Home > Order of the Arrow > Sections > Section W4A > Section W4A Conclaves > 1998 Section W4A Conclave

1998 Section W4A Conclave

The Conclave theme was “A Touch Of Magic.” Attendance was 435. There were both a 3″ and a 4″ patch of the same design. The weather was great. The shows were well done. The training received many good comments.

There were a total of 74 very nice sand paintings. There were 3 patches. The 4 inch patch was given to all participants. A 3 inch patch with a blue border was used on hats. An identical 3 inch patch with a white border was issued to the Council of Chiefs and special guests.

The Outstanding Lodge Award went to Topa Topa Lodge # 291. Topa Topa Lodge also won the Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil, Trophies. Ta Tanka Lodge # 488 won the Volleyball and Basketball competitions. Ultimate Frisbee was won by Malibu Lodge # 566. The Most Spirited Lodge was Topa Topa Lodge # 291. The Lodge also won the Flight of the Thunderbird. Camping Promotion was won by Malibu Lodge # 566. The Conclave Fair was won by Topa Topa Lodge # 291. A Roy Walker Dance Award was started, and the first winner was Sean Weller from Malibu Lodge # 566.

Special guests included Dave Petrush, National Vice-Chief, Brandon Fessler, Western Region Chief, Tony Fiori, Past Region Chief and National Committee Member, Esten Grubb, National Committee Member, Jack Hess, Region Chairman, Tom Tabb and Steve Silbiger, Western Region Committee, Steve Bradley, Area 4 Adviser. There were a number of additional guests from Sections W3A, W4B, and W4C.

The Section launched a new website at http://www.bsa.net/ca/w-4a/w4a.html 1

1997 – 1998 Section Leadership

Russell Dzialo (249)

Section Chief

David Klas (291)

Section Vice-Chief

Justin Boren (252)

Section Secretary

Ken Kolde (291)

Section Adviser

Bob McMurtrey (488)

Associate Adviser

Marty Baldwin (488)

Jack Bolkha (488)

Andy Beard (488)

Staff Adviser

Area and Region Leadership

Brandon Fessler (520)

Western Region Chief

Steve Bradley, Sr. (13)

Area Adviser

Marcus Mack

Area Staff Adviser

Jack Hess (312)

Region Chairman

Don Chilcote

Region Adviser

  1. Archive of original website unavailable, but a redirect is available here.

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Last updated: October 21, 2024 at 8:07 am