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2020 Section W6W Conclave

Due to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, this Conclave was conducted online, known as a Zoom Conclave.

Friday began with several different types of program. Youth and enthusiasts played on a Minecraft Server and the online multiplayer game, Among Us. There was also a Section Rededication Ceremony over video

There was some turnover during the Section’s fiscal year. Brian Legal was elected Section Chief after a resignation. Daniel Grosjean was then elected Section Secretary in Brian’s place. Michael Moody was then elected Section Vice-Chief after another resignation.

The team of Brian, Michael, and Daniel led the Section’s Zoom Conclave.

2020 Section W6W Conclave Facts

Date: October 16 – 18, 2020

Cost: $5.00

Attendance: 192 Registered

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Last updated: April 2, 2021 at 14:08 pm