Home > People > Richard Rice (1924 – 2000)

Richard Rice (1924 – 2000)

Also known as: Dick Rice

Dick Rice was a charter member1 of Tamet Lodge # 225 during its founding in 1942, and served as its 3rd Lodge Chief in 1943.

Dick was a long-time Camp Emerald Bay staff member. He served in various staff positions, rose to Waterfront Director, and then Camp Director, before becoming a professional Scouter. He had a significant impact developing the camp’s programs and activities.

He rose through the professional Scouter ranks to the post of Region Administrator of the BSA Western Region. In this role, he was principally responsible for coordinating the Region’s programs, involvement, and contingents, to National and World Jamborees, and oversaw training, program, camping, Wood Badge, Camp School, Cub Scouting, and Boy Scouting. He served as the Region Staff Adviser to the Order of the Arrow.

Upon his retirement, he returned to the San Diego area where his daughter resided.

Scouting Positions Held

Awards and Honors

  • 1986: Order of the Arrow Distinguished Service Award


  • Professional Scouter

Page Credits: Rick Breithaupt, Jeff Morley, and Bill Topkis

  1. The original charter members were: Jack Davies, John Ehrlichman, Dick Rice, Alden Barber, Ralph Randall, Jack Stufflebeam, George Saunders, Fernando Steere, Tad Procello, and either F.R. Hill or Antaol Josepho

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Last updated: September 17, 2024 at 12:25 pm