Frank Zografos dies Monday at age of 49
Private memorial services were planned at Walnut Creek this week for Frank Zografos, former Redlands Boy Scout executive, who died Monday.
Zografos, 49, was the field director in charge of the Greyback (sic) Boy Scout Council here until four years ago. Since then he had led the Mount Diablo Council at Walnut Creek, where he took charge in October of 1973.
He was widely known in the Boy Scouts of America, having started his career in 1955, holding executive positions first in Oakland and Santa Ana. He was in Redlands for seven years, operating the Greyback (sic) Council before its merger with San Bernardino and Riverside county offices in 1974, when it became the California Inland Empire Council.
Zografos was instrumental in the building of the present Boy Scout executive quarters at 470 E. Highway avenue. This project has continued to grow under the direction of John P. Dudley, successor to Zografos.
The former executive was a member of the Rotary club and other Redlands organizations. He was a native of Colorado.
He is survived by his wife, Marjorie, his mother, Mrs. Frank Zografos, Sr., of Oakland; a son and daughter, three grandchildren, and a brother, Dr. Andrew Zografos, of Yuba City.
The family suggested that friends might make contributions in the name of Zografos to the Mount Diablo Boy Scout Council at Walnut Creek.
Keywords: Councils, Frank Zografos, Grayback Council, Mount Diablo Council, Scouting
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