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Welcome From Section Chief

My Fellow Arrowmen!

Welcome to the 1974 W-4-A Conclave!  I hope that this weekend will be full of meaning, fellowship, and enjoyment for you.

Special recognition goes to the officers and members of Canalino Lodge for hosting this conference, and Topa Topa Lodge for their able assistance.  It is the combined efforts of the leadership of the Lodges and Section that made this weekend a reality.

I challenge you to carry back the tradition and spirit of this weekend to your Lodge, Chapter, and unit.  Remember the purpose for which our order was founded and strive to meet its goals.

Welcome to the 1974 W-4-A CONCLAVE !!


Yours In the Spirit of the Arrow, W.W.W.,


Section 4A Chief



  • Richard Breithaupt, Jr.

    Richard Breithaupt Jr. served as the last Walika Lodge Chief, and the first Malibu Lodge Chief.  Other roles included Section W4A Chief and Vice-Chairman of the National Order of the Arrow Committee. He is a committed historian who co-published the original Arapaho II and has authored several in-depth histories.  

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Last updated: April 19, 1974 at 9:00 am

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