Home > Councils > North Orange Council # 37 (1965 – 1972)

North Orange Council # 37 (1965 – 1972)

Founded as the Northern Orange County Council in 1944, the North Orange Council existed until the 1972 merger with Orange Empire Council # 39.

The Council changed its name in 1965.

North Orange Council’s primary camp was Ahwahnee Scout Reservation, which did stay with the newly formed Orange County Council but was sold by 1980. The Order of the Arrow Lodge was Ahwahnee Lodge.

Troop 91 from Fullerton had a Scout Camp named Camp Allen leased from the United States Forest Service in the San Bernardino Mountains, west of the Barton Flats area. It was located slightly North of current Camp Cedar Falls. Thanks to historian John Currie for the tip.

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Last updated: July 9, 2024 at 16:09 pm

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