Order of the Arrow
Western Region
Tony Fiori
1996 Region Chief
Richard Mills
Region Chairman
Don Chilcote
Region Staff Adviser
February 27, 1997
To: Tracy Schultze
Fr: Tony Fiori
Re: National Director at 4B Conclave
I spoke with Clyde Mayer, the National Director of the Order of the Arrow, this past week regarding his attendance at the W4B Conclave. Clyde and I were discussing other OA topics when he mentioned the Conclave. Just to let you know, he has been given clearance from his superiors and the Scout Executive of Desert Pacific Council. The Order’s budget will pick up any related costs for his visit.
I also let him know that I would be responsible for his transportation to/from the Conclave. He told me that would be fine, and he would coordinate his travel later. He asked me to have you let him know what you would like him to do at the Conclave. He is open to anything. I mentioned to him that he will probably speak. Please keep him up to date on your plans with him although he said not to worry too much until the Conclave gets closer.
Clyde seemed very excited about attending. He will be a great asset to the Conclave that weekend.
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