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Camp Hunt Memories

“Finally Camp Hunt also has a special place in my heart. Because it was so close to Redlands, where my Scout troop was located we went to Camp Hunt a lot. My first “backpacking” trip was at Camp Hunt. It really wasn’t a backpack trip. There was a hill in Camp Hunt that was about 500 feet high and had a mile long dirt road that switched back up the side of it and a large flat meadow on the top of the hill. There was no water, no real campsites or fire pits or picnic tables or anything on top of that hill. We had to carry all of our water and food up there for the night. For a little 11 year old new scout this seemed like an expedition to Everest. We spent Friday night up there and all day Saturday practicing scout skills. We went on a “Snipe” hunt Friday night and our leaders told us frightening ghost stories about how the place where we were camping was haunted. I didn’t sleep at all that night.

Camp Hunt was also the place where I went through my Ordeal to be inducted into the Order of the Arrow. I remember sleeping silently the first night of the Ordeal with just my sleeping (no sleeping pad) on that same dirt road I had hiked up a year before on the infamous backpack trip and a year later would be the third camp where I help conduct the Ordeal Ceremony for new members of the Order of the Arrow. Unfortunately Camp Hunt was sold by the council. It is only a few miles from my house in Yucaipa and I drive up there every once in a while to relive the good memories I have there.”

Bob Blanck

“It was May 1970 as I hoisted my (too full) backpack on my back for a 1-mile hike into our campsite at Camp Hunt. Being from Redlands, Camp Hunt was close for our Troop’s May campout and my first as a Boy Scout. What fun! I learned how to work within the Cougar Patrol of Troop 34, lashings, orienting a map with a compass, sliding down “the hill”, and my first use of a dutch oven… oh, did that dump cake taste good on a Saturday evening.”

Rob Roberts

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Last updated: July 9, 2024 at 16:05 pm

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