SECTION W4ASite * Glendale, CA.
MARCH 21/23Service Lodge *Spe Le Yai 249
2003 Chief * Tyler LeBrun 291
Vice Chief *
Secretary *
Adviser * Bob Latson 90
Associate Adviser * Gary Christiansen 566
Staff Adviser * Terry Hall 249
Area Adviser * James Arriola 312
Area Staff Adviser * Marcus Mack
Region Chief *
Region Chairman * Steve Bradley, Sr. 13
Region Adviser * Gene Wadford
Comments:The Friday night show was based on the theme (). The training received many good comments. Guests included the Region Chief, Area Adviser James Arriola, National Committeemen Esten Grubb, National Tom Tabb Region Committee.
Outstanding Lodge *
Preordeal Trophy *
Brotherhood Trophy *
Vigil *
Most Spirited Lodge *
Flight of the Thunderbird *
Camp Promotion *
Conclave Fair *
Attendance *