Home > Order of the Arrow > Sections > Section W4A > Section W4A Conclaves > 1995 Section W4A Conclave

1995 Section W4A Conclave

The Conclave theme was “Together In Service.” The even fee was $ 20.00. Conclave attendance was 522. The event had nice weather. Many visited the base museum to view many of the Navy air weapons. The shows were well done. The training received many good comments.

The Outstanding Lodge Award was won by Topa Topa Lodge # 291. The Ordeal Trophy was won by Siwinis Lodge # 252. The Brotherhood Trophy was won by Topa Topa Lodge # 291. The Vigil competition was won by Chumash Lodge # 304. The Most Spirited Lodge was Topa Topa Lodge # 291, who also won the Flight of the Thunderbird award.

The camp promotion competition was won by Malibu Lodge # 566 and the Conclave Fair competition was won by Siwinis Lodge # 252.

Western Region Chief Joseph Scionti was a special guest. National Committee member Esten Grubb attended, along with Region Committee Members Tom Tabb and Area Coordinator Jack Hess.

1994 – 1995 Section Leadership

Howard Durand (291)

Section Chief

Tim Sullivan (566)

Section Vice-Chief

Josh Beermann (291)

Section Secretary

Alan Rosen (566)

Section Adviser

Ken Kolde (291)

Associate Adviser

John Wagner (303)

Staff Adviser

Area and Region Leadership

Joseph Scionti (494)

Western Region Chief

Jack Hess (312)

Area Coordinator

Larry Vaughn

Area Staff Adviser

Ken Galloway (468)

Region Chairman

Don Chilcote

Region Adviser

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Last updated: September 24, 2024 at 14:05 pm