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Camp Cibola

Camp Cibola was a New Mexico camp that served Arizona’s Copper Council between 1965 and 1977. The camp was located in West-Central New Mexico near the Village of Reserve.

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Last updated: September 24, 2024 at 17:12 pm

3 thoughts on “Camp Cibola”

  1. In 1965-ish, as a young Cub Scout in Morenci, AZ, I submitted the name Camp Cibola in a contest to name this then new camp of the old Copper Council. My prize was a bright red Huffy 10-speed bicycle. I later attended Camp Cibola as a Webelos Scout and as a Tenderfoot Boy Scout. My family then left AZ and I finished my Scouting in Idaho. I assume Camp Cibola was sold off during the consolidation of AZ Scout Councils in 1970’s and 1980’s

  2. Today I uploaded a photo taken at the main gate of Camp Cibola in 1967 or 1968. The Scouts pictures are me (Wade Griffith) and Charles Lafferty of Troop 36 in Morenci, AZ. The orange truck was borrowed form Phelps Dodge Corp to haul the Troop’s gear to camp, with my Father driving.


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