Victorville's Latest News
(Special Staff Correspondence)
Victorville, July 17. -- Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Richardson, who have been at their summer residence at Balboa for some months, were in Victorville for a short stay this week.
George L. Mason, time keepers for the Southwestern Portland Cement company, accompanied by Mrs. Mason and baby daughter, are spending a two-weeks vacation at the beaches.
George Aitken, formerly proprietor of Hotel Stewart in this city, was here on business Tuesday. Mrs. Aitken died June 24 at their Long Beach home.
C.W. Viall, candidate for county coroner, and C.P. Baxter, who is seeking the nomination for county auditor, were in Victorville and neighboring communities Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shilling of Balboa are at their Baldy Mesa ranch for a few weeks.
C.W. Hagerman of the Southern Sierras Light and Power company will go to Barstow the first two weeks in August to relieve Superintendent H.W. Mosier of that place, while Mr. Mosier takes his vacation. Mr. Hagerman will be allowed his vacation the latter part of August.
Justice of the Peace J.M. Holloway of Hesperia has returned from an extended visit in Kentucky, his native state. He also made a business trip to New York.
Darrel Robinson and George Wondra are spending two weeks at Arataba, the Boy Scouts' summer camp.
Keywords: Arrowhead Area Council, Camp Arataba, Camps, Councils, Darrel Robinson, George Wondra, Scouting
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