Home > Order of the Arrow > Sections > Section W4A > Section W4A Conclaves > 1988 Section W4A Conclave

1988 Section W4A Conclave

The Conclave theme was “15 Years Of Spirit In Brotherhood.” The entertainment for the conclave was the Fats Johnson music group. Attendance was 468.

The Outstanding Lodge award was won by Yowlumne Lodge # 303. The Ordeal Trophy was won by Yowlumne Lodge # 303. The Brotherhood Trophy was won by Topa Topa Lodge # 291. The Most Spirited Lodge was Ta Tanka Lodge # 488.

1987 – 1988 Section Leadership

Cary Evans (303)

Section Chief

Ben Bishin (566)

Section Vice-Chief

Glen Bower (291)

Section Secretary

Al Naipo (252)

Section Adviser

Dennis Lally (291)

Associate Section Adviser

Del Haden (249)

Staff Adviser

Area and Region Leadership

Michael Celano (127)

Western Region Chief

Esten Grubb (252)

Bobby Rainwater (13)

Area Adviser

Derek Wilcock

Area Staff Adviser

Del Loder (502)

Esten Grubb (252)

Region Chairman

Dick Rice

Region Adviser

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Last updated: September 11, 2024 at 8:15 am