Home > Order of the Arrow > Sections > Section W6W > Conclaves > 2016 Section W6W Conclave

2016 Section W6W Conclave

Date:  October 14 – 16, 2017

Location:  Marana Middle School, Marana, Arizona

Service Lodge:  Papago Lodge (Catalina Council)

Weather:  Saturday weather was very warm with a high of 91F and a low of 60F.

Conclave Information:

The Chief’s bonnet used in Sections W4C and Section W6W was retired by vote of the Council of Chiefs. A new bonnet was purchased and introduced at the Saturday evening show. The retired bonnet was first introduced by former Section Chief Roy Anderson, who was killed in a boating accident on the Colorado River. The Section dedicated the new bonnet to Roy Anderson, with inspiration and anecdotes from friends and family. The retired bonnet is now located at the Kiva at the Heard Scout Pueblo in Phoenix, Arizona.

Special Guests:  Joe Garcia (2016 Western Region Chief), Caitlyn Niemiec (2016 Miss Arizona)

Awards and Recognition:

Papago Lodge was awarded Top Lodge.  Joe Garcia and Tyler Ellison were awarded the Section Chief’s medal for service as Section W6W Chief. Tracy Schultze was awarded the Section Adviser’s medal for service as Section W6W Adviser.  Elijah Martin was elected Section W6W Chief. Noah Peterson was elected Section Vice-Chief, and Kyle Schneider was elected Section Secretary. Daniel Carman was introduced as Section W6W Adviser with two new Associate Section Advisers, Gary Hyndowitz and Jerry Schneider.



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Last updated: April 2, 2021 at 14:08 pm