1969 Letter From Chief Walker to Robert Lindboe on San Diego County Council Stationary
John W. Ackermann
Scout Executive
Boy Scouts of America
San Diego County Council
1207 Upas Street
San Diego, California 92103
April 18, 1969
Mr. Bob Lindboe
2310 Prospect
Berkeley, California 94704
Dear Bob:
It was nice to see you again and to know that you are well and getting along fine. Sorry to hear you are going to be a foot soldier. But with your Scout experience flooded rice patties won't be hard to sleep in. Keep your rear end down thats getting the purple bug the hard way.
Yes, another year has gone by and many more faces have passed by but the good leadership you set down your year as Area Chief is still being felt. Keep up the good work and in a few years you will make flag and this old Indian will be on the sideline cheering his head off. I almost made it.
Abernathy will do a good job if we put a sidewinder with him to keep him awake.
Good luck Bob in your new adventure. Just remember people are people wherever you go. Don't let them get you down - be firm but fair.
Sometime when you think of it drop this old Iniand a line.
Chief (signature)
Owen "Chief" Walker
Participating Member of United Community Services
Keywords: Councils, Owen Walker, Robert Lindboe, San Diego County Council, Scouting
Copyright: This image is available for use under the Creative Commons - Attribute (CC-Attribute) License. Please credit the Area 4 History Project when using this media.

1965 - Palomar District Roundtable in Poway
Scout District
Round Table
Held At Poway
POWAY – Owen Walker, assistant Boy Scout council commissioner, and John MacConnell, director of field service, were guests at the recent Palomar Scout District Round Table at the Fellowship Hall of the Community Church.
Acout 80 adult scout leaders, including 24 den mothers, attended. Art Kozack was chairman of the round table, and Explorer Post 609, led by Tom Emery, was the host group.
Frank Schmidt, camp ranger for the Balboa district, spoke on edible plants. William Schneider of the Poway gen (sic) and mineral shop spoke on rocks.
Wayne Freeman, Palomar district camp chairman, outlined plans for the district camporee in Valley Center April 30 to May 1.
The next district round table will be May 11 at Juniper School.
Keywords: Art Kozack, Councils, Explorer Post 609 (Escondido), Frank Schmidt, John MacConnell, Owen Walker, Palomar District, San Diego County Council, Scouting, Tom Emery, Wayne Freeman, William Schneider
Copyright: This image is available for use under the Creative Commons - Attribute (CC-Attribute) License. Please credit the Area 4 History Project when using this media.

1965 - Palomar District Roundtable in Poway
Scout District
Round Table
Held At Poway
POWAY – Owen Walker, assistant Boy Scout council commissioner, and John MacConnell, director of field service, were guests at the recent Palomar Scout District Round Table at the Fellowship Hall of the Community Church.
Acout 80 adult scout leaders, including 24 den mothers, attended. Art Kozack was chairman of the round table, and Explorer Post 609, led by Tom Emery, was the host group.
Frank Schmidt, camp ranger for the Balboa district, spoke on edible plants. William Schneider of the Poway gen (sic) and mineral shop spoke on rocks.
Wayne Freeman, Palomar district camp chairman, outlined plans for the district camporee in Valley Center April 30 to May 1.
The next district round table will be May 11 at Juniper School.
Keywords: Art Kozack, Councils, Explorer Post 609 (Escondido), Frank Schmidt, John MacConnell, Owen Walker, Palomar District, San Diego County Council, Scouting, Tom Emery, Wayne Freeman, William Schneider
Copyright: This image is available for use under the Creative Commons - Attribute (CC-Attribute) License. Please credit the Area 4 History Project when using this media.