AREA XIIESite * Birmingham High School, Van Nuys, CA.
APRIL 7-9Host * Walika 228
1972Chief * Brad Quibell 249
Deputy Area Chief * Chuck Barber 252 (program)
Bruce Miesse 249 (competition)
Mike Coussineua 488 (competition)
Secretary *
Treasurer * Guy Sanford 252
Lay Adviser * Ray Peter Sr. 228
Assistant Adviser *Walt White 228
Don Hansen 249
Professional Adviser * Don Pittenger 228
Region Adviser * Dick Lamb
Comments:This was the last year before the re-organization. Dave Boshea the National Executive Secretary was a special guest. Lodges 90 and 291 were transferred back to XIID. The remaining lodges were 225, 228, 249, 252, and 488. There several variations of the patch.