Home > Order of the Arrow > Lodges of Area 4 > Wipala Wiki Lodge # 432 > Wipala Wiki Lodge Timeline

Wipala Wiki Lodge Timeline

What follows is a partial Wipala Wiki Lodge history timeline that is being improved.

  • 1957 – Papago lodge hosted the first Conference of newly formed Area 7 at Camp Lawton, near Tucson. Attending the conference were Victorio 177, Wipala Wiki 432, Papago 494, and Pang 532 1.
  • 1958 – Wipala Wiki 432 hosted the second Area 7 Conference at the Heard Scout Pueblo, in Phoenix. 432’s first Vigil ceremony was held at the Conference, Art Barnes from Laveen, AZ, a member since 1953, was the first youth Vigil2.
  • 1961 – Wipala Wiki 432 hosted the fifth Area Conference at the Roosevelt Council Scouting Center in Phoenix, February 17-19, 1961. R-C Chief George Miller gave the opening address. Merle DeMarce served a bar-b-cue lunch. Dinner was at the Scouting Center and Amos Shields gave the keynote address. Attendance was 1823.
  • 1965 – Pang 532 hosted the 9th Area Conference at the Yuma Proving Grounds in November, and Wipala Wiki 432 won the display award4.
  • 1966 – Papago 494 hosted the 10th Area Conference in August at the University of Arizona in Tucson. 54 members from 432 attended and the dance team won 1st place5.
  • 1967 – Wipala Wiki 432 hosted the 11th Area Conference in August. The first completely outdoor conference was held at Camp Geronimo north of Payson, AZ. All camp facilities were available to the conference, and Governor Jack Williams was the keynote speaker [he wore an eyepatch and was familiarly referred to as “One-Eyed Jack”]. Chuck Bindner provided a display of Birds of Prey. 432 won the Dance Team and Obstacle Course events6.
  • 1969 – Nebagamon hosted the Area 12-F Conference on November 7-9, 1969, held in Las Vegas, NV. Wipala Wiki lodge won 5 awards including best Dance Team7.
  • 1970 – The 14th Area 12-F Conference was held at the Heard Scout Pueblo on October 30-November 1, 1970. Keynote speaker was former Council Chief Scout Executive George Miller. Wipala Wiki, age 91, also spoke very great words for the closing show8.
  • 1971 – Papago hosted the 15th Area 12-F Conference in Tucson on November 19-21, 1971. (This date differs from the date published on the website, but the published date is the Thanksgiving weekend, and is quite unlikely to be the correct date. In fact, it lists the start date as Thanksgiving Thursday.)9
  • 1972 – Wipala Wiki hosted the 16th Area 12-F Conference at Camp Geronimo on October 20-22, 1972. It was the last Area 12-F Conference to be held. One item on the dinner menu was buffalo meat. (Published date was NOT a Fri-Sat-Sun weekend)10
  • 1973 – Chee Dodge hosted the first annual Section W4-C Conclave at the Grand Canyon on October 19-21, 1973. [We stayed in the Grand Canyon Village, walking distance, I believe, from the Visitor’s Center – It could have been a very short car ride, maybe]. (Published date was NOT a Fri-Sat-Sun weekend)11
  • 1975 – Salado hosted the Section Conclave was held near Safford, AZ12.
  • 1976 – Papago Lodge hosted the 4-C Conclave at Pima Junior College13.
  • 1977 – Wipala Wiki hosted the 4-C Conclave at Luke Air Force Base, Glendale, AZ, on November 11-13, 1977. Over 200 Arrowmen from 432. [Published info had some typos – “Dan Escobedo” and “Steve Domotor” are the correct spellings. I knew both of these guys]14.
  • 1978 – Chee Dodge hosted the Section Conclave at Coronado High School in Flagstaff on November 10-12, 1978. 55 Arrowmen attended from 43215.
  • 1979 – Nebagamon hosted the Section Conclave at Lake Havasu on November 9-11, 1979. 432 had 56 members in attendance. (Published date was NOT a Fri-Sat-Sun weekend)16
  • 1980 – Papago hosted the Section Conclave in Fort Huachuca, AZ, on November 7-9, 1980. Wipala Wiki 432 had 96 members in attendance, and won the “Best Lodge” award17.
  • 1981 – Wipala Wiki hosted the Section Conclave at the Heard Scout Pueblo in Phoenix on November 6-8, 198118.
  • 1982 – Chee Dodge hosted the Section Conclave at Mingus Mountain, near the Verde Valley19.
  • 1983 – Nebagamon hosted the Section Conclave in Kingman on November 11-13, 1983. Wipala Wiki won the Potlatch,Ceremonies and Dance competition, and took home the “Best Lodge” plaque20.
  • 1984 – Papago hosted the Section Conclave at Marana School on November 9-11, 198421.
  • 1985 – Wipala Wiki hosted the Section Conclave at Williams Air Force Base on November 8-10, 198522.
  • 1986 – Chee Dodge hosted the Section Conclave at Camp Verde High School on November 7-9, 198623.
  • 1987 – Nebagamon hosted the Section Conclave in Las Vegas, at Cashman Field, on November 13-15, 198724.
  • 1988 – Papago hosted the Section Conclave at Casa Grande Jr. High School on November 11-13, 1988. 107 Arrowmen attended from 432, and Leo Hollis flooded the camping area by driving over the sprinkler controls. Way to go Leo25.
  • 1989 – Wipala Wiki hosted the Section Conclave at Williams Air Force Base on November 10-12, 1989. 432’s Pueblo Chapter Dance Team gave a demonstration dance of plaza dancing, which included an Eagle dance. The team was coached by advisor Larry Johnson26.
  • 1990 – The Tri Area Conclave was held on March 30-April 1, 1990, in Palm Springs, CA. The Conclave was conducted in celebration of the Order’s 75th Anniversary. There were 17 lodges from Sections W4A, W4B, and W4C. WIpala Wiki sent 128 Arrowmen. Their Dance Team won 3 first place awards, and 3 second place awards. Their Brotherhood team won first place also. Section WW4C conducted a Fellowship at Page High School on November 9-11, 199027.
  • 1991 – Nebagamon hosted the Section Conclave at Western High School in Las Vegas, NV, on November 8-10, 1991.432 had 150 members attend. They also won the “Man Mile” award, and several awards in dancing, ceremonies, and sports28.
  • 1992 – Papago hosted the Annual Section Conclave at Fort Huachuca on November 13-15, 199229
  • 1993 – Wipala Wiki hosted the Section Conclave at the Heard Scout Pueblo in Phoenix on November 12-14, 1993. Although there was a lot of rain, there was a good turn out, lots of fun, and good food30.
  • 1994 – Nebagamon hosted the Annual Section Conclave in Las Vegas on November 11-13, 199431.
  • 1995 – Papago hosted the Section Conclave in Tucson on November 10-12, 1995. Wipala Wiki had 153 members attend and won the “Best Lodge” Award. They also won the Spirit Award, Potlatch, Volleyball, and Dance Team. (Published date was NOT a Fri-Sat-Sun weekend)32
  • 1996 – Wipala Wiki hosted the Section Conclave at the Heard Scout Pueblo in Phoenix on November 8-10, 1996. 432 had 247 members attend and won the Spirit Award again33.
  • 1997 – Nebagamon hosted the Annual Section Conclave in Boulder City, NV, on November 7-9, 1997. 432 had 186 Arrowmen attend and won the “Top Lodge” Award34.
  • 1998 – Papago hosted the Section Conclave at Flowing Wells Junior HS, in Tucson on November 13-15, 1998. 432 had 127 Arrowmen attended and was named “Best Lodge of the Year”35.
  • 1999 – Wipala Wiki hosted the Section Conclave at Cesar Chavez High School in Phoenix. 432 took the Section’s “Lodge of the Year” Award for the second year in a row36.
  • 2000 – Nebagamon hosted the Annual Section Conclave at Basic High School in Henderson, NV. 432 had 139 members attend and took home the Section’s “Lodge of the Year” for the third year in a row37.
  • 2001 – Papago hosted the Section Conclave at Flowing Wells Junior HS, in Tucson on November 9-11, 2001. 432 took home the Section’s “Lodge of the Year” for the fourth year in a row38.
  • 2002 – Wipala Wiki hosted the Section Conclave at Hendrix Junior High School in Chandler, AZ, on November 8-10, 2002. 432 took the Section’s “Lodge of the Year” Award for the fifth year in a row39.
  • 2003 – Nebagamon hosted the Annual Section Conclave at Thurman White Middle School, NV. 432 took the Section’s “Lodge of the Year” Award for the sixth year in a row40.
  • 2004 – Papago hosted the Section Conclave at Flowing Wells Junior HS, in Tucson.
  • 432 took the Section’s “Lodge of the Year” Award for the seventh year in a row, they had 190 members attend and took home all the awards except the Spirit Award41.

Page Credits: Michael Forrest and Dave Ragsdale

  1. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  2. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  3. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  4. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  5. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  6. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  7. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  8. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  9. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  10. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  11. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  12. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  13. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  14. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  15. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  16. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  17. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  18. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  19. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  20. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  21. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  22. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  23. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  24. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  25. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  26. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  27. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  28. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  29. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  30. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  31. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  32. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  33. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  34. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  35. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  36. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  37. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  38. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  39. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  40. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.
  41. “THE HISTORY OF OUR LODGE # 432, 2005 Revised Edition.

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Last updated: October 30, 2024 at 12:37 pm