA.

APRIL 2-4                      Host * Yowlumne 303

1976                                Chief * Steve Lorraine 303

Vice Chief * Tom Tenerowicz 488

Secretary * Kelly Williams 303

Lay Adviser * Steve Carter 303

Assistant Adviser *                Don Hansen 249

Gene Hickle 488

Ethan Lipton 252

Professional Adviser * Don Butler 303

Area Lay Adviser * Bruce Moore 13

Area Professional Adviser * Jim Fuller

Region Chief * Kerry Cheesman 90

Region Chairman * Sam Hathaway 252

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                The theme was “YOUTH-OUR THIRD CENTURY”.

Outstanding Lodge * Malibu 566

Ordeal Trophy * Swinis 252

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291



SECTION W4A            Site * Firestone Scout Reservation, Brea, CA.

APRIL 29-30                  Host * Swinis 252

MAY 1                           Chief * Tom Tenerowicz 488

1977                                Vice Chief * Bob Wolf 303

Secretary * Jay Rosenlieb 303

Lay Adviser * Ethan Lipton 252

Assistant Adviser *                Steve Carter 303

Ray Meisenheimer 291

Professional Adviser * E. L. Vinzant 252

Area Lay Adviser * Don Hansen 249

Area Professional Adviser * Jim Fuller

Region Chief * Skip Breland 342

Region Chairman * George Flanagan (deceased) 421

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * All Lodges

Ordeal Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291



SECTION W4A            Site * Rio Mesa High School, Oxnard, CA.

MAY 5-7                        Host * Topa Topa 291

1978                                Chief *       Gary Christiansen 566

Vice Chief * Steve Cox 304

Secretary * Jay Rosenlieb 303

Lay Adviser * Ray Meisenheimer 291

Assistant Adviser *                Ethan Lipton 252

Mike Nathan 566

Professional Adviser * Hollis Spindle (deceased) 291

Area Lay Adviser * Steve Carter 303

Area Professional Adviser * Jim Fuller

Region Chief * Skip Breland 342

Region Chairman * George Flanagan (deceased) 421

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * Swinis 252

Ordeal Trophy * not awarded

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291


Bill Downs, the National Executive Secretary was a special guest.



SECTION W4A            Site * Birmingham High School, Van Nuys, CA.

MAY 4-6                        Host * Malibu 566

1979                                Chief * Gary Christiansen 566

Vice Chief * Jaimie Walker 249

Secretary * Mike Reuter 291

Lay Adviser * Mike Nathan 566

Professional Adviser * Jim Pennington 566

Area Lay Adviser * Leonard Fry 436

Area Professional Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Richard Good 305

Region Chairman * George Flanagan (deceased) 421

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                There was a blue and red border patch.  The blue was the participant patch.  The red was given to the Council of Chiefs and special guests.


Outstanding Lodge * Ta Tanka 488

Ordeal Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291


Richard Good was a special guest.



SECTION W4A            Site * Mt. Gleason Jr. High School, Sunland, CA.

MARCH 7-9                  Host * SPE LE YAI 249

1980                                Chief *       Dave Simon 566

Vice Chief * Mike Reuter 291

Secretary * Doug Sekishiro 90

Lay Adviser * Mike Nathan 566

Associate Adviser * Esten Grubb 252

Professional Adviser * Steve Carlson 249

Area Lay Adviser * Tom Tabb 13

Area Professional Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Richard Good 305

Region Chairman * George Flanagan (deceased) 421

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * SPE LE YAI 249

Ordeal Trophy * Malibu 566

Brotherhood Trophy * SPE LE YAI 249


Richard Good was special guest.  The participant patch had a black border.  There was also a grey border patch that was given to the Council of Chiefs and special guests.



SECTION W4A            Site * Westchester High School, Los Angeles, CA.

MARCH 6-8                  Host * Swinis 252

1981                                Chief * Kurt Christiansen 566

Vice Chief * Doug Sekishiro 90

Secretary * Ken Mortensen 249

Lay Adviser * Esten Grubb 252

Associate Adviser * Rick Breithaupt 566

Professional Adviser * Jim Stainer 252

Area Lay Adviser * Tom Tabb 13

Area Professional Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Richard Good 305 / Kurt Christiansen 566

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * Ta Tanka 488

Ordeal Trophy * Malibu 566

Brotherhood Trophy * Ta Tanka 488


Kurt Christiansen was elected Region Chief in December 1980.  He was allowed, by the national committee, to complete his term of office since the conclave was within a week of the required resignation  date.  Conclave chairman was Joe Paris.  The participants patch had a white border and there was also a silver mylar border patch given to the Council of Chiefs and special guests.



SECTION W4A            Site * Mt. San Antonio College, La Puente, CA.

MARCH 5-7                  Host * Ta Tanka 488

1982                                Chief * Ralph Mason 566

Vice Chief * Tom Rosenberg 304

Secretary * Greg Anders 291

Lay Adviser * Esten Grubb 252

Associate Adviser * Rick Breithaupt 566

Professional Adviser * Jeff Gonce 488

Area Lay Adviser * Tom Tabb 13

Area Professional Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief *Kurt Christiansen 566

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * Malibu 566

Ordeal Trophy * Malibu 566

Brotherhood Trophy * Malibu 566


The theme was “OUR TO PRESERVE”.  Special guests included Kurt Christiansen, Kevin Moll the National Vice Chief, and Del Loder.  As of this year Lay AdviserS became Adviser and Professional Adviser became Staff Adviser.  The participants award with an arrowhead shaped leather patch.



AREA W4 (W4A, W4B, W4C)



AREA W4/W4A          Site * Birmingham High School, Van Nuys, CA.

APRIL 29-30                  Host * Area W4


1983                                W4A OFFICERS

Chief * Kip Sharpe 90

Vice Chief * Cris Gardea 252

Secretary * Joe Koch iii 304

Adviser * Esten Grubb 252

Associate Adviser * Rick Breithaupt 566

Staff Adviser * Ken Jeske 127



Adviser * Tom Tabb 13

Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock



Chief *         Kurt Christiansen 566 (term ended Dec. 1982)

Mike Sachs 127

Chairman * Del Loder 502

Staff Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was “THOSE WHO CHOSE YOU NEED YOU”.  Mike Sachs resigned after being elected Region Chief in Dec. 1982.  Special guests were the Region Chief, Region Chairman, and National Executive Secretary, Bill Downs.  This is the first combined Section W4A and W4B Conclave.  The thirteen (13) lodges from the two sections were in attendance.  Each section maintained it standard awards; however, awards were given to the top lodge in each category.  The attendance was over 1000.  Sixty eight (68) members went through their Brotherhood Ceremony.  Their were 168 sand paintings.  Siwinis Lodge won the overall Spirit Award.  Their was a special chief’s award (a hand carved northwest paddle given to Chumash for distance and % of attendance.  The food was outstanding.  A great time was had by all.  The rain caused no serious problems.  There were over forty (40) Indian dancers.  The patch was designed by David Pinard Sr. of 488.



Outstanding Lodge * Siwinis 252

Ordeal Trophy * Chumash 304

Brotherhood Trophy * Malibu 566




Niganit * Wiatava 13

Lodge Excellence * Wiatava 13







SECTION W4A            Site * Rio Mesa High School, Oxnard, CA.

APRIL 27-29                  Host * Topa Topa 291

1984                                Chief * Pete J. Bowden 90

Vice Chief * Robbie Frankle 566

Secretary * Tyler Liljekvist 291

Adviser * Rick Breithaupt 566

Associate Adviser * Al Hoogeveen 566

Staff Adviser * Hollis Spindle (deceased) 291

Area Adviser * Tom Tabb 13 / Esten Grubb 252 (co-advisers Feb. / May)

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief *Mike Sachs 127

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * Siwinis 252

Ordeal Trophy * Chumash 304

Brotherhood Trophy * Chumash 304

Most Spirited Lodge * Siwinis 252


The theme was “FIRM BOUND IN BROTHERHOOD”.  This was the first year of the Most Spirited Lodge Award.  This was Tom Tabb’s last meeting as Area Adviser after a term of 5 years.  There was a white border patch for participants.  It is reported that there was also a gold mylar border patch.  The participants award was a arrow shaped leather patch  with the section thunderbird  on it.



SECTION W4A            Site * Vandenberg AFB, CA.

MARCH 22-24              Host * Canalino 90

1985                                Chief * Cris Gardea 252

Vice Chief * Steve Mcfadden 291

Secretary * Charles Furness 291

Adviser * Al Hoogeveen 566

Associate Adviser * John Thomas 304

Assistant Adviser * Thomas Robert Carr 291

Staff Adviser * Allan Hutchison 90

Area Adviser * Esten Grubb 252

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Todd Brohaugh 468

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * Malibu 566

Ordeal Trophy * Chumash 304

Brotherhood Trophy * Chumash 304

Most Spirited Lodge * Youlumne 303

Attendance * 560 (a record)

Fair * Ta Tanka 488

Crazy Oylmpics * Malibu 566


The theme was “POINTING TO THE FUTURE”.  The participants award was an arrow shaped leather patch with the theme on it.  There was also a red, white and blue leather patch with the  shuttle on it.  Esten Grubb was recognized as a new member of the National Committee.  Special guests were Bill Downs the National Executive Secretary and Del Loder Region Chairman.  The Sections Chief’s from W3A, W4B, and  were present.  Saturday night featured a Santa Maria style Bar-B-Q.  A special feature was the tour of Slick 6 which is the new space shuttle launch facility.  The space shuttle enterprise was also seen up close.



SECTION W4A            Site * Desert High School, Edwards AFB, CA.

MARCH 15-17              Host * Malibu 566

1986                                Chief * Cris Miller 90

Vice Chief * Paul Hutchison 90

Secretary * Charles Furness 291

Adviser * Bob Hauser 291

Associate Adviser * Al Naipo 252

Staff Adviser * Jon Mckenzie 566

Area Adviser * Esten Grubb 252

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief *Rob Patridge 421

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * Malibu 566

Ordeal Trophy * Malibu 566

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Most Spirited Lodge * Siwinis 252

Attendance * 602 (another record)


A special guest was Cary Roberts the National Vice Chief.  A special feature on Sunday was the static air show.  Boy did we have rain.  The red border patch was for participants.  There was also a gold mylar border patch.



SECTION W4A            Site * Bakersfield College, Bakersfield, CA.

MARCH 20-22              Host * Youlumne 303

1987                                Chief * Cris Miller 90

Vice Chief * Michael Metcalf 303

Secretary * Glen Bower 291

Adviser * Al Naipo 252

Associate Adviser * Dennis Lally 291

Staff Adviser * Jeff Morris 303

Area Adviser * Esten Grubb 252

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief *Rob Patridge 421

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * Youlumne 303

Ordeal Trophy * Youlumne 303

Brotherhood Trophy * Youlumne 303

Most Spirited Lodge * Ta Tanka 488

Attendance * 543  (43 from out of section)


The theme was “HERITAGE AND TRADITIONS”.  The Saturday night entertainment was an outstanding hypmotist.  Although it rained the facility was excellant and precluded any problems.  Unfortunately, 300 got food poisoning.



SECTION W4A            Site * John Muir Jr. High School, Burbank, CA.

MARCH                        Service Lodge * Spe Le Yai 249

1988                                Chief * Cary Evans 303

Vice Chief * Ben Bishin 566

Secretary * Glen Bower 291

Adviser * Al Naipo 252

Associate Adviser * Dennis Lally 291

Staff Adviser * Del Haden 249

Area Adviser * Esten Grubb 252 / Bobby Rainwater 13

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Michael Celano 127

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502 / Esten Grubb 252

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * Youlumne 303

Ordeal Trophy * Youlumne 303

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Most Spirited Lodge * Ta Tanka 488

Attendance * 468


The theme was “15 YEARS OF SPIRIT IN BROTHERHOOD”.  The entertainment was the Fats Johnson music group.



SECTION W4A            Site * Newbury Park. High School, Newbury Park, CA.

MARCH 10-12              Service Lodge * Topa Topa 291

1989                                Chief * Cary Evans 303

Vice Chief * Mike Careatti 303

Secretary * Ralph Ulibarri 252

Adviser * Dennis Lally 291

Associate Adviser * Kelly Williams 303

Staff Adviser * Bill Loyko 90

Area Adviser * Bobby Rainwater 13

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Michael Celano 127

Region Chairman * Esten Grubb 252

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * Youlumne 303

Ordeal Trophy * Youlumne 303

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Most Spirited Lodge * Ta Tanka 488

Attendance * 488


Special guests were Jack Stephens the National Chief, Alex Phethean the W4B Chief, Roy Anderson the W4C Chief, Esten Grubb the Regional Chairman, and Bobby Rainwater the Area Adviser. The theme was “HEADED FOR THE FUTURE”. 


AREA W4 ( W4A, W4B, W4C)




AREA W4/W4A          Site * Palm Springs High School, Palm Springs, CA.

MARCH 30-31              Service Lodges * swinis 252, Wiatava 13, & Chee Dodge 503


1990                                W4A OFFICERS

Chief * Cary Evans 303

Vice Chief * Gavin Smith 303

Secretary * Scott Petersen 291

Adviser * Dennis Lally 291

Associate Adviser * Kelly Williams 303

Staff Adviser * Jim Stainer 252



Adviser * Bobby Rainwater

Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock



Chief * Mike Southall 436 (term ended Dec. 1989)


Chairman * Esten Grubb 252

Staff Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            Attendance was 1628.  Special guests included National Chief John Meckley III, National Vice Chief Tony Steinhart III, and Region Chief Ryan Mecham.  The theme was “BLAZING A PATH TO THE FUTURE”.  The Area 4 Conclave Committee consisted of the current and previous Key 3 of the 17 member lodges, the officers and advisers of the three sections, the Area Adviser Bobby Rainwater, Tom Tabb the Finanace Coordinator, Frederic H. Sage III the Public Relations Coordinator, and Dr. Craig Kliger the Public Relations Coordinator.Conclave Vice Chiefs were Bob Blanck 127 for Indian Events, Arthur Banks 98 for Public Relations, Ralph Ulibarri 252 for Service, Tim Morgan 488 for Shows, Ivan Moore II 532 for Trading Post, and David Dandridge 249 for Training.


W4A Awards

Outstanding Lodge * Youlumne 303

Ordeal Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Brotherhood Trophy * Youlumne 303

Most Spirited Lodge *



SECTION W4A            Site * La Salle High School, Pasadena, CA.

MARCH 15-17              Service Lodge * Ta Tanka 488

1991                                Chief * Gavin Smith 303

Vice Chief * Scott Petersen 291

Secretary * Howard Durand 291

Adviser * Kelly Williams 303

Associate Adviser * Steve Silbiger 252

Staff Adviser * Al Sakai 488

Area Adviser * Bobby Rainwater 13

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Louis Monville III 436

Region Chairman * Esten Grubb 252

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * Siwinis 252

Ordeal Trophy * Malibu 566

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Most Spirited Lodge * Topa Topa 291

Attendance * 398



SECTION W4A            Site * Newbury Park High School, Newbury Park, CA.

MARCH 20-22              Service Lodge * Topa Topa 291

1992                                Chief * Jeff Morgan 488

Vice Chief * Kevin Kolde 291

Secretary * Mark Gustafson

Adviser * Kelly Williams 303

Associate Adviser * Steve Silbiger 252

Staff Adviser * Leilani Beultman 291

Area Adviser * Al Naipo 252

Area Staff Adviser * Hart Bullock

Region Chief * Mark Wimmer 508

Region Chairman * Esten Grubb 252 / Ken Galloway 468

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * Siwinis 252 / Topa Topa 291

Ordeal Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Most Spirited Lodge * Siwinis 252

Attendance * 398


The theme was “OA: VOYAGE TO DISCOVERY”. Special guest included Esten Grubb, Tom Tabb, Bobby Rainwater.



SECTION W4A            Site * Vandenberg AFB, CA.

MARCH 19-21              Service Lodge * Canalino 90

1993                                Chief * Jeff Morgan 488

Vice Chief * Kevin Kolde 291

Secretary * Mario Eredia 566

Adviser * Steven Silbiger 252

Associate Adviser * Alan  Rosen 566

Staff Adviser * Paul Ferenz 90

Area Adviser * Al Naipo 252

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief *  Ron Mahabir 533

Region Chairman * Ken Galloway 468

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:                Outstanding Lodge * Siwinis 252

Ordeal Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Vigil * Topa Topa 291

Most Spirited Lodge * Chumash 304

Flight of the Thunderbird * Tatanka 488

Attendance * 548


The theme was “FOCUS ON THE FUTURE”. Special guest included the National Chief Brian Beaverstock, Region Chief Ron Mahabir, W4B Chief Martin Hambalck, W4C Chief Scott Beckett, W4C Adviser Jack Hess, National Committeemen Esten Grubb and Clint Takeshita, Region Committee Member Tom Tabb, Area Adviseer Al Naipo, Roy Anderson and Jambes Ariola past W4C Chiefs, and Mark Chilutti 1988 NOAC CVC for Public Relations.  Friday nights guest speaker was Col.  Abela and the Saturday night guest speaker was Lt. GeneralTurk Jameson.  A Santa Maria style Bar-B-Q was enjoyed by all on Saturday night.  The weather was good.


SECTION W4A            Site * Edwards AFB, CA.

MARCH 18-20              Service Lodge * Malibu 566

1994                                Chief * Jim Lewis 252 (until Jan. 1994) / Howard  Durand 291

Vice Chief * David Steward 291

Secretary * Kieth Melton 304

Adviser * Steven Silbiger 252

Associate Adviser * Alan  Rosen 566

Staff Adviser * Jon Mckenzie 566

Area Adviser * Al Naipo 252 (Thru Feb. 1994)

Area Coordinator * Jack Hess 312 (starting in Feb. 1994)

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief *  Jim Lewis 252

Region Chairman * Ken Galloway 468

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:                This was the first year of Vigil competition.  The National Order of the Arrow Committee issued the new Field Operations Guide in July 1993.  As a result, the position of Area Adviser was eliminated.  The Region Order of the Arrow Committee has now created the position of Area Coordinator.  This position carries most of the same responsibilities as the old Area Adviser position.

Outstanding Lodge * Topa Topa 291

Ordeal Trophy * Malibu 566

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Vigil * Malibu 566

Most Spirited Lodge * Malibu 566

Flight of the Thunderbird *

Attendance *



SECTION W4A            Site * Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake, CA.

MARCH 17-19              Service Lodge * Youlumne 303

1995                                Chief * Howard Durand 291

Vice Chief * Tim Sullivan 566

Secretary * Jush Beermann 291

Adviser * Alan  Rosen 566

Associate Adviser * Ken Kolde 291

Staff Adviser * John Wagner 303

Area Coordinator * Jack Hess 312

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief * Joe Scionti 494

Region Chairman * Ken Galloway 468

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:                The theme was “TOGETHER IN SERVICE”. The weather was nice.  Many visited the base museum to view many of the Navy air weapons.  The shows were very well done.  The training received many good comments.  The Region Chief was a special guest.  National Committee member Esten Grubb attended along with Region Committee members Tom Tabb and Area Coordinator Jack Hess.  The fee was $20.00.


Outstanding Lodge * Topa Topa 291

Ordeal Trophy * Siwinis 252

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Vigil * Chumash 304

Most Spirited Lodge * Topa Topa 291

Flight of the Thunderbird * Topa Topa 291

Camp Promotion * Malibu 566

Conclave Fair * Siwinis 252

Attendance * 522



SECTION W4A            Site * Mt. Gleason Middle School, Glendale, CA

MARCH 17-19              Service Lodge * Spe-Le-Yai 249

1996                                Chief * Jeff Mo 488

Vice Chief * David Phillips 566

Secretary * Zachary Hauer 249

Adviser * Alan  Rosen 566

Associate Adviser * Ken Kolde 291

Staff Adviser *-Terry Richardson 249

Area Coordinator * Jack Hess 312

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief * Tony Fiori 13

Region Chairman * Dick Mills

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:                The theme was “HOKA HAY – HANTA YO”.  There was a 4” and a 3” patch of the same design.  The weather was nice. The shows were very well done.  The training received many good comments.  Special guest.s  included National Committee member Esten Grubb and Area Adviser Jack Hess.  The Area Adviser position has been put back in the program as optional.


Outstanding Lodge * Malibu 566

Ordeal Trophy * Siwinis 252

Brotherhood Trophy * Youlumne 303

Vigil * Youlumne 303

Most Spirited Lodge * Malibu 566

Flight of the Thunderbird * Topa Topa 291

Camp Promotion * Topa Topa 291

Conclave Fair * Siwinis 252

Attendance * 454


SECTION W4A            Site * Steven White Middle School, Carson, CA

MARCH 14-16              Service Lodge * Siwinis 252

1997                                Chief * Jeremy Mo 488

Vice Chief * Brian Parra 291

Secretary * Russell Dzialo 249

Adviser * Ken Kolde 291

Associate Adviser * Bob McMurtrey 488

Staff Adviser *-Roger Stoltenberg 252

Area Adviser * Jack Hess 312

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Josh Souza 439

Region Chairman * Dick Mills

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:                The theme was “AN ADVENTURE OF THE SPIRIT”. The weather was pleasant and dry. The training received many good comments and was based on a basketball team theme.  Special guests  included National Chief Chris Rogers, Region Chief Josh Souza, past Region Chiefs Tony Fiori, Jim Lewis, and Ryan Mechan, National Committee members Esten Grubb and Bobby Rainwater, Area Adviser Jack Hess, in coming Area Adviser Steve Bradley Sr., Region Committee members Tom Tabb and Steve Silbiger, W4B Chief Tracy Covington and Past Chiefs Alan Kay and  Cody Barnett, W4B Associate Adviser Mike Philbrook.  There were at least 32 sand paintings in competition and a great Saturday night Pow Wow with at least 38 dancers.


Outstanding Lodge * Topa Topa 291

Pre-Ordeal Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Vigil * Topa Topa 291

Most Spirited Lodge * Siwinis 252

Flight of the Thunderbird * Topa Topa 291 / Siwinis 252

Camp Promotion * Youlumne 303

Conclave Fair * Siwinis 252

Attendance * 373


SECTION W4A            Site * Citrus College, Glendora, CA.

MARCH 20-22              Service Lodge * Ta Tanka 488

1998                                Chief * Russell Dzialo 249

Vice Chief * David Klas 291

Secretary * Justin Boren 252

Adviser * Ken Kolde 291

Associate Adviser * Bob McMurtrey 488

Staff Adviser * Marty Baldwin / Jack Bolkha / Andy Beard 488

Area Adviser * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Brandon Fessler 520

Region Chairman * Jack Hess 312

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:                The theme was “A TOUCH OF MAGIC”  There was both a 4” and a 3” patch of the same design.  The weather was great. The shows were well done.  The training received many good comments.  Special guests  included National Vice Chief Dave Petrush, Region Chief Brandon Fessler, National Committee member Esten Grubb, Region Chairman Jack Hess, Region Committee members Tom Tabb and Steve Silbiger, Area Adviser Steve Bradley, and Past Region Chief and National Committeeman Tony Fiori.  There were a number of guests from Sections W3A, W4B and W4C.  There were a total of 74 very nice Sand Paintings.  The had 3 patches.  The 4 inch was issued to all participants.  A 3 inch with a blue border was used on hats.  An identical 3 inch with a white border was issued to  the Council of Chiefs and some guests.  Vollyball and basketball went to 488 and Ultimate Frisbee to 566.  W4A now has a WEB site  http://www.bsa.net/ca/w-4a/w4a.html


Outstanding Lodge * 291

Ordeal Trophy * 291

Brotherhood Trophy * 291

Vigil * 291

Most Spirited Lodge * 291

Flight of the Thunderbird * 291

Camp Promotion * 566

Conclave Fair * 291

Roy Walker Dance Award to Sean Weller 566 (1st year award presented)

Attendance * 435



SECTION W4A            Site * Nordhoff High School, Ojai, CA.

MARCH 19-21              Service Lodge * Topa Topa 291

1999                                Chief * Justin Boren 252

Vice Chief * David Klas 291

Secretary * David Navarre 303

Adviser * Bob McMurtrey 488

Associate Adviser * Kevin Kolde 291

Staff Adviser * Bill Belcher 291

Area Adviser * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Hayato Nakawatase 13

Region Chairman * Jack Hess 312

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:                There was heavy rain on Friday night and scattered showers most of Saturday.  The Saturday night show base on the theme “REMEMBER” was very  well done.  There was a 3” and 4” patch of the same design.  The training was very good and received positive comments.  My observation was there should have been more youth involved and in particular from the Section.  Special guests  included the Region Chief Will Parker, the Region Chief, National Committee members Esten Grubb & Del Loder, Area Adviser Steve Bradley, Region Committee member Tom Tabb  Also in attendance were past National Chief Scott Beckett, Past Region Chief Jim Lewis and the Section Chiefs from W1B, W2B, W3B, and W4C  There were over 25 very nice Sand Paintings.


Outstanding Lodge * 291

Ordeal Trophy * 303

Brotherhood Trophy * Topa Topa 291

Vigil * 291

Most Spirited Lodge * 252

Flight of the Thunderbird * 252

Camp Promotion * 566

Conclave Fair * 488

Roy Walker Dance Award to Jonnathan Mo 488(2nd year award presented)

Attendance * 426 of which 229 were youth.


SECTION W4A            Site * Carpinteria High School, CA.

MARCH 17-19              Service Lodge * Chumash 90

2000                                Chief * Justin Boren 252

Vice Chief * David Williams 291

Secretary * John Williams 252

Adviser * Bob McMurtrey 488

Associate Adviser * Kevin Kolde 291

Staff Adviser * Victor Enchelmayer 90

Area Adviser * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Cameron Mulder

Region Chairman * Jack Hess 312

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:                The weather was fantastic.  The Friday night show was based on the theme (SURFING INTO THE FUTURE) but rather short.  There was both a 3” and a 4” patch of the same design.  The Saturday night show was to be based on the theme but was really a Pow Wow for the most part..  The training received many good comments.  Guests included Esten Grubb National Committee, Steve Bradley Area Adviser, Tom Tabb Region Committee, Hayato Nakawatase 1999 Region Chief, Brad Lowry W1B Chief, Mark Stickel W4B Chief, Brain Barth W5B Chief  The patch was a 4” round with a red border.  There were two identical patches 3” in diameter.  The red border was used for the hats and the gold border for staff.


Outstanding Lodge *  291

Preordeal Trophy *  566

Brotherhood Trophy *  488

Vigil *  488

Most Spirited Lodge *  488

Flight of the Thunderbird * 291

Camp Promotion *  291

Conclave Fair *  291

Roy Walker Dance Award to  Greg Agamalian 249 (3nd year award presented)

Attendance *  360


SECTION W4A            Site * San Fernando Valley Veterans Administration, Sepulveda, CA.

MARCH 16-18              Service Lodge * Malibu 566

2001                                Chief * Darren Sorrels 488

Vice Chief * David Williams 291

Secretary * Greg Agamation 291

Adviser * Kevin Kolde 291

Associate Adviser * Bob Latson 90

Staff Adviser * Jon MacKenzie 566

Area Adviser * James Arriola

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Josh Gana

Region Chairman * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13

Region Adviser * Gene Wadford


Comments:                The weather was fantastic.  The Friday night show was based on the theme (2001 A SCOUT ODYSSEY). The key part of the Saturday night show was entertainment by John Drebinger a magacian and my last Chapter Chief as Adviser to Tsungoni Chaper in Walika Lodge circa 1967.  The training received many good comments.  Guests included Region Chief Josh Gana, Area Adviser James Arriola, National Committeemen Esten Grubb and Del Loder, Tom Tabb Region Committee, Section Chiefs from W1A, W3A, and W5A the Vice Chiefs from W1B and W3B.  Also present were 5 past W4A Chiefs.. There were 47 sand paintings.  Some were outstnding.


Outstanding Lodge *  291 (They were not a Quality Lodge)

Preordeal Trophy *  488

Brotherhood Trophy *  488

Vigil *  291

Most Spirited Lodge *  252

Flight of the Thunderbird * 252

Camp Promotion *  488

Conclave Fair *  291

Roy Walker Dance Award to  Michael Vergoo 566  (4th year award presented)

Attendance *  278


SECTION W4A            Site * China Lake, CA.

MARCH 15/17              Service Lodge *Yowlumne 303

2002                                Chief * Jeff Tenus 566

Vice Chief * Tyler LeBrun  291

Secretary * Evan Kolstoe 303

Adviser * Kevin Kolde 291

Associate Adviser * Bob Latson 90

Staff Adviser * John Wagner 303

Area Adviser * James Arriola 312

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Dominic Pascucci

Region Chairman * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13

Region Adviser * Gene Wadford


Comments:                The weather was windy  and very cold.  The Friday night show was based on the theme (REKINDLE THE FIRE OF CHEERFULNESS). The training received many good comments.  Guests included the Region Chief Dominic Pascucci, Area Adviser James Arriola, National Committeemen Esten Grubb, National Committeemen  Del Loder, Tom Tabb Region Committee and the new W3B Section Chief.


Outstanding Lodge *  Topa Topa 291

Preordeal Trophy *  Topa Topa 291

Brotherhood Trophy * Ta Tanka 488

Vigil * Topa Topa 291

Most Spirited Lodge *  Siwinis 252

Flight of the Thunderbird *  Topa Topa 291

Camp Promotion *  Ta Tanka 488

Conclave Fair *  Ta Tanka 488

Attendance *  approximately  342


SECTION W4A            Site * Glendale, CA.

MARCH 21/23              Service Lodge *Spe Le Yai 249

2003                                Chief * Tyler LeBrun  291

Vice Chief *

Secretary *

Adviser * Bob Latson 90

Associate Adviser * Gary Christiansen 566

Staff Adviser * Terry Hall 249

Area Adviser * James Arriola 312

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief *

Region Chairman * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13

Region Adviser * Gene Wadford


Comments:                The Friday night show was based on the theme (). The training received many good comments.  Guests included the Region Chief, Area Adviser James Arriola, National Committeemen Esten Grubb, National Tom Tabb Region Committee.


Outstanding Lodge *

Preordeal Trophy *

Brotherhood Trophy *

Vigil *

Most Spirited Lodge *

Flight of the Thunderbird *

Camp Promotion *

Conclave Fair *

Attendance *






AREA XIIF                   Site * , Az.

Host * Papago 494

1956                                Chief *

Lay Adviser *

Professional Adviser * Lyle Bull 494

Region XII Adviser * Earl F. Schmidt


Comments:            Reorganization took place in 1955.  The data on the assignments was taken from a Order of the Arrow publication called “Organizational Pattern and Local Lodge Listings – 1955”.  The lodges assigned to area XIIF were Victoria 177, Wipala Wiki 432, Papago 494, and Chee Dodge 503.  Current data indicates that a conference may not have been held.  Area 7 is used on the patches for several years.  No patch was issued.




AREA XIIF                   Site * Camp Lawton, Mt. Lemon, AZ.

Host * Papago 494

1957                                Chief *

Lay Adviser *

Professional Adviser * Lyle Bull 494

Region Adviser * John Triplett (Deceased)


Comments:            No patch was issued.



AREA XIIF                   Site * Heard Scout Pueblo, Phoenix, AZ.

Host * Wipala Wiki 432

1958                                Chief * Dick Bartholomew 494

Lay Adviser *

Professional Adviser * Lyle Bull 494

Region Adviser * Hurley Haygood


Comments:            No patch was issued.



AREA XIIF                   Site * Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, AZ.

Host * Papago 494

1959                                Chief * Dick Bartholomew 494

Lay Adviser *

Professional Adviser * Lyle Bull 494

Region Adviser * Hurley Haygood





AREA XIIF                   Site * Vincent AFB, Yuma, AZ.

Host * Pang 532

1960                                Chief * Dwight Haupman

Lay Adviser *

Professional Adviser * Lyle Bull 494

Region Adviser * David R. Martin





AREA XIIF                   Site * R-C Scouting Center, Phoenix, AZ.

Host * Wipala Wiki 432

1961                                Chief * Mike Hayhurst

Lay Adviser *

Professional Adviser *

Region Adviser * David R. Martin


Comments:            The patch says this is the Area 7 annual conference held in Phoenix, AZ.  It is not known where the Area 7 came from since the organization in 1956, from national papers, says this is Area XIIF.  There were seven Lodges at the conference.  They were Victorio, Nebagamon, Chee Dodge, Na-Ko-Na, Wipala Wiki, Pang, and Papago.



AREA XIIF                   Site * Grand Canyon Comm. Hall, Grand Canyon, AZ.

Host * Chee Dodge 503

1962                                Chief * Jerry Boles

Lay Adviser *

Professional Adviser *

Region Adviser * David R. Martin


Comments:            The patch says that the lodges in the area where 132, 177, 194, 312, 432, 503, & 532



AREA XIIF                   Site * Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, NV.

Host * Nebagamon 312

1963                                Chief * Rick Ayers

Lay Adviser *

Professional Adviser *

Region Adviser * David R. Martin


Comments:            The patch says this is the 7th annual 12 F Conference and that the member lodges are 177, 312, 432, 494, 503, & 532.  Victorio Lodge did not attend after this conference.



AREA XIIF                   Site * Ft. Huachuca, Sierra Vista, AZ.

NOVEMBER 6-8           Host * Victorio 177

1964                                Chief * Roger Brown

Lay Adviser *

Professional Adviser *

Region Adviser * David R. Martin


Comments:            The program included a fly by of aircraft, drone and signaling demonstrations and skydiving.  The fee was $4.00 and due in two payments of $2.00.  Theme: POWER FOR GOOD THROUGH BROTHERHOOD.  Victorio was merged into Papago Lodge February 15, 1964.


AREA XIIF                   Site * Yuma Proving Grounds, Yuma, AZ.

NOVEMBER 5-7           Host * Pang 532

1965                                Chief * Paul Ring

Lay Adviser *

Professional Adviser *

Region Adviser * David R. Martin


Comments:            Theme: OUR CHALLENGE FOR THE FUTURE.  Training included service project ideas.  The paid attendance was 43.



AREA XIIF                   Site * University Of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

AUGUST 27-29             Host * Papago 494

1966                                Chief * Mickey Razy

Deputy Area Chief *

Secretary *

Lay Adviser *

Professional Adviser *

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:            Theme: A DECADE BEHIND US, A LIFETIME BEFORE US.  The conference was held Sat. through Monday and featured a camping carnival.  The fee was $10.00 and included air conditioned rooms



AREA XIIF                   Site * Camp Geronimo, Payson, AZ.

Host * Wipala Wiki 432

1967                                Chief * David Tharp 432

Deputy Area Chief *

Secretary *

Lay Adviser * 432

Professional Adviser *

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:            According to people around at this time, the Chief and Lay Adviser rotated with the host lodge.  I haven’t verified this in writing.  Lodges listed behind the Chief and Lay Adviser are based on this information.  Theme:  LOMA KEE DIO (might be Hopi)



AREA XIIF                   Site * Grand Canyon, AZ.

Host * Chee Dodge 503

1968                                Chief * Kent Atha 503

Deputy Area Chief *

Secretary *

Lay Adviser * 503

Professional Adviser *

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin





AREA XIIF                   Site * Valley High School, Las Vegas, NV.

Host * Nebagamon 312

1969                                Chief * Bill Helmstetter 312

Deputy Area Chief *

Secretary *

Lay Adviser * 312

Professional Adviser *

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:            The theme was “ONE MAN’S BOND”.



AREA XIIF                   Site * Heard Scout Pueblo, Phoenix AZ.

OCTOBER 30-31           Host * Salado 551

& NOVEMBER 1          Chief * Tim Nicholson 551

1970                                Deputy Area Chief *

Secretary *

Lay Adviser * 551

Professional Adviser * Bob Nicholson

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:                Seventeen were in attendance from Salado Lodge.  Total attendance was 255.  There was a newsletter at the conference called “WHAT CAN I DO“.  This was the 14th annual Area 12-F Conference.  Col. Carroll A. Edson co-founder of the arrow was a special guest.  The Keynote Speaker was George Miller the past Scout Executive of Theodore Roosevelt Council.  The fee was $10.00.  The program included a history listing.  There were two distinctly different stitched versions of the same patch design.  One had a black cord loop on top and the other red.


AREA XIIF                   Site * University Of Arizona, Tucson AZ.

NOVEMBER 25-27       Host * Papago 494

1971                                Chief * Brad Clark 494

Deputy Area Chief *

Secretary *

Lay Adviser * Al Stambaugh 494

Professional Adviser * Carl Jenkins

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:            The theme was “MANHOOD THROUGH SERVICE“.  Special guests included Col. C. Edson the co-founder of the Order of the Arrow, Mayor Corbett of Tucson, and Joe Davis from Philmont.  The program indicated that this was the 15th Annual XIIF.  The conference introduce Operation Reach.  Other training features included Boy Run, S.O.A.R., and Inner City Scouting.  Registration was $10.75.




Wipala Wiki                                  96

Salado                                            11

Chee Dodge                                  15

Nebagamon                                   51

Papago                                           40

Out Of Area                                  4


AREA XIIF                   Site * Camp Geronimo, Pine, AZ.

OCTOBER 21-23           Host * Wipala Wiki 432

1972                                Chief * Alan Kleinschmidt 432

Deputy Area Chief *

Secretary *

Lay Adviser * Albert Stambaugh 432

Professional Adviser *

Region Coordinator * David R. Martin


Comments:            The special guest speaker was the Honorable Jack Williams the Governor Of the State Of Arizona.  The Theme was “SERVE SELF, SERVING OTHERS” .The lodges were Wipala Wiki, Nebagamon, Salado, Chee Dodge, and Papago.  This was the last year before the reorganization.  The program included a history of Paul Wickey or known to many as Wipala Wiki, for whom the lodge was named, who had died July 1971.  The chief of the host lodge was Robert Alexander, the Lay Adviser was Dale Martin and the Professional Adviser was Levi Young.  The “Man Mile” award was started this year by Nebagamon 312.  The fee was $9.00






SECTION W4C             Site * Grand Canyon, AZ.

OCTOBER 20-22           Host * Chee Dodge 503

1973                                Chief * Cris Martin 503

Deputy Area Chief *

Secretary *

Lay Adviser * 503

Professional Adviser *

Region Chairman * Sam Hathaway 252

Region Adviser *


Comments:            The theme was “LOVE THE HAUNTS OF NATURE“.  The special guest speaker was Dr. Kenneth Odell of Northern Arizona University.  This was the first year of the new organization.  The “Man Mile” award went to



SECTION W4C             Site * Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, NV.

Host * Nebagamon 312

1974                                Chief * Ron Kennedy 312

Vice Chief *

Secretary *

Lay Adviser * 312

Professional Adviser *

Region Chairman * Sam Hathaway 252

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was “GATHER NOW TO HELP AND SERVE”.  The “Man Mile” award went to



SECTION W4C             Site * Eastern Arizona College, Thatcher, AZ.

Host * Salado 551

1975                                Chief * John Packard 551

Vice Chief *

Secretary *

Lay Adviser * 551

Professional Adviser *

Area Lay Adviser * Bruce Moore 13

Area Professional Adviser * Jim Fuller

Region Chief * Kerry Cheesman 90

Region Chairman * Sam Hathaway 252

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The “Best Lodge” award existed at this time.         It went to           The “Man Mile” award went to     Theme: MINDFUL OF OUR HIGH TRADITIONS



SECTION W4C             Site * Pima College, Tucson, AZ.

NOVEMBER 19-21       Host * Papago 494

1976                                Chief * Scott Hitt 494

Vice Chief * Dale Ruebsman 432

Secretary * Bruce Jorden 494

Lay Adviser * George Renwick 494

Professional Adviser * Frank Maldanado 494

Area Lay Adviser * Bruce Moore 13

Area Professional Adviser * Jim Fuller

Region Chief * Kerry Cheesman 90

Region Chairman * Sam Hathaway 252

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The Theme was FIRM BOUND IN BROTHERHOOD.  This was the first Conclave that I attended in the Section.  The Saturday night guest speaker was Tim Creedon the Senior Vice President Sourthern Division Manager of Valley National Bank.  There were displays by Coleman, Mountain House Foods, NESA, Sierra Club, Wisdom Dancers, etc..  Registration was $12.75.  Attendance was 162 (503 = 12, 432 = 49, 494 = 69, 551 = 0, 312 = 23, visitors = 9)  The “Man Mile” award went to Papago 494.  The “Best Lodge” award went to Papago 494.



SECTION W4C             Site * Luke AFB, Phoenix, AZ.

NOVEMBER 11-13       Host * Wipala Wiki 432

1977                                Chief * Abe Arvizu 432

Vice Chief * Robert Hamilton 503


Secretary * Dan Escibido 494

Lay Adviser * Roscoe Bryant 432

Professional Adviser * Steve Demoter 432

Area Lay Adviser * Don Hansen 249

Area Professional Adviser * Jim Fuller

Region Chief * Skip Breland 342

Region Chairman * George Flanagan (deceased) 421

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The “Man Mile” award went to         The “Best Lodge” award went to    Theme: FIRM BOUND IN BROTHERHOOD  Registration was $11.00.  There were two patches.  A mistake batch with light blue ground and a second batch with light brown ground.  The two man dance competition was won by 503.



SECTION W4C             Site * Coconino High School, Flagstaff, AZ.

NOVEMBER 10-12       Host * Chee Dodge 503

1978                                Chief * Mike Mabry 503

Vice Chief *

Secretary * Eric Cravat 503

Lay Adviser * Bruce Miller 503

Professional Adviser * Joe Barney 503

Area Lay Adviser * Leonard Fry 436

Area Professional Adviser * Jim Fuller

Region Chief * Skip Breland 342

Region Chairman * George Flanagan (deceased) 421

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            This was the last year before W4C was split off and made W5A.  The theme was TRADITIONS OF CHEERFUL SERVICE.  There was a hot air balloon demonstration on Saturday.  The first place for team dance went to Nebagamon.  The Potlatch was won by Wipala Wiki, ceremonies were won by Papago.  It snowed 6” Saturday night which made going home on Sunday a problem for many.  The snow thrilled many Arrowmen who’s never seen so much.  They made an award consisting of a stuffed horned toad sitting on a throne.  We think it went to the best losege.  The “Man Mile” award went to Nebagamon    The “Best Lodge” award went to  Nebagamon.  Leonard Fry the Area Adviser was in attendance.   Registration was $16.00.  The Section name (Sinagua) was chosen at one of the preparation meetings








SECTION W5A            Site * Havasu City High School, Lake Havasu, AZ.

NOVEMBER 10-12       Host * Nebagamon 312

1979                                Chief * Chester Key 312

Vice Chief * Mark Walker 494

Secretary * Eric Cravat 494

Lay Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Professional Adviser *

Area Lay Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Area Professional Adviser * Gene Richie

Region Chief * Richard Good 305

Region Chairman * George Flanagan (deceased) 421

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            This was the first year after the Section was designated as W5A.  The Man Mile Award went to       The “Best Lodge” award went to  The Theme was SEE THE NEED, MEET THE CHALLENGE.  The fee was $18.00.  Attendance from Papago 494 was 32.  Indian dancing & the Pow Wow were held under the London Bridge.



SECTION W5A            Site * Fort Huachuca, Sierra Vista,, AZ.

NOVEMBER 7-9           Host * Papago 494

1980                                Chief * Jeff Tuttle 494

Vice Chief * John Austin 432

Secretary * Brian Kelly 494

Lay Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Professional Adviser * Ira Haberle 494

Area Lay Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Area Professional Adviser * Gene Richie

Region Chief * Richard Good 305

Region Chairman * George Flanagan (deceased) 421

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The “Man Mile” award went to       The “Best Lodge” award went to  Visters included Bill Downs the National Executive Secretary, Region Chief Richard Good,  and Bob Pattison and Sam Hathaway of the Wester Region Committee.  Theme: EVER MINDFUL OF OUR DUTY.  Attedance:  Papago 53, Wipala Wiki 64



SECTION W5A            Site * Heard Scout Pueblo, Phoenix, AZ.

NOVEMBER 6-8           Host * Wipala Wiki 432

1981                                Chief * John Austin 432

Vice Chief * Jeff Tuttle 494

Secretary * Brian Kelly 494

Lay Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Professional Adviser *

Area Lay Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Area Professional Adviser * Gene Richie

Region Chief * Kurt Christiansen 566

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The Theme was ARROW MEASURED TO THE GOAL.  Special guests were Kevin P. Moll the National Vice Chief and Kurt Christianson the Western Region Chief.  They held a “Has-Been” Luncheon.The “Man Mile” award went to      The “Best Lodge” award went to  Registration  was $15.00.



SECTION W5A            Site * Mingus Mountain, Gerome, AZ.

JUNE 4-6                        Host * Chee Dodge 503

1982                                Chief * Wayne Witzig 494

Marlan Coe 312

Vice Chief *

Secretary *

Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Staff Adviser * Carl Jenkins 503

Area Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Area Staff Adviser * Gene Richie

Region Chief * Kurt Christiansen 566

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            As of this year Lay Advisers became Adviser and Professional Adviser became Staff Adviser.  As of this year the Chief was no longer rotated with the Host Losge.  The Theme was LOOK BEYOND TODAY.  The “Man Mile” award went to      The “Best Lodge” award went to  They had snow at the Conclave.  Guests included Del Loder, Bob Pattison, and Sam Hathaway of the Wester Region Committee.



SECTION W5A            Site * Hualapai Elementary School, Kingman, AZ.

NOVEMBER 11-13       Host * Nebagamon 312

1983                                Chief * William Tilghman III 494

Vice Chief * William G. Gumbinger 312

Secretary *

Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Staff Adviser * Paul Morrow 312

Area Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Area Staff Adviser * Gene Richie

Region Chief * Mike Sachs 127

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The weather was very cold and windy.  The theme was TAKE THE LEAD SHOW THE WAY.  The “Man Mile” award went to           The “Best Lodge” award went to  Tom Tabb of the Western Region OA Committee attended.



SECTION W5A            Site * Marana Jr. High School, Marana, AZ.

NOVEMBER 9-11         Host * Papago 494

1984                                Chief * Michael Hoffman 432

Vice Chief * Terry Meier 494

Secretary * Robert Kuropkat 503

Adviser * Rollan Tuttle 494

Associate Adviser * Jim Brink 432

Staff Adviser * Jerry High 494

Area Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Area Staff Adviser * Gene Richie

Region Chief * Mike Sachs 127

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was MEETING OUR UNIT’S CHALLENGE IN THE GREAT SOUTWEST DESERT.  Bob Wade the National Chief was a special guest.  The “Man Mile” award went to 312.  The “Best Lodge” award went to 432.  The Spirit Award went to 503.  Members of the Western Region OA Committee in attendance were Del Loder and Tom Tabb.  Also the past National OA Committee Chairman George File was present.  A special guest was Miss Tucson.  Attendance was 297.  Registration was $18.00.  Several Teepees were on display.  The first patch auction was held to raise funds.  The program included the Miss Tucson Touring Show.  There was an open pit  Bar-B-Q



SECTION W5A            Site * Williams AFB, Chandler, AZ.

NOVEMBER 8-10         Host * Wipala Wiki 432

1985                                Chief * Terry Meier 494

Vice Chief * Albert Elwell 432

Secretary * Chris Weldon 432

Adviser * Rollan Tuttle 494

Staff Adviser * Frank Hutchings 432

Area Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Area Staff Adviser * Gene Richie

Region Chief * Todd Brogaugh 468

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was 75 YEARS OF SCOUTING TO YEARS OF SERVICE.  The “Man Mile” award went to 503.  The “Best Lodge” award went to 312.  The “Spirit” award was started this year and went to  312.  Miss Tucson contestants were guests.  Todd Brohaugh the Western Retion Chief was a special guest.  Members of the Western Region OA Committee in attendance were Tom Tabb.  Mike Hoffman the National Vice Chief attended.  Mike was the W5A Section Chief the preceding year.  Registration was $8.00.  Attedndance was 321 (503 = 55, 432 = 164, 312 = 50, 494 = 52)



SECTION W5A            Site * Camp Verde High School, Camp Verde, AZ.

NOVEMBER 7-9           Host * Chee Dodge 503

1986                                Chief * Terry Meier 494

Vice Chief * P. J. Stephens 494

Secretary * Chris Weldon 432

Adviser * Rollan Tuttle 494

Staff Adviser * James Mckitterick 503

Area Adviser * Ken Hody 312

Area Staff Adviser * Gene Richie

Region Chief * Rob Patridge 421

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was BASED IN TRADITION FOUNDED IN SERVICE.  The “Man Mile” award went to 312.  The “Best Lodge” award went to 312.  There was a tour of the Montezuma Indian Ruins and Yavapai Apache Indian Center.  Guests included National Vice Chief Cary Roberts and Region Chief Rob Patridge.  Members of the Western Region OA Committee in attendance were Del Loder and Tom Tabb.  The sprinkler came on in the camping area.  The temperature dropped to 26 degrees overnight.  Attendance was 295.  Registration was $17.00.




SECTION W5A            Site * Cashman Field, Las Vegas, NV.

NOVEMBER 13-15       Host * Nebagamon 312

1987                                Chief * Jeff McCormick 432

Vice Chief * Kent Thomas 432

Secretary * Scott Bitcon 494

Adviser * Rollan Tutle 494 until December / Chuck Miller 432

Staff Adviser * Eric Murray 312

Area Adviser * Chuck Miller 432

Area Staff Adviser * Gene Richie

Region Chief * Rob Patridge 421

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            The theme was WE WITH HEARTS AND WILLS UNITED.  Invited guests inclued the National Chief David Erb, the Region Chief Rob Patridge, Esten Grubb the Area 4 Adviser and Tom Tabb from the Western Region OA Committee.  The “Man Mile” award went to 503.  The “Best Lodge” award went to 312.  The weather was cold and windy.  Registration was $20.00.  There was an ice cream social, bigil breakfast, and patch auction.








SECTION W4C             Site * Casa Grande Jr. High School, Casa Grande, AZ.

NOVEMBER 11-13       Service Lodge * Papago 494

1988                                Chief * Jack Stephens 503

Vice Chief * Danny Tucker 432

Secretary * Chuck Marzka 312

Adviser * Chuck Miller 432

Staff Adviser * Brad Allen 494

Area Adviser * Chuck Miller 432

Area Staff Adviser * Gene Richie

Region Chief * Mike Celano 127

Region Chairman * Del Loder 502

Region Adviser * Dick Rice


Comments:            This was the last year before being redesignated W4C.  The Theme was SEEK THE SPIRIT, SHARE THE KNOWLEDGE.  The “Man Mile” award went to 312.  The “Best Lodge” award went to 312.  Spirit went to 503.  Dance went to 312 and Ceremonies went to 432.  Guests included Angelo Cappelli the National Vice Chief, Mike Celano the Region Chief, Del Loder the Region Chairman, Esten Grubb the Area 4 Adviser, Tom Tabb a Region OA Committee member, Miss Tucson, and Miss Arizona Lisa Mandell.




SECTION W4C             Site * Williams AFB, Phoenix, AZ.

NOVEMBER 10-12       Service Lodge * Wipala Wiki 432

1989                                Chief * Jack Stephens 503 until 3/1/89 / Roy Anderson 432

Vice Chief * James Arriola 312

Secretary * Scott Bitcon 494

Adviser * Chuck Miller 432

Associate Adviser * None

Staff Adviser * Dave Tharp 432

Area Adviser * Bobby Rainwater 13

Area Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock

Region Chief * Mike Southall 436

Region Chairman * Esten Grubb 252

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:                Theme:  SPIRIT OF THE PAST VALUES FOR THE FUTURE.  Guests included the National Chief Jack Stephens and members of the Western Region OA Committee from out of section Kurt Christensen (Past Region Chief), Mike Celano (Past Region Chief), Steve Freitas and Tom Tabb and from in section David Avant, Mike Hoffman (Past National Vice Chief), and Chuck Miller.  The program was very good with some competition winners as follows:


Ceremonies * Papago 494

Dance Team * Wipala Wiki 432

Pot Latch * Nebagamon 312

Spirit * Chee Dodge 503

Best Lodge * Wipala Wiki 432

Attendance * 351

Man Mile * 312


They had a very successful scout memorabilia sale.  It was run in two sections, one for youth and one for adults.  The weather was clear and warm.




AREA W4 (W4A, W4B, W4C)




AREA W4/W4C           Site * Palm Springs High School, Palm Springs, CA.

MARCH 30-31              Service Lodges * Swinis 252, Wiatava 13, & Chee Dodge 503


1990                                W4C Officers

Chief * Roy Anderson 432

Vice Chief * James Arriola 312

Secretary * Stephan Gogosha 494

Adviser * Chuck Miller 432

Associate Adviser * none

Staff Adviser *



Adviser * Bobby Rainwater

Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock



Chief * Mike Southall 436 (term ended Dec. 1989)


Chairman * Esten Grubb 252

Staff Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            Attendance was 1628.  Special guests included National Chief John Meckley III, National Vice Chief Tony Steinhart III, and Region Chief Ryan Mecham.  The theme was “BLAZING A PATH TO THE FUTURE”.  The Area 4 Conclave Committee consisted of the current and previous Key 3 of the 17 member lodges, the officers and advisers of the three sections, the Area Adviser Bobby Rainwater, Tom Tabb the Finance Coordinator, Frederic H. Sage III the Public Relations Coordinator, and Dr. Craig Kliger the Public Relations Coordinator.  Conclave Vice Chiefs were Bob Blanck 127 for Indian Events, Arthur Banks 98 for Public Relations, Ralph Ulibarri 252 for Service, Tim Morgan 488 for Shows, Ivan Moore II 532 for Trading Post, and David Dandridge 249 for Training.


W4C Awards  None were given this year.




SECTION W4C             Site * Western High School, Las Vegas, NV.

NOVEMBER 8-10         Service Lodge * Nebagamon 312

1991                                Chief * James Arriola 312

Vice Chief * Leo Hollis, Jr. 432

Secretary * Scott Beckett 312

Adviser * Rodger L. Bennett 432

Associate Adviser * Jack Hess 312

Staff Adviser * John Bennett 312

Area Adviser * Bobby Rainwater 13

Area Staff Adviser * Hart Bullock

Region Chief * Louis Monville III 436

Region Chairman * Esten Grubb 252

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “STRENGTHEN THE LODGE, PATHWAY TO OUR FUTURE”.  Guests included Esten Grubb and Tom Tabb.  Attendance was 465 including 111 from off-site.  The “Man Mile” award went to 312.  The “Best Lodge” award went to




SECTION W4C             Site * Fort Huachuca, Sierra Vista, AZ..

NOVEMBER 13-15       Service Lodge * Papago 494

1992                                Chief * Scott Beckett 312

Vice Chief * Jonathan Heames 494

Secretary * Robert Girard 494

Adviser * Jack Hess 312

Associate Adviser * Mike Hoffman 432

Staff Adviser * Shane Calendine 494

Area Adviser * Al Naipo 252

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief * Mark Wimmer 508

Region Chairman * Esten Grubb 252 / Ken Galloway 468

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “LEGENDS TO LIFE – PASSING THE LIGHT”.  Special guests included a wide range of people as follows:  National Chief Sean Cox, Miss Teenage America Samantha Zogg, Jack Stephens Past National Chief, Ken Galloway Region OA Chairman, Tom Tabb Region OA Committee, W1B Chief Marshall Hagen, W1B Past Chief Aaron Bigby, W3B Chief P. T. McEwen, David Faybe EC1B, W4A Chief Jeff Morgan, W4A Adviser Steve Silbiger.  The “Man Mile” award went to  312.  The “Best Lodge” award went to 312.  The “Spirit” award went to 312.  The “Ceremony” award went to 494.  The “Dance” went to 312.  Attendance was 264.  Jack Stephens received on of the first awars for oustanding service as a CVC for ceremonies.  The Best Lodge award was made by Sean and Samantha.  Installation was performed by Sean.  The Saturday night program ended with a very impressive candle light ceremony.  Lodge 503 will be absorbed by Lodge 432 January 1, 1993.  The name Wipal Wiki and number 432 will be used.



SECTION W4C             Site * Heard Scout Pueblo, Phoenix, AZ.

NOVEMBER 12-14       Service Lodge * Wipala Wiki 432

1993                                Chief * Scott Beckett 312

Vice Chief * Jerry D. Page III 312

Secretary * Mike Granquist 312

Adviser * Jack Hess 312

Associate Adviser * Mike Hoffman 432

Staff Adviser *  Jim McKitterick 432

Area Adviser * Al Naipo 252 (Thru July 1993)

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief * Ron Mahibir 533

Region Chairman * Ken Galloway 468

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “WHO AMONG YOU NOW WILL SERVE”.  The National Order of the Arrow Committee issued the new Field Operations Guide in July 1993.  As a result, the position of Area Adviser was eliminated.  The “Man Mile” award went to Nebagamon 312     The “Best Lodge” award went to Papago 494.  The “Spirit Award” went to Papago 494.



SECTION W4C             Site * Cimarron Memorial High School, Las Vegas, NV

NOVEMBER 11-13       Service Lodge * Nebagamon 312

1994                                Chief * Joe Leisz 494

Vice Chief * Joe Scionti 494

Secretary * Michael Tucker 432

Adviser * Mike Hoffman 432

Associate Adviser * Paul Dore 432

Staff Adviser *  Paul Beams 312

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief * Jim Lewis 252

Region Chairman * Ken Galloway 468

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “ON THIS FIRST STEP”.  The “Man Mile” award went to Wipala Wiki.  Wiki also won the Sinagua Sam Spirit Award.  The “Top Lodge” award went to underdog Papago   Attendance was 381.  The were 35 out of section arrowmen.  Miss Clark County gave an encore performance on Saturday night.



SECTION W4C             Site * Regina Cleri Center, Tucson, AZ

NOVEMBER 12-14       Service Lodge * Papago 494

1995                                Chief * Joe Scionti 494 / Romy Brasher 312

Vice Chief * Josh Hess 312

Secretary * Romy Brasher 312

Adviser * Mike Hoffman 432

Associate Adviser * Paul Dore 432

Staff Adviser *  Shane Calendine 494

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief * Jim Lewis 252 / Joe Scionti 494

Region Chairman * Ken Galloway 468 /

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “IN BROTHERHOOD WE SERVE”.  Special guests included Clint Takeshita (past National Chief,) Jeff Posey (past National Vice Chief), Joe Scionti (Region Chief), Josh Feigelson,(National Chief)  David Clark (National Vice Chief), and Esten Grubb (National Committee).The Section Chief change was made when Joe Scionti was elected Region Chief The “Man Mile” award went to. also won the Sinagua Sam Spirit Award.  The “Top Lodge” award went to underdog.  Total attendance was 316.



SECTION W4C             Site * Heard Scout Pueblo, Phoenix, AZ

NOVEMBER 08-10       Service Lodge * Wipla Wiki 432

1996                                Chief * Romy Brasher 312

Vice Chief * Matt Landone 432

Secretary * Patrick Gamble 432

Adviser * Paul Dore 432

Associate Adviser * James Arriola 312

Staff Adviser * Thomas Walsh 432

Area Staff Adviser * Larry Vaughn

Region Chief * Tony Fiori 13

Region Chairman * Dick Mills

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “DEDICATED TO THE SPIRITS HIGHER PURPOSE”  Special guests included National Chief Ryan Pitts, National Vice Chief Ryan Miske, Region Chief Tony Fiori, and Esten Grubb National Committee.  Participation and fellowship was excellent.  The “Man Mile” award went to.312 and  also won the The “Top Lodge” award   The Sinagua Sam Spirit Award went to 432.  Total attendance was 308.


SECTION W4C             Site * Boulder City High School, Boulder City, NV.

NOVEMBER 07-09       Service Lodge * Nebagamon 312

1997                                Chief * Patick Gamble 432

Vice Chief * Brady Dehn 312

Secretary * Steve Valdez 312

Adviser * Paul Dore 432

Associate Adviser * James Arriola 312

Staff Adviser *  Paul Beames 312 / Dennis Pumphrey 312

Area Adviser * Steven Bradley, Sr. 13

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Josh Souza

Region Chairman * Jack Hess 312

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was LET THE ARROW BE YOUR GUIDE.  Special guests included National Chief Chris Rogers, Region Chief Josh Souza, National Committeeman Mike Hoffman, Area Adviser Steve Bradley, Region Committee member Tom Tabb, past National Vice Chiefs Jeff Posey & Ryan Miskie, past Region Chief Joe Scionti, Past W4A Section Chief and twice TOPE CVC Jeremy Mo, the current W4A Chief Russell Dzialo, current W4A Adviser Ken Kolde, past W4A and W4B Adviser Albert Hoogeveen, past Central Region Chief J. J. Arnold, and past NOAC Trading Post CVC Phil Dulock.  The “Man Mile” award and the Top Lodge” award went to 432. The Sinagua Sam Spirit Award went to 494. The weather was warm and sunny.  The program and training was well executed.  Approximately 50 to a special tour of Hoover Dam on Saturday afternoon.  Total attendance was 369.


SECTION W4C             Site *, Tucson, AZ

NOVEMBER 13-15       Service Lodge * Papago 494

1998                                Chief * Brady Dehn 312

Vice Chief * David Gregory 312

Secretary * Tyger Mattingly 432

Adviser * James Arriola 312

Associate Adviser * Kevin Moshier 432

Staff Adviser * Alan Young 494

Area Adviser * Steven Bradley, Sr. 13

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Brandon Fessler 520

Region Chairman * Jack Hess 312

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “LIFE’S AN ARROW SERVE IT UP”.  Special guests included the Region Chief, the Area Adviser, National Committeemen Jack Hess (also Region Chairman), Mike Hoffman and Esten Grubb, Region Committeeman Tom Tabb, past National Chief Scott Beckett, past National Vice Chiefs Dave Petrush and Jeff Posey, past Region Chiefs Joe Scionti and Jim Lewis.   Nebagamon 312 received  the “Man Mile” award, “Sinagua Sam Spirit” award and  the “Top Lodge” award.  Total attendance was 307.


SECTION W4C             Site * Cesar Chavez High School, Phoenix, AZ

NOVEMBER 12-14       Service Lodge * Wipala Wiki 432

1999                                Chief * David Gregory 312

Vice Chief * Gabriel Rendon 494

Secretary * Steve Valadez 312

Adviser * James Arriola 312

Associate Adviser * Kevin Moshier 432

Staff Adviser * Thomas Walsh 432

Area Adviser * Steven Bradley, Sr. 13

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Hayato Nakawatase 13

Region Chairman * Jack Hess 312

Region Adviser * Don Chilcote


Comments:            The theme was “SEEK THE SPIRIT THAT IS WITHIN”.  Special guests included Andy Oh National Vice Chief, Hayato Nakawatase Region Chief, Mark Stickel W4B Chief, Justin Borin W4A Chief, Matt Dukeman W3B Chief, Brad Lowry W1B Chief, David Carr W1B Adviser, Jack Hess Region OA Chairman, Esten Grubb National Committee, Mike Hoffman National Committee, Steve Bradley Area 4 Adviser, Tom Tabb Region Committee, Jeff Posey past National Vice Chief, Joe Scionti past Region Chief, Ken Hody past Area 5 Adviser, Annon Fife past Section Chief.  The “Man Mile” award went to.Lodge 312. The Sinagua Sam Spirit Awardwent to Lodge 494..  The “Top Lodge” award went to Lodge 312.  Best of the Year Award went to Lodge 432  Lodge 312 won Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Sand Painting and Potlatch.  Lodge 432 won Dance, Team Dance, and dance Song.  There was a Crazy Hat Dinner on Saturday.  There was a number of recognitions for James Arriola as he finishes his two years as Section Adviser.  Total attendance was 266.


SECTION W4C             Site * Basic High School, Henderson, NV

NOVEMBER 10-12       Service Lodge * Nebagamon 312

2000                                Chief * Gabriel Rendon 494

Vice Chief * Glen Whitting 432

Secretary *

Adviser * Kevin Moshier 432

Associate Adviser * Paul Beames 312

Assistant Adviser * Yolanda Valadez 312

Staff Adviser * Frank Hutching 312

Area Adviser * Jack Hess 312 / Steven Bradley, Sr. 13

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Cameron Mulder

Region Chairman * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13 / James Ariolla 312

Region Adviser * Gene Wadford


Comments:            The theme was “To Live, To Lead, To Serve”.  Special guests included National Chief Carey Mignerey, Region Chief Caeron Mulder, Region OA Chairman Steve Bradley, Sr.., National Committee Vice Chairman Jack Hess, W4A Chief Darren Sorrels, W4B Chief Robert Brock, Past National Chief Jack Stevens, Region OA Committee member Tom Tabb, and several other present and past Section Officers and Advisers. The Sinagua Sam Spirit Awardwent to Lodge 432..  The “Top Lodge” award went to Lodge 432.  Best of the Year Award went to Lodge 432  Total attendance was 262.  A special recognition was given to Harvey Hardin for his service to the Section over many years of managing the Trading Post operations.  This was his last year in that position.  OA Jeopardy was a big hit.  The Crazy Hat Dinner contest was a big hit.



SECTION W4C             Site * Tucson, AZ.

NOVEMBER 9-11         Service Lodge * Papago 494

2001                                Chief * Gabriel Rendon 494

Vice Chief * Michael Forrest 432

Secretary * Jorge Delgadillo 432

Adviser * Kevin Moshier 432

Associate Adviser * Paul Beames 312

Assistant Adviser * Yolanda Valadez 312

Staff Adviser * Alan Young 494

Area Adviser * James Ariolla 312

Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack

Region Chief * Josh Gana

Region Chairman * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13

Region Adviser * Gene Wadford


Comments:            The theme was “REMEMBER THE PAST IMAGINE THE FUTURE”.  Special guests included and several other present and past Section Officers and Advisers. The Sinagua Sam Spirit Awardwent to Lodge ..  The “Top Lodge” award went to Lodge .  Best of the Year Award went to Lodge   Total attendance was .



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Last updated: October 3, 2024 at 11:24 am

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