The theme was “Remember” and the Saturday night show based on the theme was very well done. There was heavy rain on Friday night and scattered showers most of Saturday. Attendance was 426, including 229 youth.
There was a 3-inch and a a 4-inch patch of the same design. The training was very good and received positive comments. There was an observation that there should have been more youth involved, and in particular, from the Section. There were over 25 very nice sand paintings.
Special guests included Will Parker, National OA Chief, Esten Grubb and Del Loder, National Committee Members, Steve Bradley, Area 4 Adviser, Tom Tabb, Region Committee, Scott Beckett, past National Chief, Jim Lewis, past Region Chief, and Section Chiefs from W1B, W2B, W3B, and W4C.
The Outstanding Lodge Award was won by Topa Topa Lodge # 291. The Ordeal Trophy was won by Yowlumne Lodge # 303. Topa Topa Lodge # 291 won the Brotherhood and Vigil Trophies. The Most Spirited Lodge was Siwinis Lodge # 252, who also won the Flight of the Thunderbird.
Other competitions included Camp Promotion, won by Malibu Lodge # 566, and the Conclave Fair, won by Ta Tanka Lodge # 488. The Roy Walker Dance Award was presented to Jonathan Mo (488).
1998 – 1999 Section Leadership
Justin Boren (252)
Section Chief
David Klas (291)
Section Vice-Chief
David Navarre (303)
Section Secretary
Bob McMurtrey (488)
Section Adviser
Kevin Kolde (291)
Associate Adviser
Bill Belcher (291)
Section Staff Adviser
Area and Region Leadership
Hayato Nakawatase (13)
Western Region Chief
Steve Bradley, Sr. (13)
Area Adviser
Marcus Mack
Area Staff Adviser
Jack Hess (312)
Region Chairman
Don Chilcote
Region Adviser
Event Information
Date: March 19 – 21, 1999
Location: Nordoff High School, Ojai, California
Service Lodge: Topa Topa Lodge # 291
Section W4A Pages
- Section W4A Awards
- Section W4A Conclaves
- 1973 Section W4A Conclave
- 1974 Section W4A Conclave
- 1975 Section W4A Conclave
- 1976 Section W4A Conclave
- 1977 Section W4A Conclave
- 1978 Section W4A Conclave
- 1979 Section W4A Conclave
- 1980 Section W4A Conclave
- 1981 Section W4A Conclave
- 1982 Section W4A Conclave
- 1983 Area 4 Conclave
- 1984 Section W4A Conclave
- 1985 Section W4A Conclave
- 1986 Section W4A Conclave
- 1987 Section W4A Conclave
- 1988 Section W4A Conclave
- 1989 Section W4A Conclave
- 1990 Area 4 Conclave
- 1991 Section W4A Conclave
- 1992 Section W4A Conclave
- 1993 Section W4A Conclave
- 1994 Section W4A Conclave
- 1995 Section W4A Conclave
- 1996 Section W4A Conclave
- 1997 Section W4A Conclave
- 1998 Section W4A Conclave
- 1999 Section W4A Conclave
- 2000 Section W4A Conclave
- 2001 Section W4A Conclave
- 2002 Section W4A Conclave
- 2003 Section W4A Conclave
- 2004 Section W4A Conclave
- 2005 Section W4A Conclave
- 2006 Section W4A Conclave
- 2007 Section W4A Conclave
- 2008 Section W4A Conclave
- Section W4A Leadership