The Area 4 History project began as an Order of the Arrow resource that tracked the history of local Area Conferences and Section Conclaves. Tom Tabb, as the project originator, produced annual booklets that were available at W4A, W4B, and W4C Conclaves. This continued from 1983 to 2002.
After Mr. Tabb passed away, his project text files were donated and continued online via this website.
Since 2002, this website has updated and extended that information when available.
In the last few years, the scope of the website has expanded, seeking to track Order of the Arrow Lodges, local Camps, and local Councils.
Any member with information, photographs, or other documents are encouraged to share with this website. Click here to see a list of the many contributors.
Foreward By T.H. Tabb
From March 17, 1997
My Area Order of the Arrow history project started in 1980 when I saw a list of past host lodges, chiefs, and advisers in the W4A Section Conclave program. I started out preparing a similar list for Section W4B and as a result became interested in trying to collect more detailed data for Area W4. When I ran out of responsive sources for data, I decided to publish the data I had in the hope that it would stimulate additional input. This was in March 1983. With additional data gathered and the first books mostly sold, I put out a revised book in December 1986. With the recent assignment of Section W5A to Area W4 as Section W4C, I decided to start to put together their data for this revision. The data is incomplete at this time, but I hope in time it will be complete.
I hope the data included herein is of interest to you. I also would appreciate any corrections or additional data you can provide. It is hard to come by and is frequently inaccurate. Please help if you can. Enjoy the Order of the Arrow as I have and it will provide you with many friends, fellowing, fun, and satisfaction.
Yours in the WWW,
Tom Tabb
Western Region Order of the Arrow Committee