Home > People > Kerby Edward Hester (1926 – 2003)

Kerby Edward Hester (1926 – 2003)

Scouting / Order of the Arrow Service

  • Lodge Chief1
  • 1970 and 1971: District Chairman, Coachella Valley District2

Awards and Honors

  • 1944: Eagle Scout
  • 1948: Vigil Honor, Tahquitz Lodge # 127
  • 1971: Silver Beaver, California Inland Empire Council


  • Coachella Valley High School
  • University of Southern California (Architectural Engineering)

Professional Information

  • Water Resources Engineer
  • Former member, American Institute of Design and Drafting
  • Former member, American Right of Way Association

Note Upon His Passing (06/14/2003)

I am very saddened to report that our oldest living Vigil Honor member has passed away. Kerby Hester (10/29/26 – 04/18/2003) was an Eagle Scout from Troop 51 in Indio. He earned his Eagle Scout rank in October 1944. Shortly thereafter, he was inducted into the Order of the Arrow at Camp Emerson. He was awarded his Vigil Honor on September 4, 1948, making him just the third Vigil Honor member in this area’s history.

Professionally, Kerby served in various capacities throughout the Coachella Valley District. He was an engineer for the Coachella Valley Water District and upon his retirement, he relocated to Washington. His wife, Rosemary, two sons, Mark and Alan, and a daughter, survive him.

Chris Manning, Council Commissioner
  1. This is speculated and we need a written source to confirm and the dates
  2. Could include other years, sources are from 10/08/1970 Desert Sentinel and 12/15/1971 Desert Sun

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Last updated: July 9, 2024 at 16:08 pm

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