Home > Councils > Grayback Council # 24 (1952 – 1974)

Grayback Council # 24 (1952 – 1974)

Grayback Council # 24 came into existence when the former Redlands Area Council # 24 voted to change their name in 1952. The Council was based in Redlands, with Mentone and Yucaipa being other signifiant communities in the Council.

In 1955, Grayback Council acquired the lease for Camp Tulakes from Old Baldy Council # 43. Grayback also received a donation of land in Yucaipa that became Camp Hunt. Both properties stayed for the duration of the Council’s existence.

From 1955 to 1974, the Council had an Order of the Arrow programmed as A-tsa Lodge # 380.

There were districts in Redlands and Yucaipa under the names Citrus (Redlands), Green Valley, Live Oak (Yucaipa), and Zanja Districts. More likely existed.

In early 1974, Grayback Council voted to be absorbed by the larger California Inland Empire Council # 45. On February 1, the group was reorganized as Grayback District, with former executive Ken Jeske becoming the first District Executive.

Council Chronology:

  • 1945: Levern Hansen is hired as Scout Executive. The Council office was at Office # 8 in the Redlands Fisher Building on the corner of East Citrus and Cajon.
  • 1955: Camp Tulakes lease is acquired from Old Baldy Council.
  • 1957: Scout Executive Levern Hansen leaves Grayback Council to become Executive at San Gabriel Council. At the time, the council had 1,400 Scouts.
  • 1966: Scout Executive Bob Nicholson leaves Grayback Council to become Executive at Monterey Bay Area Council in Salinas. Frank Zografos is hired June 15 as Scout Executive.
  • 1973: Scout Executive Frank Zografos leaves Grayback Council to become Scout Executive in Mount Diablo Council in Walnut Creek, California.
  • 1974: Grayback Council is absorbed by the California Inland Empire Council.

Council Pages

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Last updated: July 9, 2024 at 16:09 pm

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