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1999 Section W4B Conclave

SECTION W4B Site * Calif. State Univ., San Bernardino, CA.
April 30 Service Lodge * Cahuilla 127
May 02-03 Chief * Hayato Nakawatase 13 / Steven Scott 127
1999 Vice Chief * Mark Stickel 13
Secretary * Steve Scott 127 / Vincent Williams 127
Adviser * Mike Philbrook 45
Associate Adviser * Bob Westmyer 13
Staff Adviser * John Winston 127
Area Adviser * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13
Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack
Region Chief * Hayato Nakawatase 13
Region Chairman * Jack Hess 312
Region Adviser * Don Chilcote
Comments: The theme was AN EXPLOSION OF SERVICE Special guests included Region Chief Hayato Nakawatase, W1B Chief Brad Lowry and his Adviser David Carr, W4A Chief Justin Boren, W5B Chief Brian Barth, Area Adviser Steve Bradley, Region Chairman Jack Hess, National Committee member Esten Grubb, Region Committee member Tom Tabb. Also present were Past W4B Section Chief Tracy Schulz, and Past Section Advisers Albert Hoogeveen, Dale Kincade, and George Torbett. A great time was had by all. Wiatava Lodge won of the dance and craft awards. and did very well in ceremonies and sand painting. The Newsletter competition was won by 45 and Camp Promotion by 13. The Spirit Award was won by 127, the Niganet was won by 13, and the Lodge Excellence was won by 45. Steve Scott, Hayato Nakawatase and Mike Philbrook received their Silver Bears in a very good ceremony Saturday night. All past recipients present were part of that ceremony. Paid ($29.00) attendance was .

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Last updated: April 2, 2021 at 13:40 pm