“As a boy , in the March/April 1963 time frame, I attended my first campout as a new scout in Troop 348 of Reseda. We camped across from where the pool is presently located. On Saturday evening it started to rain hard. So, our troop pulled up stakes and moved into the lodge. I remember looking up at the huge fireplace and the railed hallway in the upper section of the lodge. Later, finding out that there were rooms up there. At some point, in later years, the rails were removed and replaced by walls. I gather for safety reasons.
I always enjoyed looking up at the mural panels on both sides of the stage. This along with all the names of scouts from the then Crescent Bay Council who had become members of the Order of the Arrow(Tamet Lodge). For the 2015 100th Anniversary of the OA, one of the mural panels were sent to the N.O.A.C. museum to be put on display. These items are what I miss, if and when the lodge is rebuilt. A truly big loss of now, so many memories.”
Frank Casias
Camp Josepho Pages
- 2025 January 20 Post-Fire Visit
- 2025 Palisades Fire Satellite View – Before And After
- Camp Josepho Memories
- Camp Josepho On Youtube
Camps Pages
- Ahwahnee Scout Reservation (1950 to 1980)
- Cabrillo Beach Youth Waterfront Sports Park
- Camp Allen
- Camp Anderson (1961 – ?)
- Camp Arataba (1924 to 1960)
- Camp Balboa
- Camp Bashor
- Camp Bill Lane
- Camp Bonanza
- Camp Chagres
- Camp Cherry Valley
- Camp Cibola
- Camp Cloghen
- Camp Drake
- Camp El Volcan
- Camp Emerald Bay
- Camp Emerson (1920 to Present)
- Camp Evans
- Camp Fletcher
- Camp French
- Camp Geronimo
- Camp Helendade (1960 – 2018)
- Camp Hilton
- Camp Hual-Cu-Cuish
- Camp Hunt (1958 – 1996)
- Camp Josepho
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- Camp Lawton
- Camp Letten
- Camp Levi-Levi (1954 – 2019)
- Camp Myford
- Camp Potosi (1958 – 2021)
- Camp Procter
- Camp Rancho Alegre
- Camp Raymond
- Camp Richards ( 1923 – 1934)
- Camp Ro-Ki-Li
- Camp Silver Fir
- Camp Snow Flat
- Camp Sunnyside
- Camp Tahquitz – Barton Flats (1959 – Present)
- Camp Tahquitz – Idyllwild
- Camp Tecopa
- Camp Three Falls
- Camp Tulakes
- Camp Verdugo Oaks
- Camp Victorio
- Camp Whitehorse Lake
- Camp Whitsett
- Camp Will Ward
- Camp Wipala Wiki
- Camp Wolverton (1939 – 2011)
- Circle B Ranch (1955 – 1974)
- Circle B Scout Ranch
- Circle X Ranch (1949 – 1980s)
- Del Webb High Adventure Base (1974 – 2018)
- Double V Scout Ranch
- El Burrito Outpost
- Firestone Scout Reservation
- Heard Scout Pueblo
- Holcomb Valley Scout Ranch
- Holt Scout Ranch
- Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation
- Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center
- James Slauson Memorial Camp (1923 – 1986)
- Joshua Tree Scout Camp
- Jubilee Scout Ranch (1956 – 2003)
- Lake Pleasant Camp
- Lazy K Ranch (1976)
- Log Cabin Wilderness Camp
- Long Beach Sea Base
- Lost Valley Scout Reservation
- Martinez Lake
- Mataguay Scout Ranch
- Newport Sea Base
- Oso Lake Scout Camp
- Pardee Scout Sea Base
- R-C Scout Ranch (1944 – Present)
- Rancho Las Flores
- Robert Griffith Canoe Base
- San Diego Youth Aquatic Center (1994 to Present)
- Temescal Wilderness Camp
- Trask Scout Reservation (1951 – Present)
- Will J. Reid Scout Reservation (1944 to 2013)