Boy Scout Camp on Colorado River
The Riverside County Council, Boy Scouts of America this week received a gift of a new Boy Scout camp on the Colorado River, near Blythe, according to Hugh Baurman, member of the Boy Scout board at Blythe.
The 13 acre camp is located 6 miles outh of the community of Palo Verde in Section 36 of Imperial County on the outfall drain.
There is timber and camping space on the land and there is a sandy beach for swimming and launching of boats. Plans will be made soon for development of the site for camping.
This camp will be named after Carl C. Anderson, Sr. and Marie Jo Anderson his wife, who have leased the 13 acre camp for 99 years at a rental of $1.00 per year. The Anderson's live at Scottsdale, Arizona, but have extensive holdings in the Palo Verde Valley.
Keywords: Blythe, California, Camp Anderson, Camps, Carl C. Anderson Sr., Councils, Marie Jo Anderson, Palo Verde, Riverside County Council, Scouting
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