First Meeting of Salado Lodge
First Meeting of Salado Lodge
Keywords: Alexander ?, Bob Tunis, Cleland Connel, Cliff Clairadge, Copper Council, Councils, Fred Turner, Joe Bronson, Larry Clawson, Lodges, Order of the Arrow, Robert Asay, Salado Lodge, Scouting, Tony Chaidez
Copyright: This image is available for use under the Creative Commons - Attribute (CC-Attribute) License. Please credit the Area 4 History Project when using this media.

First Salado Lodge Continent to NOAC in 1967
First Salado Lodge Continent to NOAC in 1967
Not Pictured: Adult Adviser Bob Murray, who took this photograph.
Keywords: 1967 NOAC, Bob Tunis, Cliff Clairadge, Copper Council, Councils, Joe Bronson, Kieth Murray, Larry Clawson, Lodges, NOAC, OA Events, Order of the Arrow, Robert Asay, Salado Lodge, Scouting, Tony Chaidez
Copyright: This image is available for use under the Creative Commons - Attribute (CC-Attribute) License. Please credit the Area 4 History Project when using this media.

First Salado Lodge Pocket Flap
First Salado Lodge Pocket Flap
Keywords: Copper Council, Councils, Lodges, Memorabilia, Order of the Arrow, Pocket Flaps, Salado Lodge, Scouting
Copyright: This image is available for use under the Creative Commons - Attribute (CC-Attribute) License. Please credit the Area 4 History Project when using this media.

1968 Camp Cibola Patch
1968 Camp Cibola Patch
Keywords: Camp Cibola, Camps, Copper Council, Councils, Scouting
Copyright: This image is available for use under the Creative Commons - Attribute (CC-Attribute) License. Please credit the Area 4 History Project when using this media.

1967 (Est): Wade Griffth and Charles Lafferty, of Troop 36 in Morenci, Arizona, at Copper Council's Camp Cibola. The truck was borrowed from the Phelps Dodge Corporation, which had mining interests in the area, and was driven by Mr. Griffith.
1967 (Est): Wade Griffth and Charles Lafferty, of Troop 36 in Morenci, Arizona, at Copper Council's Camp Cibola. The truck was borrowed from the Phelps Dodge Corporation, which had mining interests in the area, and was driven by Mr. Griffith.
Keywords: Camp Cibola, Camps, Charles Lafferty, Copper Council, Councils, Scouting, Wade Griffith
Copyright: This image is available for use under the Creative Commons - Attribute (CC-Attribute) License. Please credit the Area 4 History Project when using this media.

Camp Snow Flat Patch
Camp Snow Flat patch from Copper Council, Safford, Arizona
Keywords: Camp Snow Flat, Camps, Copper Council, Councils, Memorabilia, Order of the Arrow, Patches, Scouting
Copyright: This image is available for use under the Creative Commons - Attribute (CC-Attribute) License. Please credit the Area 4 History Project when using this media.