Home > Order of the Arrow > Lodges of Area 4 > Ho-Mita-Koda Lodge # 380 (1948 – 1952) > Ho-Mita-Koda Lodge # 380 Chiefs and Advisers

Ho-Mita-Koda Lodge # 380 Chiefs and Advisers

Lodge Chief
Lodge Adviser
Maurice Clapp Jr. (1928 – 2010)1
Lloyd Langlie2
Andy Nickles3
Foy Pierce4
John Stanley5

* The 1953 date is interesting, as officially, the Lodge was considered disbanded by the National Office.

  1. 1949-03-04 Redlands Daily Facts
  2. 1949-03-04 Redlands Daily Facts
  3. 1950-10-20 Redlands Daily Facts
  4. 1950-10-20 Redlands Daily Facts
  5. 1953-04-15 Redlands Daily Facts

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Last updated: February 17, 2025 at 20:13 pm