Canaliño Lodge # 90 was the first Lodge formed in the State of California in 1936.
The Lodge famously had strict “1 per life” restrictions on their member and Brotherhood flaps. The flap was usually accompanied by a letter attesting to its issuance and that it was not to be traded.
The Lodge hosted the first Area U Meeting in 1945, held both in Santa Barbara and at Camp Drake in the Santa Ynez Mountains. This was the forerunner for what would become our Area Conference and Section Conclaves.
Canalino Lodge was well-known for their excellent Sundance Fellowships that drew not just a large lodge attendance, but Order of the Arrow visitors throughout California.
After 60 years of service Canaliño Lodge # 90 merged with Chumash Lodge # 304 and formed Chumash Lodge # 90. As a pragmatic way to decide the new Lodges name and number, it took the lower number and the name of the other Lodge.

Lodge Information
Term of Service: 1936 – 1996
Mission Council
Santa Barbara, California
Totem: Swordfish