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By Virginia Johnson 422-1277 The monthly Unit commissioner/A D C meeting will be held tonight at 7 p.m. in the Scout Building of the First United Methodist Church at Third Ave. and J St., Chula Vista. This meeting will be followed by the monthly District Commissioners/District Committee meeting in the same location beginning at 7:30 p.m. *** The Annual Order of the Arrow Ordeal for both Kaahaannii and Nashola Clans will be held at Camp Balboa tomorrow and Saturday. The Pre Ordeal & Brotherhood Ceremony will be held on Friday evening and the Ordeal on Saturday evening. Members should be at Camp Balboa at 7 p.m. Friday evening. Please contact advisor (sic) Dale Kincade 426-4102 for additional information. *** A reminder -- the Den Leaders Outdoor Experience at Mataguay will be June 14 and 15. *** The Annual Special (Handicapped) Campout will be at Camp Balboa June 15 and all of the Buddy Scouts are to be in camp at 6:30 p.m. Friday June 14 or 7 a.m. Saturday June 15. *** Congratulations to new Eagle Scout Darren Johnson whose Eagle Court will be held at 6:30 p.m. in Morena Vista Park, Imperial Beach, June 12. *** May 18 was the annual "Through the Looking Glass" event for the surfside service unit of girl scouts. Sixty-eight girls attended the outdoor learning experience, held at the Sweetwater Dam Reservoir. All of the skills were taught to the brownies by the junior and cadette girl scouts, who were earning their aid and leadership awards. One of the favorite skill areas was knot tying, led by junior troop # 5102 of Nicoloff Elementary School. These seasoned campers taught the bolin (sic), square, and half-hitch knots by using candy ropes, then later by using the real thing. Several brownie troops attended and earned their bridge to junior award, including troop 15091 of Sunnyslope Elementary School, led by Tina Cash. These girls learned how to build fires, use jack knives, tool leather, cook a one pot meal, use a compoass, make leaf rubbings, as well as tie knots. Cadette Girl Scout Troop 5075 will have a camping trip for an encampment/bridging court of awards program tomorrow at Silver Strand State Park. The troop will hold its final meeting of the year on June 10, a fun night at Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour. *** Anne Arms of Bonita was elected office supervisor for the San Diego/Imperial Girl Scout Council at the group's annual meeting at the Radisson Hotel of San Diego. David Loader of Chula Vista was elected energy management technician. This is your column Scouters! Please provide us with information on your units activities and awards so we may print, courtesy of The Star-News, the information regarding our scouting programs.

By Virginia Johnson

The monthly Unit commissioner/A D C meeting will be held tonight at 7 p.m. in the Scout Building of the First United Methodist Church at Third Ave. and J St., Chula Vista.

This meeting will be followed by the monthly District Commissioners/District Committee meeting in the same location beginning at 7:30 p.m.
The Annual Order of the Arrow Ordeal for both Kaahaannii and Nashola Clans will be held at Camp Balboa tomorrow and Saturday.

The Pre Ordeal & Brotherhood Ceremony will be held on Friday evening and the Ordeal on Saturday evening. Members should be at Camp Balboa at 7 p.m. Friday evening. Please contact advisor (sic) Dale Kincade 426-4102 for additional information.
A reminder — the Den Leaders Outdoor Experience at Mataguay will be June 14 and 15.
The Annual Special (Handicapped) Campout will be at Camp Balboa June 15 and all of the Buddy Scouts are to be in camp at 6:30 p.m. Friday June 14 or 7 a.m. Saturday June 15.
Congratulations to new Eagle Scout Darren Johnson whose Eagle Court will be held at 6:30 p.m. in Morena Vista Park, Imperial Beach, June 12.
May 18 was the annual “Through the Looking Glass” event for the surfside service unit of girl scouts.

Sixty-eight girls attended the outdoor learning experience, held at the Sweetwater Dam Reservoir.

All of the skills were taught to the brownies by the junior and cadette girl scouts, who were earning their aid and leadership awards.

One of the favorite skill areas was knot tying, led by junior troop # 5102 of Nicoloff Elementary School.

These seasoned campers taught the bolin (sic), square, and half-hitch knots by using candy ropes, then later by using the real thing.

Several brownie troops attended and earned their bridge to junior award, including troop 15091 of Sunnyslope Elementary School, led by Tina Cash.

These girls learned how to build fires, use jack knives, tool leather, cook a one pot meal, use a compoass, make leaf rubbings, as well as tie knots.

Cadette Girl Scout Troop 5075 will have a camping trip for an encampment/bridging court of awards program tomorrow at Silver Strand State Park. The troop will hold its final meeting of the year on June 10, a fun night at Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlour.
Anne Arms of Bonita was elected office supervisor for the San Diego/Imperial Girl Scout Council at the group’s annual meeting at the Radisson Hotel of San Diego.

David Loader of Chula Vista was elected energy management technician.

This is your column Scouters! Please provide us with information on your units activities and awards so we may print, courtesy of The Star-News, the information regarding our scouting programs.

Keywords: Ashie Lodge, Camp Balboa, Camps, Dale Kincade, Darren Johnson, Kaahaannii Clan, Lodges, Mataguay Scout Ranch, Nashola Clan, Order of the Arrow, Scouting

Copyright: This image is available for use under the Creative Commons – Attribute (CC-Attribute) License. Please credit the Area 4 History Project when using this media.

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Last updated: October 3, 2024 at 12:40 pm

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