Home > People > Esten Franklin Grubb (1923 – 2010)

Esten Franklin Grubb (1923 – 2010)

Esten Grubb was born on October 7, 1923 and passed away on March 24, 2010.

Esten was a 75 year veteran of the Boy Scouts of America.  He was very active at every level of Scouting from the unit, district, council region and national committee. Esten served as the Scoutmaster of Troop 985 from 1966 to 1972. During his tenure, 34 Scouts earned the rank of Eagle Scout, including his sons Tim and Travis.

Esten served as an Order of the Arrow in many roles:

  • Chapter Adviser
  • Siwinis  Lodge Adviser (1977- 1981)
  • W4A Section Adviser (1980-1983)
  • Area 4 Adviser  (1987-1989)
  • Order of the Arrow Western Region Chairman (1989-1992)
  • An active member of the National Order of the Arrow Committee, Founder’s Advisory Council and Goodman Society.

Esten was a Vigil Honor Member and a recipient of Silver Beaver, Silver Antelope and the National OA Distinguished Service Award.  Esten participated in the 1971 World Jamboree in Japan and served as the Scoutmaster of Trading Post B for the 1973, 1977, 1981, 1985 and 1989 National Jamborees.

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Last updated: July 9, 2024 at 16:08 pm

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