We wish to thank all who have contributed to the work on the Area 4 History Project. Following is a list of valued contributors:
- John B. Adams (1935 – 2022)
- James Arriola
- Alden G. Barber (1919 – 2003)
- Steven Bradley
- Thomas Brashears
- Kyle Brendel
- Richard Breithaupt, Jr.
- Phil Brigandi (1959 – 2019)
- Dave Brown
- Don Buchanan
- Don Burian (1925 – 2005)
- Ryan Bushore
- Vianney Careaga
- Gary Christiansen
- Phil Clark
- Jorge Delgadillo
- Doug DeWitt
- Ken DeWitt
- Larry Eberstein
- Ron Ellis
- Eli Engle
- Robert Etzenhouser
- Russell Etzenhouser
- Louis Flores
- Wes Fish
- Leonard Fry
- Judy Graeber
- Samuel Giacalone
- James Glass
- Marv Goffman (1934 – 1996)
- Stefan Gogosha
- Tom Gould
- Randy Graf
- Robert Graham (1949 – 2022)
- Joseph Grant
- Wade Griffith
- George Gunderman
- Hurley Hagood
- Chris Hanson
- Harvey Harden (1927 – 2019)
- Ken Harlan
- David Harrell
- Kevin Hartjen
- David Hazen
- Carl N. Helmick (1907 – 1998)
- James Hermes
- Robert Higgins
- Ken Hody
- Albertus Hoogeveen
- Thomas Hooker
- Ernie Houston
- Howard Houston
- John Hoy
- Alan Kay
- Ben Karlsen Jr.
- Larry Krikorian
- Bret Keesler
- Howard Kern
- Dr. William Kern
- Dick Lamb
- Martin Latimer
- Matthias Leier
- Robert Lindboe (1947 – 2024)
- Thanh Lindboe
- Dr. Neil Lupton
- Dr. Bob MacFarlane
- Chris Manning
- Dick Martin
- David McCullough
- Terry Meier
- Dave Minnihan
- Bruce Moore
- Mike Nathan
- Jon Nelson
- J.K. Oldenburg
- Bob Pattison
- Walt Pearson
- Rick Pohlers
- Ron Price
- Dan Reaser
- Art Remley
- Doug Rivard
- Joe Rosenthal
- Michael Sachs
- Jorge Salazar
- Joseph Scionti
- Jeremy Scott
- Tracy Schultze
- Steve Silbiger
- Greg Smith
- Harry Smith (1931 – 2022)
- Jerry Smith
- Nick Spencer-Berger
- Hollis Spindle
- James Stainer
- John Sterrett
- Frank Sydow
- Tom Tabb (1934 – 2002)
- Bill Topkis
- Fred Turner
- John Waidner
- Walt Whidden
- Walt White
- Chuck Williams
- Vinney Williams
- Bill Woodward (1946 – 2018)
Special 2022 Contributors
We wish to express a special thanks for the following generous individuals who have contributed to the ability to continue to build the Area 4 History Archive and the storage needed to continue this project:
- Gary Christansen
- Ken DeWitt
- Sam Giacalone
- Stefan Gogosha
- Michael Gollner
- Tom Gould
- Joe Grant
- Chris Hanson
- David Harrell
- James Hermes
- Chris Manning
- Joe Rosenthal
- Nick Spencer-Berger
- Steve Silbiger
- Bill Topkis
Special Thanks: T.H. Tabb
We wish to express a special thanks to John B. Adams, Carl N. Helmick, Dr. Bob MacFarlane, Bruce Moore, Dan Reaser, and Walt White.
Special Thanks: T.M. Schultze
Thank you to a great group of friends and historians who have helped and inspired my historical work over the years, including: James Arriola, Phil Brigandi, Marv Goffman, Robert Higgins and oasections.com, Chris Manning, Ron Price, Joe Rosenthal, Frank Sydow, Steve Silbiger, Tom Tabb, Bill Topkis, Chuck Williams, and Bill Woodward.