Home > Councils > California Inland Empire Council # 45 (1973 – Present) > Districts > Grayback District (1974 – 1995, 1996-2018) > Pop Nye Camporee

Pop Nye Camporee

The Pop Nye Memorial Camporee came into being after the passing of William “Pop” Nye in 1973. Since then, it has continued uninterrupted. The Camporee is well-known for intense competition among individual patrols, as well as the Scoutmaster’s Trophy for the winning unit leader. Family members, particularly Elizabeth “Liz” Nye, daughter of Pop Nye, occasionally spoke on Saturday nights at the camporee.

The camporee is held in the Spring, and for many years was held in various locations, until a “permanent” location was found at the Stein Egg Ranch in San Timoteo Canyon. Eventually, the camporee continued in other locations throughout the District.

When the Grayback District merged to form the Gray Arrow District, the camporee continued with the new organization.

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Last updated: July 9, 2024 at 16:09 pm

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