Tuku’Ut Lodge was formed from the merger of Siwinis Lodge # 252 and Ta Tanka Lodge # 249. Siwinis was a first generation Lodge formed in 1944. Ta Tanka was a first generation Lodge formed in 1953, with the exception of the Los Angeles County portion of Navajo Lodge # 98 in 2006.
2016 National Chief Hunter Jones attended the first Tuku’Ut Lodge Banquet.
With National “numbers” no longer formally issued, Tuku’Ut Lodge chose to adopt the number of their Council, Greater Los Angeles Area Council, which carried over from original Los Angeles Area Council # 33.

Tuku’Ut Lodge Lodge # 33
- Term of Service: 2015 – Present
- Website: https://www.tukuut.org/
- Greater Los Angeles Area Council
- Los Angeles and Pasadena, California