AREA W4/W4BSite * Birmingham High School, Van Nuys, CA.
APRIL 29-30Host * Area W4
Chief * Mike Sachs 127 (resigned – see Comments)
Brent Schellhase 13 (elected to complete term)
Vice Chief * Steve Lang 13
Secretary * Rodney Ueno 13
Adviser * Bert Leithold Sr. 127
Associate Adviser * John Bowski 13
Staff Adviser * Ken Jeske 127
Adviser * Tom Tabb 13
Staff Adviser * Derek Wilcock
Chief * Kurt Christiansen 566 (term ended Dec. 1982)
Mike Sachs 127
Chairman * Del Loder 502
Staff Adviser * Dick Rice
Comments:The theme was “THOSE WHO CHOSE YOU NEED YOU”. The Participation Award was leather with the theme printed on it. A neckerchief was issued. Mike Sachs resigned after being elected Region Chief in Dec. 1982. Special guests were the Region Chief, Region Chairman, and National Executive Secretary, Bill Downs. This is the first combined Section W4A and W4B Conclave. The thirteen (13) lodges from the two sections were in attendance. Each section maintained its standard awards; however, awards were given to the top lodge in each category. The attendance was over 1000. Sixty eight (68) members went through their Brotherhood Ceremony. Their were 168 sand paintings. Siwinis Lodge won the overall Spirit Award. Their was a special chief’s award (a hand carved northwest paddle given to Chumash for distance and % of attendance. The food was outstanding. A great time was had by all. The rain caused no serious problems. There were over forty (40) Indian dancers. The patch was designed by David Pinard Sr. of 488.
Outstanding Lodge * Siwinis 252
Ordeal Trophy * Chumash 304
Brotherhood Trophy * Malibu 566
Niganit * Wiatava 13
Lodge Excellence * Wiatava 13