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Camp Josepho Memories

“As a boy , in the March/April 1963 time frame, I attended my first campout as a new scout in Troop 348 of Reseda. We camped across from where the pool is presently located. On Saturday evening it started to rain hard. So, our troop pulled up stakes and moved into the lodge. I remember looking up at the huge fireplace and the railed hallway in the upper section of the lodge. Later, finding out that there were rooms up there. At some point, in later years, the rails were removed and replaced by walls. I gather for safety reasons.

I always enjoyed looking up at the mural panels on both sides of the stage. This along with all the names of scouts from the then Crescent Bay Council who had become members of the Order of the Arrow(Tamet Lodge). For the 2015 100th Anniversary of the OA, one of the mural panels were sent to the N.O.A.C. museum to be put on display. These items are what I miss, if and when the lodge is rebuilt. A truly big loss of now, so many memories.”

Frank Casias

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Last updated: January 10, 2025 at 18:44 pm

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