Home > Order of the Arrow > Areas > Area 12-A > Area 12-A Leadership

Area 12-A Leadership

Leadership for Section W4B Conclave and Area 12-A Conferences

Year/Term Area Chief Area Vice-Chief Area Secretary Area Adviser Associate Adviser Professional Adviser Service Lodge
Area 12-A Leadership
1951 Loren Tarvin (1928 – 2017) (225) Jim Lang (252) George Aunger (252) (1908 – 1977) Carl N. Helmick (127) San Gorgonio # 298
1952 Bob Brier (298) George Aunger (252) (1908 – 1977) Cecil (Skip) Fife (298) Tamet # 225
1953 Harry V. Smith (228) (1931 – 2022) George Aunger (252) (1908 – 1977) Cecil (Skip) Fife (298) Ashie # 436
1954 Bill Marumoto (298) (1934 – 2008) Sid Frantz (436) Cecil (Skip) Fife (298) Spe-Le-Yai # 249
1954 – 1955 Chuck Pierce (1935 – 2009)  (127) Sid Frantz (436) Howard (Tubby) Houston (249) Tahquitz # 127
1956 John B. Adams (298) (1936 – 2022) Larry Grace (478) Sid Frantz (436) John Sterrett (298) Ahwahnee # 430
1957 Al Robinson (298) Sid Frantz (436) John Sterrett (298) Wisumahi # 478
1958 Paul Kelly (436) Sid Frantz (436) John Sterrett (298) Ashie # 436
1959 Bob MacFarlane (298) Tom Pierce (127) Bob Ashley (430) San Gorgonio # 298
1959 – 1960 Lee Ellis (127) Tom Pierce (127) Bob Ashley (430) Tahquitz # 127
1961 William C. Hopkins


Bruce Moore (430) (1942 – 2016)

Bruce Moore (430) (1942 – 2016)


Ted Tudor (478)

Dr. Jim Weston (436) Hollis Spindle (298) Wisumahi # 478
1962 Bruce Moore (430) (1942 – 2016) John Hoy (298) (1913 – 2002) Walt Pearson (430) Ashie # 436
1963 Craig Reide (98) Bill Oliver John Hoy (298) (1913 – 2002) Walt Pearson (430) Ahwahnee # 430
1963 – 1964 Ted Kirkpatrick (127) Larry Rupp Jr. (298) John Hoy (298) (1913 – 2002) Walt Pearson (430) Navajo # 98
1965 Scott Anders (98) Skip Park (436) John Hoy (298) (1913 – 2002) Walt Pearson (430) A-tsa # 380
1966 Greg Richards (430) Bob Lindboe (98) Maury Clancy (436) Robert Nicholson Ashie # 436
1967 Bob Lindboe (98) (1947 – 2024) Maury Clancy (436) Bill Gruber (127) Wisumahi # 478
1968 John Yancy (436) Mo Gotcher (127) Larry Rupp Sr. (298) Ken Harlan (298) San Gorgonio # 298
1969 Mo Gotcher (127) Rich Collier (380) Larry Rupp Sr. (298) Ken Harlan (298) Navajo # 98
1970 Larry Abernathy (436) Ted Lyddon (298) Larry Rupp Sr. (298) Jim Stainer (298) Tahquitz # 127
1971 Ted Lyddon (298) (1952 – 1993) Kim Wilkinson (127) Wayne Fowlie (478) Al Gaudio (430) Ahwahnee # 430
1972 Chuck Howard (430) Terry Tyson (127) Wayne Fowlie (478) Owen Walker (436) Ashie # 436

For Section W4B Leadership beginning in 1973, see the W4B Leadership Page.

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Last updated: July 9, 2024 at 16:07 pm

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