Ron Temple Shakes Hands With Tyler Harris
Ron Temple, 1961 National Conference Chief, stands with Tyler Harris, his 2015 C-7 Section Chief, at the 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference GEO Museum.
Keywords: Jim Feil, Michael Costello, Robert F. Szczys, Ron Temple, Scouting, Sean Cox, Sean Murray, Tyler Harris, William A. Stumpp
Copyright: This image is available for use under the Creative Commons - Attribute (CC-Attribute) License. Please credit the Area 4 History Project when using this media.

Ron Temple and Tyler Harris
Ron Temple, 1961 National Conference Chief, stands with Tyler Harris, his 2015 C-7 Section Chief, at the 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference GEO Museum.
Keywords: Jim Feil, Michael Costello, Ron Temple, Scouting, Sean Cox, Sean Murray, Tyler Harris, William A. Stumpp
Copyright: This image is available for use under the Creative Commons - Attribute (CC-Attribute) License. Please credit the Area 4 History Project when using this media.