SECTION W4ASite * San Fernando Valley Veterans Administration, Sepulveda, CA.
MARCH 16-18Service Lodge * Malibu 566
2001 Chief * Darren Sorrels 488
Vice Chief * David Williams 291
Secretary * Greg Agamation 291
Adviser * Kevin Kolde 291
Associate Adviser * Bob Latson 90
Staff Adviser * Jon MacKenzie 566
Area Adviser * James Arriola
Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack
Region Chief * Josh Gana
Region Chairman * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13
Region Adviser * Gene Wadford
Comments:The weather was fantastic. The Friday night show was based on the theme (2001 A SCOUT ODYSSEY). The key part of the Saturday night show was entertainment by John Drebinger a magacian and my last Chapter Chief as Adviser to Tsungoni Chaper in Walika Lodge circa 1967. The training received many good comments. Guests included Region Chief Josh Gana, Area Adviser James Arriola, National Committeemen Esten Grubb and Del Loder, Tom Tabb Region Committee, Section Chiefs from W1A, W3A, and W5A the Vice Chiefs from W1B and W3B. Also present were 5 past W4A Chiefs.. There were 47 sand paintings. Some were outstnding.
Outstanding Lodge * 291 (They were not a Quality Lodge)
Preordeal Trophy * 488
Brotherhood Trophy * 488
Vigil * 291
Most Spirited Lodge * 252
Flight of the Thunderbird * 252
Camp Promotion * 488
Conclave Fair * 291
Roy Walker Dance Award to Michael Vergoo 566 (4th year award presented)
Attendance * 278